
ɡuó jì
  • national sport;Chinese boxing
国技 [guó jì]
  • [the national feat] 足以代表一个国家传统文化的特殊技术,如中国的武术、中医、烹调等

  1. 朝鲜的国技是跆拳道。

    North Korea 's national sport is Taekwondo .

  2. 日本的国技是相扑。人们主要在电视上看比赛。

    The national sport of Japan is sumo , mainly a spectator sport watched on television .

  3. 虽说相扑是日本“国技”,但是棒球才是最受日本国民欢迎的运动。

    Sumo might be the national sport of Japan , but baseball is the most loved and most popular .

  4. 为使这一朝鲜国技继续发扬光大,1961年9月,韩国成立唐手道协会,后更名为跆拳道协会。

    To make the Korean national sport to flourish , in September 1961 , Korea established the Tang Hand Road Association , later renamed as Taekwondo Association .

  5. 试论新规则对我国排球技、战术指导思想的影响

    The Influence of Guiding Thought of China Volleyball Technique and Tactics from the New FIVB Rule

  6. 推进我国职技高师院校联盟化战略的价值判断与实现路径

    Value Judgement and Achievement Approaches of Boosting the Alliance Strategy for Higher Vocational and Technical Teachers ' Colleges in China

  7. 作者认为,我国职技教育情报工作的落后状况,与职业技术教育发展的要求极不适应,必须迅速改变。

    The writer thinks that such backwardness of vocation-technical educational information work in China can not meet the needs of the development of vocation-technical education . It should be changed gradually .

  8. 中方赞赏缔约国和技秘处为此做出的努力,包括在大会前成功举办“第十一条研讨会”。

    China commends the efforts made by States Parties and the Secretariat for this purpose , which include the successful organisation of the " workshop on Article XI " prior to the Conference .

  9. 所以我们在选择和聘用外籍教练员的时候一定要克服自身的盲目性,一定要以提高我国CBA篮球技战术水平为最终目的。

    Therefore , when hiring foreign coaches must raise the level of basketball for the purpose of overcoming the blindness .

  10. 通过对第2届亚洲U-19青年女足锦标赛中国、朝鲜、日本、韩国4队技战术进行比较与分析,揭示中、朝、日、韩4国青年女足技战术的特征及中国青年女足的差距。

    Through comparative analysis on technical and tactical data among Chinese , DPRK , Japanese and Suth Korean four teams in 2nd U-19 Asian Women 's Football Championship , the author analysed their common characteristics and the reason of lugging of Chinese team .

  11. 关于改革我国排球教材技、战术分类体系的研究

    Research on Reforming Classified System of Tactics and Technique of Our Volleyball Teaching Materials

  12. 29届奥运会我国男篮防守技战术运用能力的研究

    Applied ability of defensive skill and tactics for China Men 's Basketball Team at 29th Olympic Games

  13. 第4届女足世界杯中、日、朝3国足球队技、战术分析

    Analysis on the Techniques and Tactics among China , Japan , North Korea Three Countries in the 4 ~ ( th ) FIFA World-cup of Women Football

  14. 本文主要就新规则的出台与启用对我国竞技跆拳道技、战术及裁判员临场执裁等方面产生的变化与影响等问题进行探讨。

    This paper explores the problems of change and effect on techniques , strategies , on-the-spot ruling of the referees due to the implementation of new regulations .

  15. 为了提高我国整体篮球技战术水平,本文通过对我国男篮在2000年奥运会比赛若干技术指标的情况,结合参加奥运会获前12名的国家队进行对比分析。

    To improve the overall basketball playing skill , this article analyzes some mathematic characteristics of the performance of China 's basketball team in 2000 Olympic Game by comparing with country teams which won the frist twelve places .

  16. 我国篮球运动防守技、战术现状及亟待解决问题的研究

    On the Defending Technique and Tactics of Basketball-sports in Our Country

  17. 对我国优秀竞走运动员技、战术的研究

    China 's Excellent Walking Race Athletes Skills and Tactics Research

  18. 最后,三(?)多的论述基础上,依据个人的理解较为系统的提出了我国独立设置职技高师院校师资队伍建设的措施与对策。

    In the end , on the basis of much discussion , Measures of constructing teaching staff independent establishing higher colleges of vocation and technology , were brought forward systematically , according to personal understanding .

  19. 我国现有排球教材技、战术分类体系过于强调第3次击球环节的进攻与防守,而忽视第1次击球与过渡环节的进攻与防守;

    The current classified system of tactics and technique of our volleyball teaching materials has imposed importance on attack and defense of third strike , while attack and defense of first and second strike are neglected .

  20. 我国男子职业篮球联赛引进外援,提高了我国篮球技战术水平,活跃了球市,起到了积极的作用。

    Foreign athletes in Chinese Men 's Professional Basketball not only contribute effectively to the improvement in skills , but also lead to an active basketball market .