
  1. 运用评价理论和熵权筛选技术,建立港口物流功能综合评价指标体系,为国内港口物流发展提供重要的参考指标和方案。

    The port logistics function synthesis judgment index system is established using the assessment theory and entropy selection .

  2. 所以,如今研究国内港口的煤炭运输状况依然是一项重要的课题。

    So , research on condition of coal transportation of domestic port is still an important task nowadays .

  3. 离绥芬河最近的国内港口是辽宁省营口港,距离1300公里。

    The nearest domestic sea port for Suifenhe is the Port of Yingkou in Liaoning , which is 13-hundred kilometers away .

  4. 国内港口建设行业长期以来上基本由中国港湾建设(集团)总公司(下称中港集团)垄断。

    Domestic port construction industry has long been a basic by China Harbour Engineering ( Group ) Corporation (" CHEC ") monopoly .

  5. 在国内港口物流研究领域,对于港口综合性绩效以及港口物流能力的研究更是滞后于行业实践的发展与创新。

    In domestic port logistics research fields , the research of comprehensive performance and the port logistics capability lags behind the development of the industry practice and innovation .

  6. 国内港口、海岸工程规范还未考虑这一破坏因素,所以,船舶尾流对抛石基床的冲刷影响已成为港口工程设计和施工领域亟待解决的问题。

    However , the effect of ship stern flow on rubble bed stability is not taken into consideration in the code of harbor and coastal engineering design in China .

  7. 随着国内港口由第三代向第四代、第五代港口功能转变,船东、货主对港口服务的要求越来越高。

    With domestic ports by the third generation to the fourth generation , fifth-generation port functions change , Shipowners and shippers demand for port services are increasingly higher and higher .

  8. 中国向“大陆型经济”转变还体现在以下方面:国内港口货运同比持续增长,而外贸货运量不断下滑。

    Other signs of the China Continental theme can be seen in the fact that domestically bound cargo traffic through ports is increasing year-on-year , while foreign trade volumes are slumping .

  9. 对国内港口市场中基础设施、主营业务以及市场管理的现状进行了细致的分析,并归纳总结了目前国内港口市场中所存在的问题和矛盾。

    The paper analyzed the present condition of infrastructure , the main business as well as market management in domestic port market and concluded the present problems and contradictions existing in port market .

  10. 2000年结合上海市教委重点专业装备项目,我校开始研制开发岸边集装箱起重机仿真训练器,成为国内港口机械领域第一台仿真训练器。

    Combined with the key specialty project of shanghai education committee , we started the development and research work of container crane training simulator which became the first training simulator of port machine in our country .

  11. 世界与国内港口航道的发展愈来愈体现出规模大,向外海推进和施工条件恶劣的特征,从上海航道局的企业经营定位出发,建造大型自航耙吸挖泥船是首选方案。

    It is inevitable to select to build the large self-propelled trailing suction hopper dredgers for Shanghai Channel Bureau , because of the developments of the big-scale ports and channels at home and abroad , and the bad working conditions offshore , and the business direction .

  12. 港口船舶协同调度系统的设计。针对目前国内港口的调度系统现状以及现有设备的情况,提出并设计港口船舶协同调度系统,并对系统的各功能模块进行了设计。

    The design of the shipping cooperative dispatching system of port . According to the present dispatching system in the domestic port and existing equipment , the paper bring forward and design the shipping cooperative dispatching system of port , and design the function module of the system . 3 .

  13. 再运用现有国内外港口布局理论和实践结合来分析;

    Combine the domestic and international port layout theories with practice to analyze .

  14. 并根据国内外港口节能减排现状的分析。

    And energy saving at home and abroad analysis of the status port .

  15. 深圳港口与国内其他港口投融资体系比较研究

    Study on Comparison of Investing and Financing System between Shenzhen Port and other Domestic Ports

  16. 随着国内新兴港口的不断崛起和集装箱码头的快速发展,人才激励工作的重要性日益突显。

    With the new emerging of domestic ports and rapid development of container terminals , motivation system becomes more and more important .

  17. 第二章通过对国内外港口费收制定的指导思想、原则、种类、定价方法和调整制度等方面的比较,分析了国内外港口费收的差异;

    On the basis of comparison of the principle , category etc among ports in and aboard , chapter two analyses the differences .

  18. 牵引小车式抓斗卸船机是目前国际国内各港口接卸散货船的重要设备。

    Grab ship unloader with rope trolley type is the important equipment used for unloading buck ship in whole world 's ports at present .

  19. 第一部分阐述了港口物流园区的定义、功能以及国内外港口物流园区的发展概况。

    The first part introduces the definition and the function of port logistics park , as well as the development of domestic and foreign ports Logistics Park .

  20. 我们总公司设在北京,国内各港口均设有分支机构,能随时向您提供兄弟港口的相关信息。

    With our head office in Beijing and branch offices in various Chinese ports , we take the advantage to provide relative information for these ports concerned .

  21. 并且分析了国内外港口物流及物流园区的发展情况,希望对九江港口物流园区的发展有,所借鉴。

    Then it analyses the development situation of logistics and logistics park home and abroad hoping to use for reference in the development of Jiujiang harbor logistics park .

  22. 简要地介绍了大直径圆筒结构的特点及其在国内外港口工程中的应用情况。

    The features of large-diameter cylinder structure and the use of this type of structure in port works both at home and abroad are briefly described in this paper .

  23. 论文首先阐述了在世界贸易和航运的影响下,港口经营机制的发展趋势;总结了国内外港口民营的一些经验和存在问题;

    At first , the paper expatiated development trend of port management under effect of world trade and summarized some experience and problems existing in domestic and foreign ports ' privatization .

  24. 与大手笔的港口基础设施投资相比,港口服务相对滞后,国内针对港口服务业的理论研究也非常少。

    Comparing to the large investment made on the basic infrastructures these years , the port service is relatively lagged , while the theoretical study on this field is quite rare .

  25. 在与国内重要港口上海港和深圳港进行比较分析的基础上,构建了福建省港口物流发展的综合评价体系。

    On the basis of the comparative analysis of existing domestic port logistics evaluation system , the paper establishes the comprehensive evaluation model to study the port logistics of Fujian province .

  26. 首先,回顾了我国港口物流园区规划与建设的现状及国内外港口物流园区规划的经验;

    Fistly , the status quo of the planning and building of port logistics park in our country and the experience of port logistics park constructing at home and abroad are reviewed .

  27. 二是采用比较分析方法。研究对比国内外港口集装箱查验模式的差异性,运用比较分析方法,提高研究的针对性。

    Second , the author uses the method of comparative analysis to compare the differences of container inspection mode of domestic and international port , and to improve the relevance of the study .

  28. 随着国内邮轮港口设施的不断兴建、政策法规的不断完善、邮轮消费市场的不断形成,国内邮轮企业应运而生。

    With the construction of cruise port facilities , the improvement of cruise polices and regulations and the formation of cruise consumer market , the construction of domestic cruise companies came into being .

  29. 通过上述研究,不仅实现对东疆港区开发风险的控制,也为国内其他港口开发的风险控制提供一定的参考价值。

    Through the above study , it can not only realize the risk control of Dongjiang port zone construction , but also provides certain reference value for risk control of other port zone construction .

  30. 第四部分首先介绍了国内外港口物流园区发展的成功经验,之后重点分析了太仓港物流园区在系统功能和系统要素上存在的问题。

    The fourth part firstly introduces the successful experiences of development of Port Logistics Park at home and abroad . Later emphatically analyzes the existing problems in system function and in system elements of Taicang Port Logistics Park .