
  • 网络International sports events;Multi-sport events
  1. 在为2008年北京奥运会和残奥会设计礼服之后,北京服装学院此后承担了多个重大国际体育赛事的服装设计任务,为运动员打造了自信展现民族身份和形象的礼服。

    After designing uniforms for the 2008 Beijing Olympics and Paralympics , the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology has since taken on the task of costume design for a number of major international sporting events , creating uniforms for athletes that confidently express the national identity and image of China .

  2. 自2004年起,我国将迎来F1、NBA、女足世界杯、亚运会、奥运会等重大国际体育赛事。

    Since 2004 , we make preparation and take part in F1 , NBA , Women Football World Cup , Asian Games , Olympic Games and so on . They are all the important international sports events .

  3. 上海大型国际体育赛事媒介服务研究

    Research on Media Service to Large-Sized International Sports Competitions in Shanghai

  4. 近代国际体育赛事的形成与发展管窥

    A Glimpse of the Formation and History of Modern International Sports Events

  5. 他们非常擅长组织国际体育赛事。

    They are very good at staging international sporting events .

  6. 国际体育赛事为英国企业提供了巨大的机遇,他表示。

    International sporting events offer huge opportunities for UK businesses , he said .

  7. 世界杯足球赛等国际体育赛事缓和了国家间的紧张关系。

    International sports events like the World Cup Football Match eases tensions between nations .

  8. 从各个方面来看,国际体育赛事都促进了人类的和谐共处。

    International sports events encourage the well-being of mankind from ( by ) all accounts .

  9. 本文旨在探讨国际体育赛事转播权销售的过程中,反垄断法对转播权的销售及购买模式所进行的各种审查。

    This dissertation is to discuss the how the monopoly law regulates the purchasing and selling of sports broadcasting right .

  10. 但是安全因素成为了目前国内外形势下,举办大型国际体育赛事需要更多考虑的问题。

    But the safety factor has become a serious problem for hosting a Large-scale Sport game in situations home and abroad .

  11. 目前,企业赞助已经成为大型国际体育赛事不可或缺的资金和物资来源之一。

    At present , corporate sponsorship has become a major international sports event one of the indispensable source of funds and materials .

  12. 他们能够参与到全球文化中来——如奥运会和世界杯等重大国际体育赛事。

    They could take part in global culture - major international sporting events like the Olympic Games and the World Cup , for example .

  13. 有些人认为国际体育赛事可以在国与国之间营造友好关系,认为如果各国在一起进行比赛,他们将学会和睦共处。

    Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill between the nations and that if countries play games together , they will learn to live together .

  14. 严格说来,韩国和朝鲜几十年来一直处于交战状态。两国运动员在国际体育赛事上交谈并非没有先例。

    It is hardly unprecedented for athletes from the two countries , which have technically been at war for decades , to mingle at international sporting events .

  15. 与此同时,俄罗斯也在准备为一系列国际体育赛事敞开大门,其中最引人注目的是2014年的冬季奥运会。

    The bombing also takes place as Russia prepares to open its doors to a series of international sporting events , most notably the 2014 Winter Olympics .

  16. 但在奥运场馆以及比赛场地区域外,游客们很难找到一场大型国际体育赛事即将举办的迹象。

    But away from the immediate Olympic venues and sites , visitors would be hard-pressed to find evidence that a big international sporting event was about to take place .

  17. 随着2008年奥运会在北京举办和2010年亚运会即将在广州举行,标志着更多的大型国际体育赛事将会在中国举行。

    With the hosting of The Beijing 2008 Olympic Game and the Guangzhou Asian Games in 2010 , more and more Large-scale Sport Events will be hosted in China .

  18. 它还在科学、医药、互联网、空中及海洋通信、国际体育赛事、电台电视节目、流行歌曲

    as well as in science and medicine , the Internet , air and sea communications , international sports events , radio and TV programs , pop songs and movies .

  19. 1976年在蒙特利尔举办的夏季奥林匹克运动会,即第21届奥林匹克运动会,是一项多运动项目的国际体育赛事。

    The 1976 Summer Olympics , officially known as the Games of the XXI Olympiad , were an international multi-sport event held in Montreal , Quebec , Canada , in 1976 .

  20. 近年来,随着各项赛事在我国的一一举行,大型国际体育赛事在中国受到的关注度和追捧度越来越高。

    In recent years , as the events held in China one by one , the big international sports events in China have received attention and enthusiasm degree is higher and higher .

  21. 北京奥运会对于提升国家形象的作用有目共睹,而广州亚运会作为另一项重大的国际体育赛事,是继北京奥运会之后我国向世界展示自己,扩大国际影响力,提升国家形象的又一良机。

    The 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou , as another major international sport event held in China after Beijing Olympics , provides a good opportunity for China to show itself to the world .

  22. 像奥运会这样的国际体育赛事药物检查一直是个重大问题,特别是在引人注目的牙买加出生的加拿大短跑运动员本约翰逊在1988年汉城奥运会后被禁赛之后。

    Drug testing has become a major issue at international sports events such as the olympics , particularly since the high-profile ban on Jamaican-born Canadian sprinter Ben johnson , imposed after the Seoul Olympics in1988 .

  23. 抛却国际体育赛事中引发不尽仇怨的铮铮铁例(譬如一九三六年奥运会),按常理推之亦不足信。

    Even if one didn 't know from concrete examples ( the1936 Olympic Games , for instance ) that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred , one could deduce it from general principles .

  24. 1979年苏联入侵阿富汗后,美国带头抵制1980年莫斯科奥运会,开启利用国际体育赛事为地缘政治博弈手段之先河。

    After the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan , the US led a boycott of the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow , setting a precedent for using international sporting events as a proxy for geopolitical brinkmanship .

  25. 我一向对世界杯这样的大型国际体育赛事造成的社会影响颇感兴趣。来自世界各地的36只队伍展开足球比拼,只有其中一支能成为冠军。

    I 've always been interested in the social impact of big international sporting events like the World Cup.36 teams from around the world play each other in soccer , and only one can be winner .

  26. 同时,各国在参加国际体育赛事中面临了各种各样的不确定风险和危机,而体育运动本身所具有的激烈性和对抗性也加剧了危机爆发的可能性。

    However , such events also pose a wide range of risks and unknowns for the participating countries . Furthermore , sports competitions themselves are inherently intense and potentially antagonistic-adding to the risk of a crisis outbreak .

  27. 2007年亚冬会是北京奥运会之前我国承办的又一重大国际体育赛事,同时也是长春在新世纪承办的一项大型冰雪赛事。

    In 2007 the Asian Winter Games are in front of the Beijing Olympic Games our country undertakes an significant international sports sports event , at the same time also is Changchun undertakes item of large-scale snow and ice sports events in the new century .

  28. 奥运会,特别是夏季奥运会(以下称奥运会)这类的大规模国际体育赛事对该地区或主办国的经济发展影响深远,举办前后对经济方面产生的影响都相当大。

    Large scale international sports event such as the Olympic Games , especially the summer Olympic Games ( hereinafter referred to as " Olympic Games ") can have far-reaching influence to the economic development of the host country or the region before and after the sports event .

  29. 举办重大国际单项体育赛事的基础性条件北京大型体育赛事突发事件应急处理

    Fundamental Requirements for Holding Major International Single-Event Sports Competitions

  30. 浅谈国际大型体育赛事仪式及表演人才培训

    Ceremony and performing talent training in large-scale international tournaments