
chún chǐ
  • lips and teeth;interdependence;very close neighbors;close relationship
唇齿 [chún chǐ]
  • (1) [labial teeth]∶唇和齿的合称

  • (2) [mutually dependent]∶比喻关系密切,互相依靠

  • 吴、 蜀乃唇齿也。——《三国演义》

  • (3) [comment;talk]∶议论

  • 怀着个临月身子,只管往人家里撞来撞去的,交人家唇齿。——《金瓶梅》

  1. 前牙良好的唇齿关系和覆牙合、覆盖是口腔正畸医生追求的目标之一。

    The good relationship between lips and teeth , normal overbite and overjet are vital goals which orthodontists pursuit .

  2. 那是张多么讨人喜欢的脸啊!他从来没有见过如此美丽动人的唇齿,恰如含雪的玫瑰一般。

    How very lovable her face was to him . He had never seen such beautiful lips and teeth , like roses filled with snow .

  3. 包装到唇齿之间获得了基牙根尖应力。

    Package to the Teeth The stress of abutment apical was obtained .

  4. 她让你在唇齿之间再次哈利路亚。

    And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah .

  5. 以充分领略其清香馥郁,唇齿留香的感觉。

    To fully appreciate its delicate fragrance and its aromas lingered in your mouth .

  6. 蝌蚪唇齿式的表述

    The Labial Tooth Row Formula of Tadpole

  7. 中国成年人微笑时唇齿关系的研究及临床应用

    Study on lip teeth relationships in an full smile from 168 Chinese adults and their clinical application

  8. 活齿减速机啮合效率的研究包装到唇齿之间

    Package to the Teeth

  9. 凉菜,芋艿8元。蜜枣泡制的芋头丸,甜蜜绵软,冰凉可口,让人唇齿留香。

    The Taro and Chinese date with honey , cold dish , RMB8.Sweet and soft , cool and fragrant .

  10. 在上切牙曲度、最大牙龈暴露值两项反映微笑时唇齿关系的指标上有显著性差异;

    Significant differences were found in two items about lip-teeth relationship : arc of upper incisors and maximum gingival exposure ;

  11. 由这种音变现象在山东地区的地域流变情况可见,知系合口字的唇齿化有可能首先发生于擦音声母。

    The shifted of the sound changes phenomena in Shandong district proves that Round-mouth characters of Zhi-system read in labiodental firstly occur in fricative .

  12. 文学生态与文学教育休戚相关,唇齿联动,当代文学的教育现状是新世纪文学生态危机的集中体现。

    Literary Education is inextricably bound to literary ecology , and the present conditon of literary education comprehensively embodies the crisis of literary ecology in new century .

  13. 下唇上缘与上切牙切缘距、微笑线比率及左上中切牙临床冠长三项反映微笑时唇齿关系的指标,男女之间有显著性差异;

    Significant differences were also shown between male and female in three items about lip-teeth relationship : the distance between lower lip and upper incisal edge ? smile line ratio and clinical crown length of upper left incisor ;

  14. 这些差异显示,这两个并不相邻的方言区同时存在的唇齿音现象,不是移民造成的语言转移的结果,而是[u]介音的圆唇性质及其摩擦化倾向使这两个地区发生了同样的音变。

    These differences show , the labiodental phenomenon in the two localism areas not adjoined exist at the same time , not because of language shift by immigration , but because of the round lip nature and the fricative trend of head vowel .

  15. 端起一杯值得等待的奶茶,唇齿缠绕的清甜,是值得念想的追随,就像在悠长假期中的钢琴曲调,优雅动人,清澄的灵魂随乐谱飘零。

    End up a cup of worth waiting for milk tea , the tongue , foot is worth around the read , like to follow the piano in long holiday tunes , elegant and moving , the soul of idyllic with music shrivel .