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  • 网络good at speaking
  1. 笔者认为:只有消除学生口语障碍,使学生敢说、乐说、善说,才能提高学生的英语口语能力,最终促进大学英语整体教学水平的提高。

    Finally , the author maintains that students ' oral English competence will surely be improved when these learning difficulties can be overcome . Only when students can dare to speak , like to speak and be good at speaking will the overall level of college English teaching be improved .

  2. 论孟子的性善说及其现代意义

    On Mencius 's Theory of " The Tendency of Human Nature to Do Good " and Its Modern Significance

  3. 这实为义理之性之渊源、性善说之滥觞。

    This in fact was the origin of rational nature and the beginning of the theory that human being is virtuous in his nature .

  4. 善说才是真正的财宝,舍弃生命用来交换也值得。

    The real treasure is the Dharma teaching , even if it means to sacrifice my life for exchange , it is well worth it !

  5. 现代社会要求人们不仅有广博的学识,而且要有良好的口语交际能力,多才而善说才能在激烈的社会竞争中立于不败之地。

    Living in modern society , we should have not only abundant knowledge , but also have better communicative ability , these will assure us successful in drastic social rival .

  6. 原善说使属性、本性被绝对化、先天化,人是自己的救主,人性高于神性,罪恶只是外来的污染,因而不存在共同责任,只存在道德责任。

    Theory of " original virtue " makes human nature absolute and congenital and man is his own savior , humanity overwhelms divinity and evils are the external pollution so only moral duties do exist instead of common duties .

  7. 孟子提倡性善之说,认为诗歌交流是内在仁义本性的交流。

    Mencius emphasized that benevolence are human nature , and thought that Poetry communication is internal tendencies exchange .

  8. 在本体论上,他们抨击无善无恶说,复兴性善说;

    In ontology , they attacked the argument of non-good and non-evil , and revived the argument of nature-good .

  9. 晚明东林学派与无善无恶说之争

    Dong lin School and the Argument on the Theory of no evil and no good in the late Qing Dynasty

  10. 按圣善的灵说,因从死里复活,以大能显明是神的儿子。

    And who through the spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the son of God by his resurrection from the dead : jesus Christ our lord .

  11. “美善同一”说就是其中之一。

    Beauty equals goodness is one of them .

  12. 皆起于王道既微,诸侯力政,时君世主,好恶殊方,是以九家之术,蜂出并作,各引一端,崇其所善,以此驰说,取合诸侯。

    All kingcraft both in micro , vassal power politics , when the eagle world Master , likes and dislikes it square , is home to nine of patients , and for the bee , cited side , Tsung its good to say , Chi , and princes .