
sì chóng zòu
  • quartet
四重奏[sì chóng zòu]
  1. 他们随着弦乐四重奏乐曲跳舞。

    They danced to the music of a string quartet .

  2. 一个弦乐四重奏乐团为客人们献艺演奏。

    The guests were entertained by a string quartet .

  3. 我们的四重奏是明显地卖座的,而且我们知道在天亮以前,我们有把握收入一大笔钱。

    Our quartet was out hustling and we knew we stood good to take in a lot of change before the night was over .

  4. 辛辛那提音乐学院举办各种活动,包括由著名乐团“拉萨勒四重奏”、CCM爱乐乐团以及各个音乐家团体通过现代音乐呈现的巴洛克音乐表演。

    CCM organizes a variety of events , including performances by the well-known LaSalle Quartet , CCM 's Philharmonic Orchestra , and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music .

  5. 试论音乐结构中的二分性原则&以贝多芬《■B大调弦乐四重奏》之结构为例

    On the Dualism of Musical Structure as Reflected in Beethoven 's String Quartet in ' B

  6. 他在自己最后的时刻听着收音机里的贝多芬F小调弦乐四重奏,他的妻子玛德莱纳在他身旁。

    He spent his final moments listening to Beethoven 's F Minor String Quartet emanating from a radio , his wife Madeleine by his side .

  7. 取消弦乐四重奏,找个DJ

    Oh , and cancel the string quartet . Let 's get a DJ .

  8. 这部作品是受新西兰弦乐四重奏团委约创作的,于2007年1月在新西兰亚当姆斯国际室内乐音乐节中首演,并出版成CD。

    The composing of this piece was commissioned by New Zealand String Quartet . It debuted during the New Zealand Adams International Indoor Music Festival and was published to CD .

  9. 在加入休斯敦交响乐团前,黄欣在应氏四重奏(theYingQuartet)中担任第一小提琴手。而后,2010年成为休斯敦交响乐团首席。

    He was first violinist of the Ying Quartet before joining the Houston Symphony , where he became concertmaster in 2010 .

  10. 1946年,他组织成立了匹兹堡美术四重奏(FineArtsQuartetofPittsburgh),直到1950年,他都在里面担任小提琴手。1948年,他加入匹兹堡交响乐团的小提琴声部。

    In 1946 , he organized the Fine Arts Quartet of Pittsburgh , with which he was a violinist until 1950 , and in 1948 , he joined the violin section of the Pittsburgh Symphony .

  11. 韦伯恩《弦乐四重奏五章》OP.5第四乐章的结构分析

    Structural Analysis to 4 th Movement of Webern : String Quartet Op.5

  12. 当他告诉Narcissa他将帮助她的儿子,贝拉特里克斯测试他的决心,迫使他作出的牢不可破的四重奏。

    When he tells Narcissa he will help her son , Bellatrix tests his resolve by forcing him to make the Unbreakable Vow .

  13. 本文通过对其《弦乐四重奏五章》OP.5第四乐章的分析,揭示出乐章创作的结构特征,为无调性音乐创作的结构方面提供了一个有趣而具体的参考实证。

    This article analyzes the fourth movement of String Quartet ( Op.5 ) to reveal its structural characteristics , and therefore provides an interesting and detailed case study of atonal music composition .

  14. 显然有人能在管弦乐四重奏里代替我演奏的。

    Certainly people can take my part in the string quartet .

  15. 弦乐四重奏是一种优雅的室内乐。

    The string quartet is a kind of delicate chamber music .

  16. 管弦乐人重奏,写于1824年;四重奏演得可神了。

    The Octet for Wind and Strings , written in 1824 ;

  17. 弦乐四重奏第14号死神与少女

    String Quartet No. 14 , " Death and the Maiden "

  18. 贝多芬弦乐四重奏,作品18号,第二首,末乐章。

    Beethoven String Quartet , Op.18 , No.2 , final Movement .

  19. 我们学校有一个弦乐四重奏乐团,都是学生。

    There is a string quartet on campus , all students .

  20. 大师请演奏四重奏吧哦四重奏音调甚低!

    Maestro , play quartet please . Oh , quartet Sotto voce !

  21. 为双钢琴而作的第3弦乐四重奏缩编谱。

    Reduction of String Quartet No.3 , for two pianos .

  22. 这就是“美国四重奏”,它并非一马平川;

    This is the " American quartet ", and it 's uneven ;

  23. 这首四重奏的曲子反映了现代音乐中一种主要的新趋向

    This quartet represent a major new trend in modern music

  24. 隐约可以听到弦乐四重奏。

    The sound of a string quartet is faintly heard .

  25. 物理系弦乐四重奏还缺一个大提琴。

    Leslie : The Physics Department string quartet needs a new cellist .

  26. 论海顿音乐中的喜剧性&以海顿弦乐四重奏为例证

    On Comedy in Haydn 's Music-with Haydn 's String Quartets as Case Examples

  27. 四重奏&(为女高音、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴作)女高音混声唱法训练的要点

    Main Points for a Training in Soprano Mixed Chorus

  28. 巴托克《第三弦乐四重奏》的对称和弦综合分析

    A Comprehensive Analysis to the Symmetric Chords in String Quartet No.3 by Bartok

  29. 有两个小提琴、一个中提琴和一个大提琴的乐器四重奏。

    An instrumental quartet with 2 violins and a viola and a cello .

  30. 舒曼作出前瞻性的弦乐四重奏作曲家的两个主要要求。

    Schumann made two principal demands of the prospective composer of string quartets .