
  1. 国有资本保值增值会计计量模式研究

    A study on accounting pattern of value-maintenance and value-increase state-owned capital

  2. 关于国有资本保值增值的几个理论问题

    Several Issues in Theory About the Preservation and Appreciation of State-owned Capital

  3. 分析指标主要对企业资本运营水平和质量,以及国有资本保值增值实际完成情况进行分析和验证。

    These indices mainly analyze and validate operation level and quality of enterprises capital as well as the real completion status of value maintenance and appreciation of state-owned capital .

  4. 面临庞大的基础网络,如何提高网络使用效率,避免重复投资,促进国有资本保值增值,是值得深思的问题。

    Facing large scale of infrastructure network , it is worthy to think over how to increase network efficiency , avoid duplicated investment and maintain and boost the value of the state-own assets .

  5. 1992年开始的中国会计制度变迁可以划分为三个阶段,第一阶段核心是以资本保全为基础的国有资本保值增值;

    The change of Chinese accounting system can be divided into three stages . The core of the first stage is the preserving and appreciation of state-owned capital on the base of capital maintenance .

  6. 国有资本保值标准值由财政部根据全国国有资本总体运行状况,依据全国国有企业年度会计信息,按行业和规模等分类统一测算确定。

    Standard value of value maintenance and appreciation of state-owned capital is determined by the Ministry of finance , according to national state-owned capital operation status and national state-owned enterprise annual financial information , classified by industry and size .

  7. 内生资本人格即所有者人格,外生资本人格即经营者的人格。内生资本人格是国有资本保值、增值和利润最大化的真正动力。

    The personality of self-generating capital , which is the real impetus of government capital on hedge appreciation , increment and greatest profits , is the owner 's personality , and the exteral generating capital is the operator 's personality .

  8. 在这一并购浪潮到来之际,应当充分利用外资进行有效的、在国有资本保值增值的基础上,进行国有资本退出,最后提出了相关的建议。

    When this merger tide comes , should fully utilize the foreign capitals to carry on the effective one , on the basis of state-run capital value preserving and appreciation , withdrew from the state-run capital , offered the suggestion of correlated withing finally .

  9. 最后指出基于EVA的国有金融资本保值增值指标的局限性。

    Finally it gives the Limitations of the evaluation index sign .

  10. 对国有资本金保值增值率若干问题的思考

    Thoughts and Suggestions on the Value Increasing Rate of the Value Retention

  11. 试论国有资本运营保值增值目标的实现

    On Achieving the Goal of Value Keeped up and Value Added in state Capital Management

  12. 邮政企业的战略目标是实现国有资本的保值,在实现普遍服务的基础上追求经济效益。

    The strategic target of the postal enterprises is maintaining value of state-owned capital , and pursuing economic benefit based on realizing universal service .

  13. 本文以此为背景,研究、探索如何建立科学、规范的国有控股公司,以利于国有资本的保值增值、提高国有资本的运营效率,促进陕西经济的发展。

    The paper take them as the research background to study how to set up reasonable and standard state-holding companies for keeping and enlarging the values of state-owned assets , improving the operation efficiency of them and promoting the development of Shaanxi economy .

  14. 国有企业不是本质,而只是一种载体,国有资本及其保值增值才是本质和内容。

    Nowadays , The state-owned enterprise is not the essence , but is just a kind of carrier , state-owned capital as well as maintenance and increasing its value are just essence and contentses .

  15. 国有企业绩效评价指标体系构建的正确和完整与否直接关系到是否能够真实全面地反映国有企业的经营业绩,直接影响着国有企业资本的保值和增值。

    A performance evaluation system for state-owned enterprises indicators are correct and complete directly bearing on whether or not to fully reflect the true operating performance of state-owned enterprises , state-owned enterprises directly affecting capital investment and added value .