首页 / 词典 / good


gù dìng
  • regular;fasten;fix;fixation;stabilization;lock;rivet;mounting;weight;guy
固定 [gù dìng]
  • [fix;fasten] 使不改变不移动

  • 将立柱固定在泥土中

  • [fixed;regular] 使处在特定位置,不能移动

  • 把火车头固定后赶紧离开

固定[gù dìng]
  1. 月费是固定的,没有未言明的额外开支。

    The monthly fee is fixed and there are no hidden extras .

  2. 对这类相机而言,快门的速度是固定的。

    With this type of camera , the shutter speed is fixed

  3. 石块应该固定在混凝土基座上。

    The blocks should be laid on a bed of concrete .

  4. 房屋价格包括固定装置和附加设备。

    The price of the house includes fixtures and fittings .

  5. 这是一个固定职位,需要专心致志和勤奋工作。

    This is a permanent appointment , requiring commitment and hard work .

  6. 在我们家,每天上午的生活总是遵循一种固定的模式。

    Mornings in our house always follow a set pattern .

  7. 学校资助固定数目的免费生。

    The school funds a set number of free places .

  8. 这所学院有一套十分固定的评估体系。

    The college has a highly formalized system of assessment .

  9. 晚些时候我会用固定线路给你打电话。

    I 'll call you later on the landline .

  10. 屋顶用几根木头支撑固定住了。

    The roof was braced by lengths of timber .

  11. 我在脚踝上缠上绷带,好把它固定住。

    I wrapped a bandage around my ankle to give it some support .

  12. 把厚木板的一端用夹具固定在桌子的边上。

    Clamp one end of the plank to the edge of the table .

  13. 这些螺母和螺栓把轮子固定住了。

    These nuts and bolts hold the wheels on .

  14. 务必要把桌子固定好。

    Make sure the table is securely anchored .

  15. 她找不到任何固定工作。

    She couldn 't find any regular employment .

  16. 书架用螺丝固定在墙上了。

    The bookcase is screwed to the wall .

  17. 这是一套简单的固定动作,是为不常锻炼的人设计的。

    This is an easy routine , designed for anyone who is unused to exercise .

  18. 钢板被固定在一起。

    The steel plates were riveted together .

  19. 腿断了应立即打夹板固定。

    Always immobilize a broken leg immediately .

  20. 别管语法,只要把这个作为固定词组来学习即可。

    Don 't worry about the grammar , just learn this as a set phrase .

  21. 现在用螺丝将盖子固定好。

    Now screw down the lid .

  22. 他在我们这里待了很久,好像成了我们的固定成员。

    He has stayed with us so long he seems to have become a permanent fixture .

  23. 他们需要检查座椅与飞机舱面固定接头的强度。

    They had to check the strength of the seat attachments to the floor of the plane .

  24. 有人忘了带把麦克风固定在支架上的U形螺栓。

    Somebody forgot to bring along the U-bolts to clamp the microphones to the pole .

  25. 这个人坐在他固定的靠窗的位置。

    The man sat at his regular table near the window .

  26. 棚屋由一个搭钩和U型扣件固定着。

    The shed was secured by a hasp and staple fastener .

  27. 他把安全带夹在甲板的一个固定装置上。

    He clipped his safety belt to a fitting on the deck

  28. 无绳电热水壶现在可能是多数厨房的固定设备。

    The cordless kettle may now be a fixture in most kitchens .

  29. 投资者可以申购固定价格的股票组合。

    Investors can apply for a package of shares at a set price

  30. 每个托架只用了3颗螺钉固定在墙上。

    Each bracket is fixed to the wall with just three screws .