
  • 网络spray forming;spray-up process
  1. 本文把石膏作为玻璃钢喷射成型用树脂的填料,研究了石膏对树脂粘度、凝胶时间以及玻璃钢性能的影响。

    The effective of gypsum as the filler for FRP spray-up process to resin viscosity , gel time and the property of its FRP are studied .

  2. GRC外墙制品预混喷射成型工艺的开发与应用

    Researching and Developing of the Premix Spray-Up Process of GRC Products

  3. 雾化喷射成型SiCp/2014复合材料的力学性能及断口分析

    Mechanical Properties and Analysis of Fracture of Spray Forming SiCp / 2014 Composite

  4. 对雾化喷射成型法制备的SiCp/2014颗粒增强金属基复合材料的显微组织进行了分析。

    An analysis is made of microscopic structure of the metal matrix composit reinforced with SiC P / 2014 particulates formed by the spray forming .

  5. 阐述了基于微小熔滴喷射成型制造技术(DBM)的加工工艺和成型方法,并着重就制造中影响成型质量的几个工作参数的选择进行了详细的分析和研究。

    This thesis describes machining technique and forming methods of jet forming manufacturing technology based on droplet , especially analyzing selection of working parameters that influence on forming quality in manufacturing .

  6. 该体系广泛适用于玻璃纤维缠绕、RTM、APG、真空浇注、纤维喷射成型等复合材料生产工艺,通过配方设计还可制备团状或箔式预浸材料使用。

    This system can be used for FW , RTM , APC , Vacuum casting , spray-up processes , after changing the formulation , it can also used for bulk making bulk compounds and prepregs .

  7. 为了提高喷射成型工艺中的沉积坯尺寸精度,针对喷射过程的变参数特点,设计了基于模糊推理的FPID控制器。

    Therefore , an intelligent fuzzy-PID controller ( FPID ), whose parameters are self-adjusted based on fuzzy inference , was developed to improve the accuracy of deposit dimension .

  8. 微滴喷射成型(MJM)是一种比较先进的快速成型技术,具有使用热塑性材料以按需喷射的方法成型实体零件的功能,工作原理接近老式的喷墨打印机。

    Micro-droplet injection molding ( MJM ) technology is a more advanced rapid prototyping technology . This technology has the function of molding parts with drop-on-command method , works close to the old-fashioned ink-jet printers .

  9. 喷射成型过程中雾化粒滴的数值模拟

    Computer simulation of droplets in flight stage during spray forming process

  10. 石膏在玻璃钢喷射成型工艺中的应用研究

    The application study on FRP spray-up using gypsum as filler

  11. 喷射成型工艺及制品缺陷分析

    The summary of spray-up technology and analysis of product defect

  12. 金属粉末喷射成型技术与应用

    Forming Technology of Metal Powder by Spraying and Its Application

  13. 微小熔滴喷射成型中工作参数的分析与选择

    Analysis and choice of working parameters in jet prototype based on droplet

  14. 无气式喷涂机在喷射成型工艺中的应用

    Application of air free spraying machine in spray up process

  15. 自反应喷射成型复相结构陶瓷的组织与性能

    Structure and Properties of Self-Reactive Spray Formed Multi-Phased Ceramic Preforms

  16. 粉末高速钢喷射成型技术及其应用

    Forming Technology of Powder HSS by Spraying and Its Applications

  17. 金属喷射成型过程大量液滴统计模型研究

    Study on Statistical Model of Mass Liquid Drop during Metal Spray Forming Process

  18. 卧式塑料喷射成型机GB/T12608-1990热喷涂涂层材料命名方法

    Horizontal plastic injection moulding machine Designation of the materials for thermal spraying coatings

  19. 非稳定流动对喷射成型制备圆锭成型性的影响

    Effect of Unsteady Melt Flow on Shaping of Billet Prepared by Spray Forming Process

  20. 金属喷射成型过程单颗粒液滴的运动和传热研究

    Movement and heat transfer of single droplet in the process of metal spray forming

  21. 自反应喷射成型复相陶瓷中的飞行粒子燃烧反应研究

    Research on Combustion Reaction of Flying Particles during Process of Self-reactive Spray Forming Multi-phased Ceramic

  22. 卧式塑料喷射成型机

    Wide-bodied jet horizontal plastic injection moulding machine

  23. 金属喷射成型过程沉积坯的生成及其传热过程研究

    Study on the formation of deposition billets and its heat transfer during spray forming process

  24. 为喷射成型新材料的工艺研究,提供了一种新的测试手段。

    This provided a new measuring method for those new materials of injection formation technology .

  25. 雾化器对喷射成型的影响

    Influence of atomizers for spraying deposition

  26. 无溶剂超临界喷射成型技术制备溶菌酶/PLA纤维制剂及其体外缓释性能

    Lysozyme / PLA Fibers Prepared by Supercritical Spray Process without Solvent and Their Drug Delivery Performance

  27. 谈玻璃钢喷射成型工艺

    FRP spray up technology

  28. 玻璃钢喷射成型工艺攀钢钢包自动开浇技术研究

    FRP spray - up technology study of technology for ladle automatic start - up of casting at PZH Steel

  29. 结果表明,在树脂中填加石膏,可使喷射成型玻璃钢制品的综合性能得到明显改善。

    The results of the study indicate that overall properties of spray-up FRP are improved by adding gypsum as filler .

  30. 本课题还做了微滴喷射成型的工艺实验,分析了各种实验参数对微滴喷射性能的影响。

    The subject also made a micro-drop experiment , analysis of various experimental parameters on the performance of spray droplets .