- 名state ownership

State ownership is what we need to design and manage well , not that by the whole people .
There have been numerous blueprints , from market economies based on state ownership to workers ' co-operatives . But they have not really got off the ground .
Marx and Engels ' State Ownership Theory and Practice
The State Ownership in Contemporary Russia : Its Law Formation and Trait Analysis
Is state - owned policy the effective means for the government to regulating and controlling the market ?
The reason is that the legal basis for governmental intervention in market economy is role of regulator played by the government rather than state ownership system .
Since our land policy is the system of state ownership and rural collective ownership , the land contractual management rights become the only substantive rights of farmers .
In China , state ownership is the implementation form of the ownership by the whole people , and the whole people of China are the real owner of the means of production .
Established during socialist revolution , china 's state ownership of the means of production no longer adapts to socialist market economic system as the development of socialist construction , which results in such phenomena as non-separation between the government and the enterprises , regional barrier and market fragmentation .
Folk In the national various forms of ownership to equal competition , mutual promotion of new economic pattern play an increasing role .
With the establishment of the land ownership by state , the relations of dependence for Dhimmis to the Medina state were fixed .
Land in Russia was slowly expanded with the military expansion and historically had formed the village ownership of the land , the landlord ownership of the land and the state ownership of the land .
After the mid-Tang Dynasty , The system of equalized field allotments collapses , the feudal country land ownership moves toward the decline gradually , replaced by a host of land ownership as the main indicator of the feudal private ownership of land .
Obvious that land ownership in some countries is unfair .
Set in an All-round Way Relation of Distribution Between the State and Enterprises Owned by the Whole People