
  • 网络China Youth University for Political Science;CYU;
  1. KAB创业项目于2006&2007年度在中国青年政治学院、清华大学、北京航空航天大学、黑龙江大学、天津工业大学、北京青年政治学院6所院校进行为期一年的项目试点工作。

    KAB venture project tried as a one-year pilot project in China Youth University for Political Sciences , Tsinghua University , Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics , Heilongjiang University , Tianjin Polytechnic University , Beijing Youth College for Political Science during 2006 and 2007 year .

  2. 李书藏:中国青年政治学院新闻传播系讲师。

    Li Shucang : Lecturer , Department of Journalism & Communication , China Youth University for Political Sciences .

  3. 中国青年政治学院在这方面进行了一些尝试,在推行双证书教育方面取得了一定成绩。

    China Youth University for Political Science has already achieved certain outcome in advocating " double certificates " .

  4. 一些令人敬畏的院校,如中国青年政治学院、武汉大学以及中国人民大学,也都开设了类似的课程。

    Such august institutions as China Youth University of Political Studies , Wuhan University and Renmin University of China all have similar courses .

  5. 引领全国青年工作的理论研究&中国青年政治学院主办九届研讨会记述

    A theoretical study to lead youth work in national scale & Notes for the nine symposiums held by China Youth College for Political Sciences

  6. 董伟,21岁,中国青年政治学院大三学生,曾以广告销售人员的身份在中国人民广播电台实习。

    Dong Wei , a 21-year-old senior at China Youth College for Political Sciences , once interned as an ad salesperson at China National Radio .

  7. 就读于中国青年政治学院的李晶(音译)就是其中的一员。她说自己经常会在网上团购电影票,此外,她还经常上网搜罗各种国际品牌化妆品的团购信息。

    Li Jing , a student at the Beijing-based China Youth University for Political Sciences , for example , says she often buys movie tickets on team-buying websites .

  8. 是次视像讲座将由汕头大学直播至香港大学及中国青年政治学院。

    The video conferencing lecture will be delivered live from the Shantou University to The University of Hong Kong and the China Youth University for Political Sciences in Beijing .

  9. 中国青年政治学院社会学教授吴青(音译)表示,经济发展的需求以及巨大的就业压力将这些IT精英和商业大亨推到舞台的中央。

    Demand for economic development and job pressure have pushed IT elites and business tycoons to center stage , according to Wu Qing , sociology professor in China Youth University for Political Sciences .

  10. 对中国青年政治学院2000-2003级学生的体质状况进行的调查表明,大二、大三学生体质状况较好,大一和大四学生因各种原因总体体质状况相对稍差。

    A survey on the college students ranging from 2000 grade to 2003 grade has revealed that sophomore and junior students are better in general than freshmen and senior students for their physique condition .

  11. 《中国青年政治学院学报》创刊20多年来,已形成鲜明的贴近青少年生活关注青少年成长的特色。

    Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences has shaped its feature of " close to the life of youth and adolescent and regard to their growth " over about 20 years since its starting point .

  12. 笔者利用一些经典的理论提出了问题的假设,笔者以北京师范大学经济学专业以及中国青年政治学院社会工作专业为例,进行了详细的分析,逐一论证所提出的假设。

    The authors make use of some classical theories to draw forth their hypotheses . Then they use the materials from economics specialty of Beijing Normal University and social work specialty of China Youth College of Political Science .