
yuán tíng
  • Garden Pavilion;arbor
园亭 [yuán tíng]
  • [arbor] 由藤本或树枝或由攀缘灌木或藤本覆盖的格子细工构成的亭子;有荫的隐蔽处

园亭[yuán tíng]
  1. 犹大王亚哈谢见这光景,就从园亭之路逃跑。

    But when Ahaziah the king of Judah saw this , he fled by the way of the garden house .

  2. 有时他们还增加雕象,以及此类的东西,所为的是堂皇富丽,然而这于真正的园亭之乐却是没有什么帮助的。

    and sometimes add statuas and such things for state and magnificence , but nothing to the true pleasure of a garden .

  3. “扬州以园亭胜”,主要胜在营构的意境追求上;意境的追求是多方面园林意象图式生成、运行后的实践。

    This is mainly because its seeking for artistic conception always goes together with the creation and application of garden imagery patterns in many ways .