
  • 网络National Science Center;National Science Centre;NSC
  1. 增加美国从欧洲、日本、中国、印度及其他国家科学中心学习的能力。

    Increase the United States'capacity to learn from science centers in Europe , Japan , China , India and other countries .

  2. 中国媒体援引中国国家空间科学中心(NationalSpaceScienceCenter)的话称,至少在2016年之前,中国不会再有火星探测新动作。

    China 's National Space Science Center has been quoted in Chinese media as saying that it won 't attempt another voyage to Mars until at least 2016 .

  3. 国家科学教育中心的乔希-罗西诺(JoshRosenau)质问道,为何法案规定只应在科学课堂上鼓励学生批判思考。

    Josh Rosenau , of the National Centre for Science Education ( NCSE ) , asks why the bill singles out science classrooms as a place where pupils should be urged to think critically .

  4. 1949年获法国国家科学研究中心博士学位。

    In 1949 , he got his national doctor 's degree of France .

  5. 印度国家科学文献中心

    Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre-INSDOC

  6. 国家纳米科学中心大楼

    National nano research center building

  7. 学科文献资源的建设方法&以国家纳米科学中心为例

    Construction Methods of the Subject Literature Resource & A Case Study on National Center for Nanoscience and Technology ( NCNST ) of China

  8. 去年,美国国家人文科学中心负责人杰弗里哈珀姆曾现身斯坦福大学并称人文学科必须寻求复兴,这对美国的未来非常重要。

    At a Stanford appearance last year , Geoffrey Harpham , director of the National Humanities Center , said the humanities must be reinvigorated and are critical to the US ' future .

  9. 英国瑞丁大学国家大气科学中心气象学家约翰尼•戴是这项新研究的带头人,他说:20世纪70年代以来,北极夏季海冰已经减少了40%。

    Since the 1970s , there 's been a 40 % decrease in the summer sea ice extent , said Jonny Day , a climate scientist at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science at the University of Reading , who led the latest study .

  10. 回顾国际空间合作历史及相关问题。以法国国家科学研究中心研究为例,对未来国际空间开发合作机制进行了实验性探讨,分析了俄、美两国空间开发中的不同主张及合作前景。

    The paper first recalls the history of international space cooperation and relevant issues , then , taking French National Scientific Research Centre for example , discusses the international cooperation mechanism in future space development and analyzes the different propositions of Russia and USA and their cooperation prospects .

  11. 根据SDD算法,构建了一个实验系统来验证SDD算法处理大规模文档的能力,同时利用国家农业科学数据中心10个主题数据库中的10万条记录,来进一步验证二次主题漂移技术的可行性。

    Then the experiment system was built to validate the capacity of improved SDD on large scale documents and feasibility of " two theme shift " model which took the advantage of a hundred thousand records which come from ten theme data base of the National Agricultural Science Center .

  12. 国家农业科学数据中心的设计与建设研究

    Study on the Design and Construction of the National Agricultural Science Data Center

  13. 国家科学信息体系中心

    National Center for Science Information Systems

  14. 通过分析,本研究发现,一流大学的形成与发展是一个国家成为世界科学中心的重要原因。

    Through studying , we can find that the formation and development of the first-class universities is an important reason of the shift of the scientific center .

  15. 华北计算技术研究所计算机网络专业硕士毕业,美国纽约市市立大学访问学者,德国国家计算机科学研究中心客座学者。

    Graduated as m.s.of computer network specialty of North China Institute of computational technology , visiting scholar of New York Municipal university , usa , guest scholar of National Center of computer science , germany .

  16. 只有这些事件的意义超越了国度,处于人类社会和人类文明发展的主流,并且成为整个人类近现代史的里程碑,才成为发生这些事件的国家进入科学活动中心的前导。

    Only if such event finds itself in mother current of the human civilization , and is a milestone in modern history , and its social significance goes beyond nation in which it occurs it becomes a prelude of coming into a center of scientific activity .

  17. 国家农业科学数据共享中心建设实践与展望

    Prospect and Practice on Agricultural Scientific Data Sharing Center

  18. 国家农业生物安全科学中心将建设高危植物病原实验室、高危昆虫实验室、高危植物实验室等研究设施及农业生物安全信息分析和预警以及隔离等设施。

    The biosafety centre will comprise laboratories to investigate high-risk plant pathogens , insects and invasive plants , as well as quarantine facilities .

  19. 中国宣布将建立国家农业生物安全科学中心,防控外来入侵有害生物,并研究转基因生物潜在影响等农业生物安全问题。

    China has announced a National Agricultural Biosafety Science Centre to fend off invasive species and trace the potential impacts of genetically modified crops .

  20. 水稻基因数据库系统是在建的国家作物科学数据共享中心的一个重要模块,也是国家水稻数据中心的一个重要子系统。

    Rice Gene Database is one of the key modules of the China National Crop Information Sharing Center , and also one of the sub-systems of Rice Database .

  21. 美国初中科学教材《PropertiesofMatter》是配合美国《国家科学教育标准》具体实施的、由美国国家科学资源中心(NSRC)组织编写的STC/MS计划中四套初中科学教材中的一套。

    The Properties of Matter is one of the four sets of science textbooks for junior middle school of U.S.A. in project STC / MS. The four sets of science textbooks , which are developed by the National Scientific Resource Center ( NSRC ) of U.S.A.