
  • 网络national energy security
  1. 韩国未来资产证券(Mirae)能源研究主管关荣乐(GordonKwan)表示,国家能源安全及技术需要将是推动海外并购的两个关键因素。

    Gordon Kwan , head of energy research at Mirae , said that national energy security and technology would be the two key drivers of overseas acquisitions .

  2. 能源顾问KonstantinSimonov是莫斯科独立的国家能源安全基金的董事,他说,在这个缺少多样化的经济体中,石油生产和供应代表了俄罗斯经济三大支柱中的两个。

    Energy consultant Konstantin Simonov , director of the independent National Energy Security Fund in Moscow , says oil producers and suppliers represent two of three legs that support Russia 's poorly diversified economy .

  3. 建立战略石油储备保障国家能源安全

    Establishing a Strategic Oil Reserve for China 's Energy Security

  4. 石油动员是维护国家能源安全的重要手段。

    Petroleum mobilization is an important method of maintaining national energy security .

  5. 煤炭企业国际化与国家能源安全战略

    Internationalization of coal enterprises and national energy security strategy

  6. 国家能源安全模式研究

    Study on the National Energy Safety Model

  7. 能源多元化对保障国家能源安全,紧跟世界能源发展趋势,及时转变能源发展战略的意义重大。

    Energy diversity is become increasingly important for guarantee the state energy safety and strategic development .

  8. 西北在保障国家能源安全中的地位和作用及相关问题

    The position and function of Northwest china to ensure national energy safety and some relevant problems

  9. 国际市场石油价格的频繁波动给中国国家能源安全和金融安全构成了巨大的威胁。

    Frequent fluctuation of international oil price poses a threat to energy and finance security of China .

  10. 所以为了国家能源安全,有必要大力发展西北能源通道。

    So in order to energy security , it is necessary to develop the northwest energy channels .

  11. 加强煤炭资源地质科学研究确保国家能源安全

    Strengthening the study on the geology of coal resource to insure the energy sources security of our country

  12. 能源安全战略体系的构建和实施直接决定着国家能源安全状况。

    System of energy security strategy and implementation of a direct role in determining the country 's energy security .

  13. 能源安全的概念是在20世纪70年代第一次世界性石油危机后提出的,鉴于石油危机的影响以及石油在能源中的不可替代的地位,在世界上许多国家能源安全就是石油安全。

    The concept of energy security was firstly put forward in the 1970s after the oil crisis of energy .

  14. 当前我国正处在工业化过程中,能源科技的发展将强有力的支撑国家能源安全。

    In the progress of industrialization , the development of energy technology will give strong support to China 's energy security .

  15. 推广使用天然气发动机有利于降低内燃机的排气污染,实现能源多元化确保国家能源安全。

    Utilization of the natural gas engine is beneficial in reducing exhaust emission , diversifying energy source and keeping national energy security .

  16. 能源充足和环境清洁是保障国家能源安全、实现可持续发展的重要保证,能源环境研究对于中国具有独特的现实意义。

    Both abundance of energy and cleanness of environment are of paramount importance to guaranteeing the national energy security and sustainable development .

  17. 西部地区是我国能源资源的富集区,在保障国家能源安全上具有十分重要的地位和作用。

    West areas are the areas which are rich in energy resources and play an important role in ensuring national energy safety .

  18. 电力的安全、稳定和充足供应,关系到国家能源安全、经济命脉和社会利益。

    Security , stability and adequate supply of electric power have a bearing on national energy security , economic lifeline and social interests .

  19. 正确认识国家能源安全利益是确立我国能源安全战略、政策的前提和基础。

    It is the base for China to establish energy security strategy and policies to understand correctly it national interests in energy security .

  20. 论证了科学技术与国家能源安全和煤炭资源安全的相互关系,指出应综合运用“硬”和“软”科学技术,实现煤炭资源安全战略。

    Finally , the paper indicates the hard and soft science and technology would be applied comprehensively to realize the coal resources safety strategy .

  21. 并且阐述我国的生物柴油前景和生物柴油对国家能源安全的重要性。

    The prospect of bio-diesel in our country and the importance of bio-diesel to the energy security of our country were elaborated as well .

  22. 开发新能源是国家能源安全战略的一个重要方面,世界各国都十分重视。

    Developing new energy sources is an important part of a country ′ s energy security strategy and all countries place high value on it .

  23. 发展石油补充与替代能源对满足日益增长的石油需求和保障国家能源安全均有着重大意义。

    The development of supplement and substitute energy sources for petroleum has great significance for fulfilling the ever increasing petroleum requirement and assuring national energy security .

  24. 机会分析从国家能源安全、中国的经济发展第三步战略目标、我国的可持续发展战略、能源结构调整、能源资源的布局特点及国家安全和国家政策等方面出发进行分析。

    The opportunities analysis comprises the continuance of strategy of China , adjusting energy-source composition , characteristic of energy distribution , national security and national policy .

  25. 发展煤层气既是我国国家能源安全的需要;也是为了减少瓦斯灾害,改善煤矿安全状况;同时是保护我们赖以生存的自然环境。

    Development of coal-bed methane is both a national energy security needs ; in order to reduce the gas disaster , to protect the survival of natural environment .

  26. 为了解决环境问题和确保国家能源安全,世界各国都在研发可替代能源和清洁能源。

    In order to solve the environmental problems and ensure national energy security , many coun - tries have been developing alternative energy sources and clean energy sources .

  27. 我国本身能源供给的结构平衡问题和国家能源安全问题,促使了生物质能源等一批新的可再生的能源的发展。

    The issue of energy supply structure balance and national energy safety in China promotes the development of a number of new renewable energy , such as biomass energy .

  28. 煤炭产业作为重要的能源产业,其是否能够实现可持续发展,关系着整个国民经济能否健康运行和国家能源安全能否得到切实的保障。

    The coal industry as an important energy industry , the ability of its sustainable development concerns the healthy development of the entire national and the national energy security .

  29. 供电企业作为关系国家能源安全和国民经济命脉的重点骨干企业,肩负着重要的政治责任、经济责任和社会责任。

    As a key enterprise , power supply enterprises which are important to the national energy safety and economic lifeline , shoulder enormous responsibility of politics , economy and society .

  30. “积极推进核电发展”是我国目前的基本能源政策,对于实现国家能源安全、经济发展和环境保护具有重要的战略意义。

    While confronting vital opportunity and challenge of nuclear power development in China , economics of nuclear power is turning to be the foundation of its competition ability in electricity market .