
  • 网络National Photography
  1. 而对于公民拍摄的视频,合法性几乎不会成为问题,美国国家摄影记者协会(NationalPressPhotographersAssociation)的总顾问米基·奥斯特瑞琪(MickeyOsterreicher)表示。

    When it comes to citizen-captured video , there are few questions regarding legality , said Mickey Osterreicher , general counsel of the National Press Photographers Association .

  2. 许多原本沉溺于艺术摄影或者画意摄影中的摄影家愤然转变到为民族为国家而摄影而艺术的道路上来。

    Many photographers once indulged in art photography , or pictorial photography angrily turn to the state and nation .

  3. 有趣的一个,时间有明显停下了脚步,16年的时间变化不大的国家风景摄影。

    Intriguing photography of scenery of a country where time has obviously stopped and little changes in16 years time .

  4. 国家基础航空摄影成果数据库的设计与建立

    Design and Establishment of National Aerial Photography Production Database

  5. 国家数字化正射摄影方案

    National Digital Orthophoto Program

  6. 26岁的王瑶从来自122个国家的3981名摄影记者中脱颖而出,成为中国女新闻摄影记者跻身荷赛奖第一人。

    Showing off her talent amongst 3,981 press photographers from 122 countries , Wang Yao , 28 , became the first Chinese woman to win the award of World Press Photo .

  7. “一位保加利亚妇女正在哀悼死去的小儿子,他离开村子到首都去闯荡后不久即被谋杀”。选自“国家地理杂志艺术摄影”,国家地理杂志1988年9月

    Photograph by James L. Stanfield " A Bulgarian woman grieves for her youngest son , who was murdered shortly after he left their village to make his mark in the capital . " - From " The Art of Photography at National Geographic , " September 1988 , National Geographic magazine