
  • 网络international trade building
  1. 大连国贸大厦高层水箱风振控制研究及应用

    Wind-induced vibration control of International Trade Building of Dalian using tuned liquid dampers

  2. 大型深基坑护坡技术研究&郑州裕达国贸大厦深基坑支护技术实践

    RESEARCH OF IMMENSE DEEP FOUNDATION PIT SLOPE PROTECTION TECHNIQUE deep foundation pit slope protection technique practice of Zhengzhou YuDa international trade building

  3. 大连国贸大厦总高度339m,建成后将是我国长江以北最高的超高层现代化建筑,也是我国设计和科研人员自行设计的第一座这样高的建筑。

    Dalian International Trade Center , 339m in height , will be one of the highest tall buildings in China and the first one totally designed by architects and researchers of our country .

  4. 大连国贸大厦中设置加强层问题的研究

    The Problems Study on Dalian International Trade Center Using Strengthened Stories

  5. 湘潭市国贸大厦钻孔桩头爆破设计

    Blasting design for cutting reinforced concrete columns of international trade mansion in Xiangtan City

  6. 镇江国贸大厦深基坑支护结构的锚拉试验与检验

    The anchor-tension testing and examination of supporting structure for slope soil anchor of the deep foundation pit of Zhenjiang national trade mansion

  7. 本论文结合大连国贸大厦工程实例对带加强层框架-核心筒结构体系进行了研究。

    In the text , it studies on frame-tube tall building with strengthened stories by the case of Dalian International Trade Center .

  8. 天津奈伦国贸大厦工程位于天津市响螺湾商务区,采用钻孔灌注桩后压浆施工工艺。

    Post-grouting technology is adopted in bored piles foundation of Tianjin Nilon Mansion project , which locates in Tianjin Xiangluowan Business District .

  9. 今天去了一趟国贸大厦以后,回到家我就感觉心绪不宁,无所事是。于是我就上网想找一部西片在线观看。

    Today after paying RFKS a visit at the Building Trade , I got home feeling restless and didn 't know what to do , so I got on BBCOOL and tried to find an American Movie to watch online .

  10. 国贸大厦工程采用了有限刚度加强层的设计理念,加强层采用型钢混凝土梁形式,并且采用连续加强层,加强层形式独特,很有研究的必要。

    This project has applied the design idea of outriggers limited rigidity ; the story has adopted steel reinforced concrete beam form , and it used the continuous outriggers , its form is very unique , so it is necessary to research about it .

  11. 给合郑州裕达国贸大厦工程的实际施工经验,论述泵进砼技术在高层建筑施工中的技术问题,尤其是极端正向压力和极端负向压力作用下的泵送问题。

    The paper associated with the practical construction experience in Zhengzhou Yuda International Trade Center , and discussed the technical problems of pump concrete in the course of high - rise building construction , especially , the problems on the condition of extremely positive pressure and extremely negative pressure .

  12. 大连国贸中心大厦超高层混合结构设计

    Design on Super High-rise Mixed Structure of the International Trade Center of Dalian

  13. 大连国贸中心大厦为超高层混合结构,工程设计借鉴了国内外同类工程的经验,采用现行国内的规范标准并参考国外法规及多项试验成果进行设计。

    Referring to the experience of other similar projects , the super high-rise building of the international trade center in Dalian is designed , according to the current domestic standards and the overseas codes as well as the test results .