
  • 网络Hades
  1. 法国哈德斯战术地地导弹系统研制综述

    France 's Hades Tactical to Surface Missile System

  2. 就像希腊传说中的哈德斯,她统治着邪恶的死亡魂灵。

    She rules over the evil dead much like Hades does in Greek tales .

  3. 哈德斯冥界之神,人间财富的分发者。

    The God of the netherworld and dispenser of earthly riches .

  4. 他打败了哈德斯手下的怪物,将挪威海怪变成了石头。

    He defeats Hades'creatures and turns Kraken to stone .

  5. 哈德斯几点了?

    Ah , Hudders . What time is it ?

  6. 哈德斯被流放到冥界。

    Hades is banished to the underworld .

  7. 赫尔克里斯打败坏蛋哈德斯了吗?

    Did Hercules defeat the bad hades ?

  8. 借助于哈德斯创造的挪威海怪,奥林匹斯山诸神打败了提坦神族。

    The Olympians defeat the Titans with the help of sea monster Kraken ( Hades'creation ) .

  9. 她逃走了,每年春天又回冥府找哈德斯报仇,用她春天的神力

    She escaped , and returns every spring to take revenge on Hades , with her Spring powers .

  10. 接着,哈德斯杀死了女王,发誓要放出挪威海怪复仇;倘若不献出安德洛墨达,他将摧毁整个阿尔戈斯;

    Hades then kills the queen and swears revenge by releasing Kraken and if Andromeda is not sacrificed then Argos will be destroyed .

  11. 品达笔下的英雄,如背叛了诸神信任的坦塔罗斯和伊克西翁,从奥林匹斯山盛会的光芒中被驱逐到哈德斯之冥府的黑暗之中。

    Heroes like Tantalus and Ixion in Pindar , who betray the gods'trust in them , are sent from the radiance of Olympian feasts to the utter darkness of Hades .