
  1. 斯图?沃尔夫离我们只有咫尺之遥

    Stu Wolff 's only a few yards away from us .

  2. 对我来说,只有咫尺之遥了。

    For me , this is about as close as it gets .

  3. 他们认为幸福就在咫尺之遥处。

    They think happiness is an inch away .

  4. 就在咫尺之遥的迪斯尼商业区,可以进行各种特别的娱乐和购物活动。

    Just footsteps away , there are extraordinary entertainment and shopping in the Downtown Disney District .

  5. 离机场咫尺之遥的旅馆,很快。

    A stone 's throw away from the airport , out of which , shortly after .

  6. 美乐家第一个年收入十亿美元正出现在地平线上,这将是咫尺之遥。

    Despite the worst economy that the world has seen in over half a century , Melaleuca continues to flourish .

  7. 仅仅咫尺之遥的地方,德国士兵也正在收听这同一首歌曲,和我们一同感受着孤独与渴望。

    Only a short distance away , German soldiers were listening to the same song , sharing our loneliness and longings .

  8. 尤文图斯将会在明天晚上对阵切塞纳,老夫人目前距离晋级只是咫尺之遥。

    Juventus will be facing Cesena tomorrow evening as the old lady is nearing its goal of obtaining the promotion to Serie A.

  9. 车继续加速,碰撞似乎不可避免就要发生了,这时,车突然夺过控制权,随着一声尖锐的刹车声,车在距障碍物咫尺之遥的地方停了下来。

    A collision seemed inevitable when suddenly the car took control and braked us to a screeching halt just short of the barrier .

  10. 我们很幸运地租到了一所公寓,步行就可以上下班,而且距离一个大公园仅有咫尺之遥。

    We lucked out on an apartment : walking distance from work , and a stone 's throw away from a big park .

  11. 降息预期给美元汇率造成了压力,美元兑欧元汇率走低,距创纪录低点仅咫尺之遥。

    The rate cut expectations put put pressure on the dollar which dropped to within touching distance of a record low against the euro .

  12. 咫尺之遥,上帝与佛祖共同将光辉撒向这片人神共居的世外之地,如此垂青,令人倾羡。

    It seemed that both God and Buddha spread the same splendor and blessing to this piece of land , making it so much admired .

  13. 谷歌也乐于指出,其竞争对手——包括雅虎和微软的必应搜索引擎与它仅有咫尺之遥。

    It also likes to point out that its rivals , including Yahoo ! and Microsoft 's Bing search engine , are merely a click away .

  14. 那便是我跟他的最后一次接触,虽然他每天都坐在我旁边,距我仅咫尺之遥。

    And that was the last contact I 'd had with him , though he was there , a foot away from me , every day .

  15. 楼群离半岛酒店咫尺之遥,客房的价钱比半岛酒店最普通的房间便宜近30倍。

    The complex is a stone 's throw away from the Peninsula Hotel and its guesthouses are close to 30 times cheaper than that hotel 's most modest rooms .

  16. 此外,由于手机知道你在哪,谷歌还能给你发送距你咫尺之遥的商店或餐馆广告。

    Moreover , because a mobile phone knows where you are , Google will be able to send you ads for a shop or restaurant only a few paces away .

  17. 昨日,原油价格再度跃升,距每桶100美元仅咫尺之遥,原因是美元汇率跌至创纪录低点,这重新引发了人们对于全球通货膨胀抬头的忧虑。

    Crude oil jumped to within striking distance of $ 100 a barrel yesterday as the US dollar tumbled to records lows , prompting fresh fears of a resurgence of global inflation .

  18. 黄金价格因美元汇率走软而上涨,距去年12月份创下540.90美元的24年半高点仅咫尺之遥。

    Gold got a boost from the weaker tone of the dollar , and the precious metal rose to within striking distance of the 24 - year high of $ 540.90 recorded in December .

  19. 如果无法如期开业,我们将非常乐意以与您原预订相同的房价免费升级您的房间至距福朋酒店仅咫尺之遥的神州半岛喜来登酒店入住。

    If we could not open on time , we will be very pleased to offer the same rate and free upgrade your room to Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula resort which is next to Four Points .

  20. 如果你碰巧接到一个稍显过时的电话,你也会通过电子邮件被告知,即使给你发邮件的人离你只有咫尺之遥。

    If you should happen to get an old-fashioned phone call , you may well be informed of that fact by email , even if the person who took the message is within eye-contact range .

  21. 它将我们从群体中分解出来-在办公室,电子邮件切断了距离仅咫尺之遥的同事间的交流;但更为显著的是它对家庭的影响。

    It has freed us from our groupings-in the office , where email has disconnected us from what the people who sit three feet away do all day , and even more significantly , at home .

  22. 最知名的作品《云图》,仅距04年的曼布克奖咫尺之遥,但是评委们不免怀疑如果只是为其自身利益(即获奖),这本书是否做得有点聪明过头了?

    His best known book ," Cloud Atlas ", came within a whisker of winning the award in2004 , but the judges could not throw off the suspicion that it was just a bit too clever for its own good .

  23. 在芝加哥,小麦期货价格上涨16美分至每蒲式耳9.31美元,距离其历史高点59美分,而大豆期货价格升至12.38美元,创下34年新高,玉米期货价格距近期创下的11年高位仅咫尺之遥。

    In Chicago , wheat jumped 16 cents to $ 9.31 a bushel , 59 cents below its all-time high , while soyabeans rose to $ 12.38 , a fresh 34-year high , and corn traded within touching distance of its recent 11-year high .

  24. 格罗夫使“战略转折点”的概念流行开来,这是指企业发展历程中“其根基将要发生改变”的时点。正因咫尺之遥就有人对你虎视眈眈,企业唯有永不松懈、永不停下发展的步伐。

    Grove popularised the idea of the " strategic inflection point , " a time in the life of a business " when its fundamentals are about to change . " Never relax , never stop evolving , because just around the corner someone is coming for you .