
  • 网络international cultural trade
  1. 国际文化贸易是指文化产品和文化服务的贸易活动。

    International cultural trade is the trading activities in cultural goods and services .

  2. 从贸易形式来看,当代国际文化贸易主要是产业内贸易;

    From the perspective of trade forms , the contemporary international cultural trade is mainly intra - industries trade ;

  3. 从法律规范的角度看,WTO成为规范当代国际文化贸易的主要法律文件。

    From the perspective of laws and regulations , WTO has become the main criterion of the contemporary cultural trade .

  4. 从地域上看,当前国际文化贸易存在着巨大的不平衡性;

    From the perspective of area , there exists great imbalance in the contemporary cultural trade ;

  5. 国际文化贸易的价值冲突和法律选择&由近期中美文化产品进口纠纷引发的思考

    Value Conflict and Legal Resolution of International Culture Trading & Thinking on the Conflict in Import of Sino-US Cultural Products

  6. 正文部分共六章:第一章国际文化贸易的法律规则概述。

    The body is divided into six chapters : Chapter ⅰ is an overview of the legal rules of international cultural trade .

  7. 经济全球化使各国文化交流的加深,文化产业和国际文化贸易获得了迅速发展。

    With the development of the economic globalization and deep communication between different cultures , cultural industries and international cultural trade develop quickly .

  8. 从文化贸易的主体来看,大型跨国媒介集团垄断着当代国际文化贸易市场;

    From the perspective of trade sub - ject , the contemporary international cultural markets are monopolized by the large-scale media corpora - tions ;

  9. 国际文化贸易争端解决机制研究&以《保护和促进文化表现形式的多样性公约》为视角

    On the Settlement of the International Disputes of Cultural Trade & From the Perspective of UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions

  10. 各国之间的文化交往不仅仅局限在对外文化交流层面,在国际文化贸易领域,一场没有硝烟的战争早已弥漫开来。

    Cultural exchanges between countries are not limited to the level of foreign cultural exchanges . In the field of international cultural trade , it has been a war of no smoke .

  11. 近30年来,随着全球化的不断扩张,国际文化贸易迅速发展,文化产业不断繁荣,已经步入了一个新的阶段。

    In the recent 30 years , with the expansion of globalization , international cultural trade has been booming and the world cultural industry has rapidly entered into a newly high stage .

  12. 这种冲突一方面加剧了国际文化贸易摩擦,另一方面也严重威胁了文化表现形式多样性。

    On the one hand , the conflict intensifies the cultural trade friction , on the other hand , it poses a serious set of threats to the diversity of cultural expressions .

  13. 作为国际贸易的重要组成部分,国际文化贸易带来了巨大的经济效益。

    International cultural trade plays an important role in international trade .