
  • 网络soft power of the nation;soft power
  1. 通过发展文化产业来提升国家软实力的几点思考

    Some Opinions on Upgrade National Soft Power by Develop the Cultural Industry

  2. 中国发展模式的探索及其对建构国家软实力的启示

    Exploration in Chinese Development Mode and Its Implication in Enhancing the Soft Power

  3. 文化软实力是国家软实力的核心因素。

    Culture soft power is the core factor of the country soft power .

  4. 国家软实力的提升与核心价值体系的建构

    On the Promotion of the National Soft Power and the Construction of the Core Value System

  5. 破除这种潜规则,为中国人的自主原始理论创新开绿灯,有助于中国国家软实力的提高。

    The author appeals for eliminating the unwritten rule so as to encourage the innovation of theory .

  6. 第四,思想政治教育是一种国家软实力的需要和体现。

    Fourthly , Ideological and political education is a kind of demand and embodiment of national soft power .

  7. 掌握信息的多寡也是一个国家软实力、影响力的重要标志。

    The amount of information a country can obtain is an important symbol of its soft power and influence .

  8. 文化是一个民族的灵魂和血脉,是一个国家软实力的集中体现。

    Culture is the soul and blood of a nation , the epitome of the softpower of a country .

  9. 思想库的发展水平往往也代表一个国家软实力水平。

    The levels of development think tanks often on behalf of a state of " soft power " levels .

  10. 出版行业是文化传播的主要载体,也是一个国家软实力的突出体现。

    The publishing industry is the main vehicle for cultural transmission , but also a country characterized by soft power .

  11. 而要把两者完美结合、共同提升,就必须要靠提高国家软实力。

    Should both perfect combination work together to upgrade , you must rely on to enhance the soft power of the State .

  12. 国际教育合作的发展有其自身的特点,这些特点直接或间接对国家软实力产生影响。

    The development of International Education Cooperation has its unique features , which produce direct or indirect influence on the State Soft Power .

  13. 作为传播中国文化的有效方式,电视新闻对外传播对提高国家软实力具有重要作用。

    As an effective way to spread Chinese culture , using TV to broadcast news abroad plays an important role in improving soft power .

  14. 同时也要看到,国家软实力的增强对发展国际教育合作有极大的促进作用。

    In the meantime , the increase of State Soft Power will help to promote the development of International Education Cooperation to a great extent .

  15. 作为中国文化的重要组成部分,云南民族文化的发扬光大必将对国家软实力的提升产生影响。

    As an important part of Chinese culture , Yunnan ethnic culture to flourish is bound to enhance the soft power of the country have an impact .

  16. 加快汉语走向世界,积极而广泛地开展汉语的国际推广工作,已成为增强国家软实力和文化影响力的重要举措。

    The Chinese international popularization is an important action to strengthen national soft force and cultural influence to speed Chinese language to step into the international stage .

  17. 在国家软实力建设中,我们可以从文化、制度建设、外交战略等多方面入手,多管齐下,凝聚合力。

    The national soft power construction from the cultural , institutional building , diplomatic strategy , a multi-pronged , multi-pronged approach , the combination of work together .

  18. 新世纪以来,中国公共外交得到学界和政界的高度关注,成为提升国家软实力的重要组成部分。

    Being an important part of the country 's soft power , China 's public diplomacy has been concerned by the academics and politicians since the21st century .

  19. 文章在结束语中做了一定的反思,以期对政党外交和国家软实力建设的研究和学习有些许功用。

    In the last word , this article made a certain reflection , so asto offer some helps for future research on foreign and national political party softpower construction .

  20. 文化作为一个国家软实力的一部分,其力量不可小觑。美国一贯重视运用文化力量来实现自身的国家利益,这就是美国的文化战略。

    As a form of soft power , cultural influence can never be underestimated . The United States has often resorted to the power of culture to pursue its interests abroad .

  21. 文化作为国家软实力的重要组成部分,在冷战后引起普遍关注,文化外交也进入了兴盛时代。

    After the Cold War , culture , as a significant part of soft power , has enhanced its position in the international relations ; cultural diplomacy has come into a flourishing age .

  22. 公共文化是由政府主导、社会参与形成的普及文化知识、传播先进文化、满足人民群众文化需求的有助于提升国家软实力的公益性文化。

    It is conductive to the popularization of cultural education , the spread of advanced culture , the satisfaction of cultural needs of the people , and the promotion of national soft power .

  23. 动漫产业作为朝阳产业,在世界范围内发展的如火如荼,已经发展成为国家软实力中重要的一方面。

    ACG ( anime 、 comics and game ) industry is a sunrise industry , it is growing vigorously all over the world , and has been being the important aspect of soft power .

  24. 放眼海外,我国在海外设立的孔子学院在寻求国际沟通理解和增强国家软实力方面发挥着越来越关键的作用。

    Chinese Confucius Institute set up abroad , comparing with the world , is playing a more and more crucial role on the sides of seeking for national communications and comprehensions and strengthening national soft-power .

  25. 文化随着经济和科技的发展被赋予了更丰富的内容,成为国家软实力的象征,文化经济的产生及其影响力不可忽视。

    With the fast development of economic and technology , culture is bestowed with deeper meanings . Culture economic has become an essential part of overall strength of a country and its impact can not be ignored .

  26. 摘要基于国家软实力的重要性和社会民众对政府的更多期待,政府公共关系管理职能和政府形象被社会愈加关注。

    Based on the importance of the state 's soft strength and social mass 's far more expectations on government , the managerial function of governmental public relations and governmental form are further regarded by the society .

  27. 文化创意产业的生产力功能主要表现在其具有的经济价值、文化创新价值和提升国家软实力的价值三个方面。

    Productivity of the cultural and creative industries , the main function of the performance of its with the economic value of cultural innovation and enhance the value of the value of the country three aspects of soft power .

  28. 从某种意义上说,马克思主义大众化视野下国家软实力的提升就是一个挖掘社会主义魅力资源,并将其上升为政治文化、政治理念和政治价值观的过程。

    In a sense , in the perspective of Marxism Popularity , the ascension of national soft power is the process of exploring the charm resources of socialism , making it become the political culture , political philosophy and political values .

  29. 对此,本文针对该类现实境遇给予了对应的思考和提出了相应的对策,为马克思主义大众化视域下的国家软实力提升提供了更好的理论支撑与探索总结。

    Focused on these practical problems , this paper gives corresponding thinking and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures . and provides a better theory support and summary for the improvement of the national soft power under the view of Marxist Popularity .

  30. 农村公共文化建设对于加强社会主义文化建设,满足人民群众精神文化需求,促进经济社会协调发展,增强国家软实力具有重要意义。

    The leitmotiv of rural public culture construction is meaningful for the strengthening of socialist culture , to meeting the spiritual cultural needs of the people , to promoting coordinated economic and social development and the increase of State Soft Power .