
  • 网络brand equity;Brand Asset Value
  1. 第四部分根据提炼出的四个因素来建立和完善品牌资产价值增长机制,使企业实现品牌资产增值的效果。

    According to the four factors extracted , the fourth part presents how to establish and improve the brand equity growth mechanisms so as to achieve the goal of brand equity value-added .

  2. 高科技企业品牌资产价值测量模型研究

    Research on Brand Equity 's Measuring Model of High-Tech Enterprise

  3. 论文最后对OTC品牌资产价值评估模型进行了实证研究。

    Finally this paper studies applied the OTC brand assets value evaluation model .

  4. 论文同时选取具有一定代表性的OTC药品(非处方药)为研究对象,构架起评估模型与消费品品牌资产价值评估之间的桥梁。

    At the same time , it selects the representative OTC ( over-the-counter ) as the studying object , to build up the bridge between the evaluation model and consuming products brand evaluation .

  5. 基于品牌资产价值评估的品牌竞争力提升路径研究初探

    Study on Brand Competence Promoting Path Based on Brand Value Evaluation

  6. 最后,在研究课题中还实现了品牌资产价值评估辅助系统的相关功能。

    Finally , some related functions of the proposed system are also implemented .

  7. 品牌资产价值评估方法评介

    The review on assessment method of brand assets value

  8. 品牌资产价值评估研究

    The Research on the Brand Assets Value Evaluation

  9. 考虑到文献对高科技品牌资产价值理论和实证研究的缺乏,本文将品牌资产研究视角和实证对象定位于高科技产业市场,丰富了品牌研究的视角。

    In this paper , brand equity research positions in the High-Tech industries , which enrichs research perspective .

  10. 顾客忠诚是品牌资产价值的集中体现,同时也是品牌资产管理的重要内容。

    Customer Loyalty is the value of brand equity , and also is the important content of brand equity .

  11. 运用品牌资产价值增长要素分析方格分析了不同品牌的典型发展路径,并进一步阐述了品牌资产的增长机理。

    This tool could be used to analyze the classic developing routine of different brand and to further interpret the growth mechanics of brand equity .

  12. 品牌资产价值优势主要表现为品牌的市场地位、企业内部支持优势和品牌发展优势;品牌的权益价值优势反映为品牌知名度、品牌联想、品牌认知度和顾客忠诚度。

    Brand asset value mainly contain brand market status , enterprise supporting power and brand developing power . Brand equity value consist of brand fame , brand association , brand recognition and brand loyalty .

  13. 接下来通过对判别分析法和距离判别法的研究,提出改进传统距离判别法来决定各类数据对被评估企业的影响权重,从而计算出被评估企业的品牌资产价值。

    Thirdly , according to the study of traditional distance discriminance method , an improved algorithm is proposed to calculate the influence weight of all kinds of factors to the value of enterprise brand equity evaluation .

  14. 本文主要工作包括:第一,对高科技企业品牌资产价值的相关理论和实证研究进行梳理和评述。第二,在文献研究的基础上,分析了高科技品牌资产市场表现测量维度。

    This paper mainly includes the followings : Firstly , the paper comments on and sort out theory and empirical research on brand value of High-Tech enterprises ; Secondly , we analysis brand equity market dimensions on High-Tech brand equity .

  15. 要提升品牌资产价值,提高品牌竞争力,就必须把塑造品牌,以实现与目标顾客的交易目标的观念转化为塑造品牌,建立与目标顾客的长期合作关系的理念;

    In order to enhance the brand value and be more competitive , the enterprises of China should change the concept or strategy from shaping brand for realizing the transaction with targeted clients , to shaping brand for realizing a long - term cooperative relationship with targeted clients .

  16. 品牌资产的价值由成本价值和增值价值两部分构成,具有积累性、不稳定性等特征。

    Its value is composed of cost value and increment value , and is characterized by accumulation and unstability , etc.

  17. 并且品牌资产的价值可以从成本价值、关系价值、权力价值三个方面进行评价。

    And the value of brand assets from the cost value , value , right from three aspects : value evaluation .

  18. 归根结底,评估品牌资产的价值就是为经营品牌和提升品牌及品牌交易而服务的。

    In a word , to evaluate the value of brand assets is just to service for managing the brand , enhancing the brand value and brand transaction .

  19. 同时,能够得到消费者认可的品牌资产的价值也一定能在财务上有所体现,为企业带来一定的经济效益,所以从本质上来说两者并不矛盾。

    At the same time , the value of brand assets approved by the consumer should be reflected in the financial . In essence , bring certain economic benefits to the enterprise , the two are not contradictory .

  20. 然而,品牌资产不是总能价值为正。

    However , brand equity is not always positive in value .

  21. 品牌资产的公允价值计量及其信息揭示研究

    The Research on Measurement and Information Disclosure of Fair Value of Brand Equity

  22. 品牌资产的使用价值与价值

    On the Use Value and Value of Brand Assets

  23. 品牌延伸:资产价值转移与理论模型创建

    SOME THEORIES ON TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Brand Extension : Dynamic of Brand Asset Value and Theoretical Model

  24. 尽管大量的营销广告投入多少也能促进产品销售,但几年下来却发现品牌资产、整体价值与品牌威望并没有得到提升。

    Despite huge investment in advertisement , enterprises ' brand equity , whole value and prestige haven 't increased with years .

  25. 本文研究了利用品牌资产增加企业价值的基本策略途径,并提出了基本策略的具体实现方式。

    This text discusses the basic policies route increasing enterprises value by its brand capital , and bring actualizing mode for these basic policies .

  26. 品牌资产的财务价值按照品牌忠诚度的模型来计算,也是为了展示市场和财务的相互依赖。

    The financial value of brand equity flows through the model of brand loyalty , which just goes to show the interdependency between marketing and finance .

  27. 如何成功累积品牌资产,提升品牌价值?

    How to build brand equity successfully to raise brand value ?

  28. 基于品牌忠诚度的品牌资产价值评估方法研究

    Research Based on Brand Loyalty of Brand Equity Evaluation Methods

  29. 品牌竞争力同品牌资产价值一样,是评价市场上消费者资源的重要指标。

    Brand competitiveness , as brand value of the assets , is an important indicator of consumer resources in the market .

  30. 对于企业而言,其对品牌社群的品牌资产提升价值的关注程度要远高于品牌社群对单纯的品牌忠诚度的价值与贡献。

    For enterprises , they intend to pay much more attention to " the brand equity promotion value of brand community " than " the contribution and value of brand community to the pure brand loyalty " .