
shānɡ biāo ɡuó jì zhù cè
  • international registration of trademark
  1. 本文旨在研究《巴黎公约》和TRIPS协定下非传统商标国际注册存在的特殊问题。

    This dissertation aims to study on special problems involving the international registration of non-traditional trademarks under Paris Convention and TRIPS Agreement .

  2. 2003年度马德里商标国际注册在华注册统计表

    Statistics of International Trademark Registrations Extended to China under the Madrid System in 2003

  3. 商标国际注册申请未按照规定填写的,商标局退回申请书,申请日不予保留。

    Where the application for international registration of the trademark is not filled in as prescribed , the Trademark Bureau shall return the application , and the application date shall not be reserved .

  4. 随着对外贸易的发展和全球经济一体化程度的加深,商标国际注册对企业发展的作用越来越重要,企业对商标权的保护已经不满足于在国内注册。

    With the development of foreign trade and global economic integration deepens , the International Registration of brand becomes more and more important to the development of enterprises , enterprises are not satisfied with the protection of trademark rights in the domestic register .

  5. 并从制度机制和利益动机等角度来分析我国企业在商标国际注册中遇到问题的原因,针对这些原因的分析,提出企业在国际贸易中维护商标权利的对策。

    And from the point of mechanisms and benefits motivation to analyze the reason of the problem of our country in the International Registration of Marks , by analyzing these reasons to advance the measures to safeguard the rights of trademark in International Trade .

  6. 积极引导驰名、著名商标企业进行商标国际注册,创建国际品牌,开拓国际市场。

    They guided enterprise with well-known and famous trademarks to do international registration for exploring international markets .

  7. 由于商标权的地域性限制,许多企业纷纷到国外进行商标国际注册,而目前我国企业的商标国际注册面临着种种困境。

    Because of regional restrictions of the right to register a trademark , many companies are registered abroad , but the International Registration of Marks in our country is facing with many difficulties .

  8. 第一节首先对非传统商标的内涵和外延进行界定,为全文探讨非传统商标国际注册问题奠定初步理论基础,并讨论了非传统商标的词源及其国际法上的意义。

    Firstly , Section one defines intention and extension of non-traditional trademarks which lay the preliminary theoretical foundation for the whole dissertation , and discusses the derivation of the term non-traditional trademarks as well as its significance in aspect of international law .

  9. 我国的企业为防止商标在国外被抢注,应当实施及时在国外进行商标确权、办理商标国际注册等策略,以加强对驰名商标的域外保护。

    In order to prevent such phenomenon , it is necessary to carry out the tactic of the confirmation of right in foreign countries timely and of the international registration for trademarks , so as to strengthen the protection of well-known trademarks for China 's enterprises .