
  • Trademark symbol;brand mark
  1. 只有起亚的标志、商标符号、商标标准字和经销商名称标志才能放在建筑物的主要正面。

    Only the Kia signature , brand mark , logotype and the dealer name signs can be placed on the primary elevation of the building .

  2. 用商标符号替换文字。

    Replaced text with trademark symbol .

  3. 商标符号图式的范型建构

    Model Construction of Logo Symbol Pattern

  4. 文章从符号意义结构、符号含义预设、符号含义传达、符号意义阐释等方面,探索性地论述了商标符号的意义及其表征的普遍规律和基本理论。

    This article tentatively discusses trademark 's meaning and general rules and basic theories of its representation from the aspects of symbol 's meaning structure , meaning assumption , meaning express , and meaning explanation .

  5. 通过和美术作品、传统图案、商标符号和网络流行字比较,采用分离性和统一性结合的方式得出语言符号学上图形符号的概念和特征。

    A comparative analysis among the fine art works , traditional patterns , trademark symbols , popular words on Internet is presented firstly , then the definition and basic feature of graphic symbols in pragmatics is derived by means of the combination of intransigence and unitary .

  6. 商标命名的符号学阐释

    Toward a Semiotic Explanation of Brand Naming

  7. 通过商标法的符号学分析,笔者认为商标合理使用本质上是一种非商标意义上的使用。

    One can grasp the essence of trademark fair use by the semiotic analysis of trademark law .

  8. 商标的形式是符号,但只有作为市场信誉指代的符号才是商标。

    The trademarks are constituted with signs , but only the signs which represent the goodwill of market are real trademarks .

  9. 第二章重点研究和探讨了商务应用文的翻译技巧,并广泛地对商标、广告、符号和招牌的翻译现状进行了比较深入的调查研究。

    The second chapter focuses on research and the translation of the Practical business skills and extensive trademark , advertising , status symbols and signs were translated more in-depth research .

  10. 指出了商标翻译必须符合符号学翻译理论的功能对等的原则,阐述了中国商品商标的四种英译方法。

    The translation of trademark should adhere to the principle of " functional equivalence " from the translation theory of semiotic . This paper discusses four methods to translate Chinese trademark .

  11. 商标名不仅仅是符号,更是商品市场定位、情感、价值、文化、形象等的综合考量的结果。

    Though a sign of a commodity , trade name is more often seen as a comprehensive symbol of market positioning , emotion , value , culture and image of a commodity .

  12. 商标的生命力在于应用,这也是商标符号的本质特征。

    The vitality of a trademark is to apply , which is the essential character of the trademark symbol .