
  1. 中国海警局4月20日与生态环境部、交通运输部、国家林业和草原局联合启动为期7个月的“碧海2021”海洋生态环境保护专项执法行动。

    The China Coast Guard on April 20 launched a special law enforcement campaign coded " Blue Sea 2021 to enhance marine Administration . It will run for seven months .

  2. 国家林业和草原管理局敦促努力防止沙漠蝗虫在中国扩散,因为这些迁徙的害虫可能从巴基斯坦、印度、缅甸和哈萨克斯坦进入中国。

    The National Forestry and Grassland Administration has urged efforts to prevent the spread of desert locusts in China as the migratory pests may enter the country from Pakistan , India , Myanmar and Kazakhstan .