
ɡuó jì zuì xínɡ
  • international crime
  1. 不相干的原因、后果等.国际罪行引起的后果

    Remote causes , effects , etc consequences deriving from an international crime

  2. 国际罪行引起的后果

    Consequences deriving from an international crime

  3. 针对普遍管辖原则实施的障碍,我国应在实体法和程序法两方面进一步完善和发展,以利于对国际罪行的行为人进行有效的缉捕和惩治。

    In view of the barriers in implementing the principle of universal jurisdiction , both substantive law and procedure law should be further perfected and developed to be favorable for conducting effective arrest and punishment against the actor of international crime .

  4. 南斯拉夫所设危害人类和违反国际法罪行数据收集委员会

    Yugoslav Committee for the Collection of Data on Crimes Committed against Humanity and International Law

  5. 近年来,国际海盗罪行再次成为国际社会关注的焦点问题之一。

    Recent years , international pirate crime has become one of the focus problems which arouses great concern to the international society .

  6. 国际恐怖主义罪行的惩治问题是当今国际社会与各国关注的重点问题。

    How to punish the international terrorist crimes is an important question the present international society and all the nations greatly concern with .

  7. 国际环境下罪行和滥用权力行为受害者问题专家组会议;

    Expert group meeting on victims of crime and abuse of power in the international setting ;

  8. 10.界定并惩罚海盗罪、在公海所犯的重罪和违背国际公法的罪行;

    Clause 10 : To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas , and Offences against the Law of Nations ;

  9. 战争犯罪是现代国际法确认的国际罪行之一,对战争犯罪行为的确认和惩处是国际法和国际社会广为关注的重要问题。

    War crime is one of the international crimes that has been affirmed in International Law nowadays , and the affirmation and penalization of war crime are main issues concerned by the international law and international society .

  10. 近十几年各种国际刑事审判机构纷纷建立,对犯有国际罪行的个人追究责任。

    For more than ten years , various judicial apparatuses which investigate and affix who is responsible for an international crime have been built one after another .

  11. 关于设立国际刑事法庭以禁止并惩治种族隔离及其他国际罪行的公约草案

    Convention on the Establishment of an International Penal Tribunal for the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and other International Crimes , draft

  12. 这种违反良心的罪行,这种反人性的罪行,这种违反国际社会最根本的原则、违反国际社会规范的罪行,对我们非同小可。

    This crime against conscience , this crime against humanity , this crime against the most fundamental principles of international community , against the norm of the international community , this matters to us .

  13. 国际刑事法院的成立无疑是国际法发展史一个具有里程碑意义的事件,因为它是有史以来第一个对犯有严重国际罪行的个人行使管辖权的常设性国际刑事司法机构。

    The establishment of the International Criminal Court , which is the first permanent court with jurisdiction over individuals who committed international crimes , is no doubt a landmark event in the development of international law .