
  • 网络beijing language and culture university;Beijing Language and Cultural University;blcu;Beijing Language University;BEIJING LANGUAGE & CULTURE UNIVERSITY
  1. 立足偏误原因,结合北京语言大学HSK作文动态语料库中泰国学生使用汉语专用动量词的情况,总结出泰国学生使用汉语动量词的特点。

    Based on the causes of errors , the writer made the questionnaire survey combined with the situation of Thai students using Chinese verbal quantifiers in Beijing Language and Culture University students HSK composition corpus , and summed up the characteristics of Thailand students in using Chinese verbal quantifiers .

  2. 本周,在北京语言大学,人们是高尚的。

    At Beijing Language and Culture University this week , it 's the best .

  3. 本文的调查对象是30名参加过2005年10月HSK(高等)考试的北京语言大学留学生,我们采用调查问卷的方法,使用SPSS对数据进行统计分析。

    All of the thirty participants have taken part in HSK ( high level ) of October 2005 . We adopt the questionnaire method , and analyze the data by SPSS .

  4. 本文主要以北京语言大学HSK动态语料库中的部分语料为对象,结合问卷调查的结果,考察了留学生这、那类指示代词语篇衔接的习得情况。

    Based on HSK Dynamic Corpus in Beijing Language University , the author investigates and analyzes the acquisition of discourse cohesion with the demonstrative pronouns of " Zhe / Na " pattern by conducting surveys among international students .

  5. 我在北京语言大学。

    I am in the Language University of beijing .

  6. 北京语言大学和华北科技学院的90名主要来自东南亚国家的中级学生参加了实验。

    90 intermediate students , mostly from Southeast Asian countries , participated in this study .

  7. 授课教师是北京语言大学语言测试专业的毕业生,经验丰富。

    The teacher graduated from the " language testing " major , and is very professional .

  8. 坚持科学发展观走特色化发展之路&以北京语言大学为例

    Adhere to the Concept of Scientific Development and Promote Distinctive Development A Case Study of Beijing Language and Culture University

  9. 北京语言大学汉语言文学专业2004级两个班级各30名大一学生参加了本项研究。

    The research involved 60 first-year undergraduate students ( Grade 2004 ) of Beijing Language and Culture University , 30 for each class .

  10. 北京语言大学的学生们说,他们的募捐活动,超越了政治,因此比募集来的善款更为重要。

    Students at Beijing Language and Culture University say their charity campaign is more important than the amount they collected because it transcended politics .

  11. 基于就业的对外汉语专业建设&以北京语言大学为例

    Discipline Construction of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Based on the Perspective of Employment & Taking Beijing Language and Culture University as an Example

  12. 本书由北京语言大学教授编撰,适合于中学生、学生和成年人使用。

    The book is compiled by professors of Beijing Language and Culture University for high school students , college students and grown-up learners as well .

  13. 5月19日(周六)下午和5月20日(周日)的口语考场仍为北京语言大学逸夫教学楼。

    The speaking test venue on May19 ( Saturday ) afternoon and May20 ( Sunday ) remains the Yifu Building of Beijing Language and Culture University .

  14. 高尔雅先后在西班牙久负盛名的格拉纳达大学翻译系和北京语言大学学习中文。

    She studied translation at a prestigious Spanish university , Universidad de Granada , before going on to study Chinese at the Beijing Language and Culture University .

  15. 在数量繁多的口语教材中,北京语言大学1990年出版的《301句》是一部难得的精品。

    In varieties of spoken Chinese textbooks ," Conversational Chinese 301 " published in 1990 by Beijing Language and Culture University Press , is a rare quality .

  16. 北京语言大学谢小庆教授称,方式陈旧的教学摧残了儿童的学习兴趣,是国人没有掌握好母语的原因所在。

    Xie Xiaoqing , a professor at Beijing Language and Culture University , said that the weakness of people 's language skills resulted from inappropriate teaching methods that ruined children 's curiosity .

  17. 来自北京语言大学学生就业指导中心的吴宇州(音译)认为,毕业生之所以偏爱国企,有一部分原因是为了面子。

    Wu Yuzhou , from the career center at Beijing Language and Culture University , believes the preference among graduates for State-owned enterprises is partially due to " face " ( mianzi ) .

  18. 本文有关轻声、儿化、清入字三种语言现象的显象时间上的研究材料来自北京语言大学于20世纪80年代调查所得的《当代北京口语语料》;

    The research materials of un-nuclear tone , Er Hua and Qing Ru Zi in apparent time are from " the contemporary Beijing spontaneous speech corpus " investigated by Beijing Language and Culture University in the 1980 's.

  19. 笔者运用统计方法,评估了北京语言大学外国语学院英语系学生近年来参加全国英语专业四级和八级统测的水平,用T检验和皮尔逊相关系数分析了统测的结果。

    This paper adopts statistical analysis to assess the performance of English majors at Beijing Language and Culture University in TEM4 and TEM8 in the last five years . T-test and Pearson correlation coefficient have been run on the test results .

  20. 北京语言大学中文学院院长郭鹏(音译)教授表示,与发达国家相比,我们在管理来自不同文化背景的学生方面缺乏经验。

    Professor Guo Peng is president of College of Chinese Language Studies at Beijing Language and Culture University . He admits that , compared with developed countries , we are short of experience of managing students from diverse cultures and backgrounds .

  21. 最后选取了北京语言大学出版的《发展汉语&中级汉语口语(上)》当中的《我看婚姻与爱情》为例,提出了自己课程设计的构想。

    Lastly , the author choose the book which was published by Beijing language and culture university " development Chinese-intermediate Chinese oral language ( part ⅰ)" of " my view of marriage and love " as an example , and proposes the idea of the course design .

  22. 北京语言文化大学的研究生JinZhisheng表示,看完纪录片后,他强烈地感受到了国家打击腐败的决心。

    Jin Zhisheng , a postgraduate student from Beijing Language and Culture University , says after watching the documentary , he keenly felt the country 's determination in combating corruption .

  23. 现在住在北京语言文化大学。

    Now we live at Beijing Language and Culture University .

  24. 来自北京语言文化大学的戚悦获得第一名。

    Qiyue , from Beijing Language and Culture University won the first prize .

  25. 艾希里现在是北京语言文化大学的英语教师。

    Ashley is currently an English teacher at the Beijing Language and Culture University .

  26. 我正在北京的语言与文化大学学习中文。

    Chinese at the Language and Culture University here in Beijing .