
  • 网络university of international relations;School of International Relations;UIR;Rajaratnam School of International Studies
  1. 国际关系学院就业指导部门主任魏斌说道,如今留学生数量很多,但其质量也是鱼龙混杂,参差不齐。

    Wei Bin , director of the career guidance center at the University of International Relations , said nowadays the number of overseas students is huge , but the student quality is mixed .

  2. 首先,我要最诚挚地感谢财政部和国际关系学院。

    Allow me to express my earnest gratitude to the Ministry of Finance as well as the University of International Relations .

  3. 本文作者是约翰•霍普金斯大学高级国际关系学院(JohnsHopkinsUniversitySchoolofAdvancedInternationalStudies)国际经济学教授。

    The writer is professor of international economics , Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies .

  4. 北京大学国际关系学院(SchoolofInternationalStudiesatPekingUniversity)副院长贾庆国表示,美国的声明只指责中国,显示出“偏袒”,“因为南海问题不仅涉及中国,还有其它方面”。

    Jia Qingguo , deputy dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University , said the US statement showed " partiality " by blaming only China " since the South China Sea issue involves not only China but also other parties . "

  5. 国际关系学院照明智能节电的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis on Energy Saving of Intelligent Lighting System in Institute of International Relations

  6. 设计与思考:北京大学国际关系学院设计随想

    Design and thought : thoughts on the design of the International Relationship College of Beijing University

  7. 他凭优异的成绩进入国际关系学院,出色地掌握了日语。

    By merit , he earned admission to the Institute of International Relations and brilliantly mastered Japanese .

  8. 北京大学、国际关系学院等大学“大西北之行”巡回展;

    Tour Exhibition of Art Tour to the Grand Northwest at Peking University , Institute of International Relations etc.

  9. 经过多年发展,国际关系学院形成了多层次、多学科的办学格局。

    Through decades of sustained development , UIR has evolved a multi-leveled educational pattern across a variety of academic disciplines .

  10. 很高兴与大家分享在国关学习的体会。首先,我要最诚挚地感谢财政部和国际关系学院。

    It gives me great pleasure and honor to share with you some of my feelings of my study here .

  11. 李培(音译)去年毕业于国际关系学院,去年成为公务员。她对现在的工作感到很满足。

    Li Pei , a post-graduate of the University of International Relations who became a civil servant last year , feels satisfied with her job .

  12. 国际关系学院拥有一支忠诚敬业的优秀教师队伍。

    At UIR , we have a faculty fully devoted to their mission and committed to the pursuit of excellence in both teaching and research .

  13. 莫斯科国立国际关系学院的亚力山大·鲁金说,两国关系现在处于历史最好时期。

    Now , says Alexander Lukin , of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations , relations between the two states are at an all-time high .

  14. 北京大学国际关系学院副院长王逸舟认为,特朗普的这番言论似乎是在与中国讨价还价。

    Wang Yizhou , Vice Dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University , believes Trump has made such comments as a bargaining tool with China .

  15. 赋与中国,另一个政治研究当代国际关系学院说,上海世界博览会也作为一个很好的机会,以促进中国和提高胡的形象。

    Fu Mengzi , another researcher with China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations , said the Shanghai Expo also served as a good opportunity to promote China and raise Hu 's profile .

  16. 华家伟律师毕业于乔治华盛顿国际关系学院和法学院,并是弗吉尼亚州律师协会成员。

    David Wallace is a graduate of the George Washington University Elliot School of International Affairs and the George Washington University Law School , and is a member of the Virginia Bar .

  17. 中国人民大学国际关系学院教授时殷弘表示,决定在护照上印刷地图的很可能只是部级官员,而非最高层领导人。

    Shi Yinhong , a professor of international affairs at Renmin University , said the decision to include the map was probably made at ministerial level rather than by China 's top leaders .

  18. 赵宝煦,北京大学国际关系学院教授,政治学与国际关系双学科博士导师,北京大学中国国情研究中心名誉主任,当代中国政治学主要奠基人之一。

    Zhao baoxu , a professor of School of international studies , pku , the honorary director of the Research Center for contemporary china , one of the primary founders of contemporary Chinese political science .

  19. 斯坦利·奈尔是美国旧金山大学国际关系学院的副院长,负责该校在中国的招生工作。他表示该校已经收到不少美国大学关于如何根据中国学生的高考成绩招生的咨询。

    Stanley Nel , vice-president of international relations at the University of San Francisco in the United States , who is responsible for the university 's admissions from China , said they have had several inquiries from US universities about how to recruit Chinese students on the basis of their gaokao scores .

  20. 他毕业于约翰·霍普金斯大学高级国际关系研究学院(SAIS)。

    He is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies ( SAIS ) .

  21. Pirogov先生于1977年毕业于莫斯科国际关系研究学院。

    Mr Pirogov graduated from the Moscow Institute of International Relations in1977 .

  22. 我们的涉枪杀人数据来自日内瓦高级国际关系及发展学院(GraduateInstituteofInternationalandDevelopmentStudies)所属的瑞士非盈利机构“小武器问题调查”(SmallArmsSurvey),其中列明了2007至2009年间这些国家的涉枪他杀死亡率均值。

    Our gun homicide numbers come from the Small Arms Survey , a Swiss nonprofit affiliated with the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies , and represent the average gun homicide death rates in those countries between 2007 and 2012 .

  23. 复旦大学(FudanUniversity)国际关系与公共事务学院的沈逸为该法辩护称,“没有必要夸大在关键设备和安全产品上对外国企业的要求”。

    Shen Yi of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University defended the law , saying " there 's no need to exaggerate the requirements on key equipment and security products for foreign companies . "

  24. 李世默是上海的一位风险投资家、复旦大学国际关系和公共事务学院博士研究生。

    Eric X.Li is a venture capitalist in Shanghai and a doctoral candidate at Fudan University 's School of International Relations and Public Affairs .