
  • 网络CCOM;The Central Conservatory of Music;China Central Conservatory of Music;ccom.edu.cn
  1. 1965年毕业于中央音乐学院作曲系。

    Graduated from the Composition Department of the Central Conservatory of Music in 1965 .

  2. 周静,现为中央音乐学院作曲系博士生,师从叶小钢教授。

    Zhou Jing is studying doctor degree with Professor Xiaogang Ye in Central Conservatory of Music .

  3. 1962至1963年在中央音乐学院任教。

    She worked as a teacher at the Conservatory from 1962 to 1963 .

  4. 来自中央音乐学院附中,专业学习长笛。

    From the accessorial School of center music institute , studying flute professionally .

  5. 整个学校就像是(北京)中央音乐学院的一个班。

    The whole school is like one class of the ( Beijing ) conservatory .

  6. 所以我选择了中央音乐学院的艺术管理专业。

    I like music , therefore I have chosen the university that majors in music .

  7. 创立于2001年的中央音乐学院音乐节,已经成功举办了九届。

    Founded in2001 , the Music Festival of CCOM has been successfully held for nine years .

  8. 1998年师从中央音乐学院张小夫教授学习电子音乐作曲。

    In1998 the Central Conservatory of Music where he studied under Professor Zhang Xiaofu study musicacoustica composer .

  9. 自此,中央音乐学院音乐节不断扩大国际影响,也逐步成为一个国际音乐文化交流的知名品牌。

    The festival enforced the international influence , and has become a world-wide musical cultural communicating brand .

  10. 中央音乐学院

    Central Conservatory Of Music

  11. 来自中央音乐学院附中,学习长笛演奏,擅长钢琴。

    From the attached middle school of center music institute , studying flute , like to play piano .

  12. 1963年至1966年就读中央音乐学院钢琴系硕士研究生。

    From 1963 to 1966 she studied at the Piano Department of Central Conservatory of Music for graduate programme .

  13. 在中央音乐学院,你会看到5个或6个人因为一架小小的、愚蠢的立式钢琴而竞争。

    In the conservatory you used to have five or six people fighting over a little , stupid upright piano .

  14. 三岁开始学琴,13岁考入中央音乐学院附中,师从何容老师,在校期间,多次在学校举办的专业比赛中得奖。

    She became a student of secondary school attached to the central conservatory of music at age13 and studied from Rong He .

  15. 中央音乐学院院长办公室副主任,译审,中央音乐学院音乐文献翻译专业硕士研究生导师。

    He is the assistant director of Dean 's Office and professor of Translation for Musical Literature in Central Conservatory of Music .

  16. 1986年经国家学位委员会批准为中央音乐学院博士生导师(作曲及作曲理论研究)。

    In 1986 , the State Academic Committee chose him as tutor of doctor of Central conservatory ( composition and theoretical research of composition ) .

  17. 作为音乐指导他指导了第一、第三届中央音乐学院音乐节公演剧码《弄臣》、《茶花女》等歌剧选场的音乐作业。

    Musical director of selected scenes of public opera performance'Rigoletto ' , 'La Traviata'as well as others in the First and Third Music Festival of Central Conservatory of Music .

  18. 音乐会将在国家大剧院、北京音乐厅、中央音乐学院音乐厅、演奏厅上演,充分展示我院音乐艺术教学成果,展现我院师生的表演风采。

    Concerts will be held in National Centre fot the Performing Arts , Beijing Concert Hall , the Concert Hall of CCOM , and Recital Hall of CCOM as well .

  19. 中央音乐学院音乐节不仅是我院建校70周年的一项重要活动,也是充分展现全院师生风采的一个盛大节日。

    The Music Festival of the CCOM is not only an important activity of the70th anniversary , but also a big festival to show the talents of teachers and students .

