
  • 网络JIAXING;Jiaxing City
  1. 采用自平衡法对浙江省嘉兴市某同一工程场地中的DX桩与普通直孔桩进行对比试验研究。

    The comparative tests of DX piles and column piles at same sites in Jiaxing city of province Zhejiang in China were studied through the self balanced method .

  2. 方法随机抽取嘉兴市即将破产的企业、国有企业、股份制企业职工各100名为研究对象,采用SCL-90、LES问卷对3组职工对象进行调查。

    Methods Random sampling was used to choose 100 subjects from the employees in the bankrupt enterprise , the state-owned enterprise , and the stock-company type enterprise of Jiaxing city . The symptom checklist-90 ( SCL-90 ) and the life events scale ( LES ) were applied in questionnaire surveys .

  3. 嘉兴市中医院OA系统的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of the Office Automation System in Jiaxing Chinese Medicine Hospitals

  4. 材料与方法:收集嘉兴市一院CT室1992年4月1日~1997年12月31日,60岁以上因其它疾病作胸部CT检查的病人,观察冠状动脉情况。

    Mate-rials and Methods : Collected over 60 years old patients who be done the thoracic CT scan form April 1 1992 to Dec 31 1997 . be-cause of other diseases .

  5. 嘉兴市住宅建筑室内TVOC的实测与分析

    The Measurement and Analysis on TVOC Concentrate in the Housing Buildings in Jiaxing

  6. 基于GFS产品和卡尔曼滤波的嘉兴市温度客观预报

    Objective Temperature Forecast in Jiaxing Based on GFS Products and Kalman Filtering

  7. 中观城市设计的6S设计程序&嘉兴市城市中心区城市设计案例简析

    The 6S design process in medium-scale urban design

  8. 本论文研究对象为水稻胚乳文库及其生物信息数据库和从嘉兴市农科院及四川省农科院生物技术核技术研究所采集的966个不同水稻品种胚乳总RNA。

    In the study , rice endosperm library , its bioinformatics database and 966 different rice endosperm total RNA from Jiaxing Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Institute of Biotechnology and Nuclear Technology , Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences , were used .

  9. 嘉兴市实施结核病控制项目管理结果

    Analysis on effectiveness of the tuberculosis control project in Jiaxing City

  10. 嘉兴市未来房地产价格走势分析

    An Analysis of the Estate Price Tendency of Jiaxing Urban Districts

  11. 嘉兴市域古塔资源的保护与开发

    The Protection Development of Ancient Pagoda Resources In JiaXing City Area

  12. 嘉兴市水资源调查及合理配置研究

    Investigation and Study on Rational Distribution of Water Resource in Jiaxing City

  13. 2003年嘉兴市持续高温天气分析

    Analysis of Continued High Temperature of 2003 in Jiaxing , Zhejiang Province

  14. 嘉兴市21世纪初期人口发展预测

    Predicting the Population Development of 21st Century in Jiaxing City

  15. 嘉兴市大型现代体育场馆赛后利用的研究

    Research on the Use of Jiaxing Large Modern Stadium after the Game

  16. 嘉兴市流动儿童少年就学问题探讨

    Probing Into the Problems of the Schooling of Migrating Children in Jiaxing

  17. 嘉兴市学生体质状况调研分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of Students ' Physique Condition in Jiaxing City

  18. 探地雷达在嘉兴市非金属管线探测中的应用

    Application of Earth-detection Radar in Nonmetal Pipeline Detection of jiaxing

  19. 嘉兴市人口发展特征及对策

    The Characteristics of Jiaxing 's Population Development and the Countermeasures

  20. 嘉兴市工业经济结构调整的对策研究

    Strategic Study on Adjusting the Industrial Economy of Jiaxing City

  21. 嘉兴市小城镇建设体制问题及其对策研究

    Systemic Problems and Relevant Countermeasures in Constructing Small Towns in Jiaxing City

  22. 1993-2000年嘉兴市肺结核疫情分析

    Epidemic Analysis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Jiaxing City From 1993 to 2000

  23. 嘉兴市排污权交易实施的方式与对策研究

    The Research on Approach and Countermeasure of Emission Trading in Jiaxing City

  24. 嘉兴市水环境质量评价和趋势分析

    Water Environmental Quality and Developing Trend Evaluations in Jiaxing Area , Zhejiang Province

  25. 嘉兴市产业结构与地区经济增长

    The Industrial Structures and Regional Economic Growth in Jiaxing

  26. 嘉兴市优良笋用竹林的开发技术

    Exploitative techniques for high-quality shoot producing bamboo forests in Jiaxing city , Zhejiang

  27. 嘉兴市园林中多年生花卉的应用研究

    Research on Utilization of Perennial Herbaceous Flowers in the Garden of Jiaxing City

  28. 嘉兴市农田林网树种组成的调查研究

    Investigation and Study of Composition of Net of Farmland Shelterbelt in Jiaxing City

  29. 嘉兴市夏季水泥地面温度特征分析与预报

    Analysis and Forecasting of Summer Cement-Surface Temperature in Jiaxing

  30. 企业信用不良的现实、原因及对策&关于嘉兴市企业逃废债情况的调查分析

    The realities and causes of the poor Credits of Enterprises and the Countermeasures