  20. 郎朗9岁时,他的父亲辞掉工作,带儿子来到了北京,因此郎朗才有可能攻读北京最具声望的音乐学府(中央音乐学院)。

    When Lang Lang was nine , his father gave up his job and took his son to Beijing so he could study for a place in the prestigious conservatory there .

  21. 除了在北京大学法学院深圳分院任教外,他还担任北京教育学院和中央音乐学院的客座教授。

    He was a guest lecturer at the Beijing Institute of Education and the Central Conservatory of Music apart from teaching at the Shenzhen campus of Beijing University 's Law School .

  22. 中央音乐学院作为我国唯一的一所国家重点高等艺术院校有着悠久的历史和优良的教学传统。

    As the only institution in Academies of Fine Arts in China as the leading universities in the " 211 project ", the Central Conservatory of Music has a long history and fine traditions of education .

  23. 苏夏是中国当代著名的音乐教育家,中央音乐学院作曲系教授,我国首批博士生导师。

    Su Xia , a famous contemporary music educator in China , is a professor in the Composing Faculty of the Central Music Academy of China and one of the first tutors of postgraduate candidates in China .

  24. 2002年12月在北京广播学院和中央音乐学院召开了首届全国音乐传播学术研讨会,这次会议标志着音乐传播这一学科在全国的正式确立。

    The First National Seminar of the Communication of Music held in Beijing Broadcasting Institute and Central Conservatory of Music in December 2002 . The significance of the conference means the subject of the communication of music established officially .

  25. 周先生每周一至周五的上午八点到十二点会雷打不动地出现在中央音乐学院钢琴系的教室给学生上课。在繁忙教学之余仍旧保证每天练琴2小时。

    Zhou Monday to Friday morning to eight to twelve will be unshakeable in the Central Conservatory of Music Piano Department of the classroom to the students attending classes . I was still busy teaching to ensure that practicing 2 hours a day .

  26. 本文从武汉音乐学院、中央音乐学院、北京广播学院三所院校的音乐传播学专业的不同特点着眼,谈音乐传播学的在我国的建立与发展。

    The article discussed the individual features of the subject Music Communication in three colleges , Wuhan Conservatory of Music , Central Conservatory of Music , and Beijing Broadcasting Institute . It also proposed some ideas of establishing and developing the music communication in China .

  27. 当时在美国任教归来后,郎朗的启蒙老师朱雅芬意外造访父子在北京的家。她安排郎朗与一位教授合作,这位教授让郎朗做好了在第二年夏季被中央音乐学院录取的准备。

    Then his first teacher , Zhu Ya-Fen , unexpectedly dropped by their home in Beijing after a teaching stint in the US . She arranged for him to work with a professor who got him ready for admission to the elite conservatory the next summer .

  28. 他先后在湖南音专、中南大学文艺学院、中南部队艺术学院、上海音乐学院、中央音乐学院、中国音乐学院任教,为中国的专业音乐教育做出杰出贡献。

    He taught in Hunan Music Institute , Central South University ( Arts School ), Central South forces Institute of the Arts , the Shanghai Conservatory of Music , Central Conservatory of Music , China Conservatory of Music , making outstanding contributions to professional music education in China .

  29. 其中有关于中年清洁工的故事:他本来在广东有一份月薪6000元的体面工作,可是为了成为一名作曲家,他千里迢迢来到北京,做着月收入仅有1000元的清洁工作,只为能去中央音乐学院旁听。

    One story is about a middle-aged cleaner who used to have a decent job in Guangdong with a salary of 6000 yuan a month . But he quit to work in Beijing for only 1000 yuan per month . This way he could audit at the Central Conservatory of Music and realize his dream of becoming a composer .

  30. 中央美术学院、中央音乐学院、中央戏剧学院等三所艺术院校预算最少,均不足10亿人民币。

    Three art colleges - the Central Academy of Fine Arts , the Central Conservatory of Music , and The Central Academy of Drama - were at the bottom of the list , each receiving less than 1 billion RMB .