
  1. 本文研究了功能梯度Timoshenko梁和扁薄锥壳结构在变温场作用下的几何非线性静态响应问题。

    In this thesis , geometrically nonlinear static responses of a functionally graded Timoshenko beam and a shallow conical shell , subjected to thermal loadings , are studied .

  2. 盘星系质量密度和扁度的分析

    Analysis of the mass density and oblateness of disc galaxies

  3. 圆管和扁管内部流动的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic Analysis of Internal Flows in Circular and Flat Tubes

  4. 还有下垂的腹部和扁扁的胸部有美感的。

    Ugly scar and my sagging stomach and my leaky nipples beautiful .

  5. 你没有听到我叫白人白鬼子和扁屁股!

    You don 't hear me calling white folks honky and flat-ass !

  6. 看起来不像是跳蚤和扁虱。

    That don 't look like no flea and tick thing to me .

  7. 跳蚤和扁虱是狗身上的寄生虫。

    Fleas and ticks are parasites of dogs .

  8. 长着羽状叶子和扁直豆的热带北美乔木和灌木的小的属。

    Small genus of tropical American trees and shrubs with pinnate leaves and flat straight pods .

  9. 气泡的尾部形状也分为两种:凹形和扁球形。

    And also there are two kinds of the trailing edge , concave and oblate spheroid .

  10. 本文给出了拟协调曲梁和扁曲梁单元。

    The quasi-conforming element of the curved beam and shallow curved beam is given in this papes .

  11. 对圆管和扁管内部流动进行了以熵产生为基础的热力学分析。

    An entropy generation based thermodynamic analysis was conducted of the internal flows in circular and flat tubes .

  12. 板和扁壳大挠度问题摄动参数的最小二乘法选择

    Determination of the Perturbation Parameter in Larger Deflection of Plates and Shallow Shells by Means of the Least Squares Method

  13. 实验结果表明:相同条件下,圆棒、方棒和扁棒受到的最大静摩擦力各不相同。

    It is demonstrated that the static friction of the circle , square and flat rods are different in the same conditions .

  14. 分析了导轨表面粗糙度、导轮偏心和扁疤等激励对电梯高频振动的影响。

    The influences of excitation mechanisms such as rail surface roughness , roller eccentricity and roller flat on the high frequency vibration were investigated .

  15. GB/T9636-1988磁性氧化物制成的圆天线棒和扁天线棒例如,在磁铁棒周围的磁力线从北极指向南极。

    Aerial rods and slabs made of magnetic oxides Around a bar magnet , for example , the lines of force point from the north pole to the south .

  16. 本文将S.Levy在1949年解矩形板大挠度问题的双三角级数解法推广到平行四边形板和扁壳的情形。

    In this paper , S. Levy 's double triangular series Method for Large deflection problem of rectangular plates is generalized to the same problem of parallelogram Shallow Shells .

  17. 一是用光弹性实验法对扁挤压筒挤压成形壁板过程进行模拟,确定了挤压力的作用方式和扁挤压筒内部的应力分布;

    On the one hand , simulate the wallboard extruding process to find the action mode of extrusion pressure and the distribution of inner stress of flat receptacle by photoelastic experiment .

  18. 数值结果表明,用于近似曲梁的拟协调曲梁和扁曲梁单元较直梁单元具有更好的精度。

    Numerical examples illustrate that the quasi-conforming elements of the curved beam and shallow curved beam which is used to approximate the curved beam have better accuracy than the straight beam element .

  19. 万向连接轴是许多工程机械的传动连接部件,由于应力集中的影响,连接轴的叉头和扁头经常发生破坏现象。

    The universal joints are the very important components in mechanical engineering , and as the effect of stress concentration , the fork of the joint axis and the flat head are often damaged .

  20. 更进一步,若能将预应力技术和扁梁框架结构结合起来,形成无粘结预应力扁梁框架结构,则将发挥更加明显的综合效应。

    Further , if we could combine the prestressed technology and flat beam frame structure to form the unbonded prestressed concrete flat beam frame structure , which will play a more obviously comprehensive effect .

  21. 进一步对3种钢结构失稳监控部件进行了概念设计,包括钢套管压力监控、节点塌陷监控、坦拱和扁壳跃越失稳监控;

    Furthermore , conceptual designs of three instability monitoring components were illustrated briefly , including compression-force monitoring of steel sleeving members , joint-dent monitoring of shallow arches and reticulated shells , snap-through instability monitoring of shallow arches and shells .

  22. 为此,设计了下压头浮动结构的自动压模以达到零件密度均匀分布,并以零件内孔和扁外形定位,采用内外全整形,满足了零件最终精度要求。

    Therefore , a ram with floating structure and automatic die have been designed for the homogeneous distribution of density in parts . Furthermore , final precision requirements can be met by the positioning fix of inner hole and flat contour of parts and by all-round coining .

  23. 通过研究蚊子和扁虱的琥珀标本,来自俄勒冈州立大学的乔治皮奥纳教授表明,细菌出现之时恐龙正处于濒临灭绝的时期,他认为很有可能是一场细菌瘟疫导致了这些庞大恐龙的消失。

    From looking at mosquitoes and ticks stuck in amber , Dr. George Poinar from Oregon State University said that germs started to emerge at the same time the dinosaurs were dying out , and it 's possible the mighty dinosaurs were brought down by a microscopic plague .

  24. 东北部扁虱,现在被看作和肩胛扁虱同种。

    A northeastern tick now recognized as same species as Ixodes scapularis .

  25. 本文通过框架扁梁柱节点和约束扁梁的试验,结合对国内外有关论述和工程实践的分析研究,提出了框架扁梁结构的计算方法和构造措施。

    According to our test results on the wide flat beam-column joints and restrained wide flat beams to -

  26. 一种有手柄和金属扁刃的小的手工具;用来挖掘抹撒灰膏或类似材料。

    A small hand tool with a handle and flat metal blade ; used for scooping or spreading plaster or similar materials .

  27. 夹层圆板和夹层扁球壳非线性弯曲的进一步研究圆球,圆球,蹦来蹦去。

    Further Study on Nonlinear Bending of Circular Sandwich Plates and Shallow Spherical Sandwich Shells Round and round , and up they jump .

  28. 以幂函数为试函数,用配点法计算了夹层圆板和夹层扁球壳的非线性弯曲。

    Taken power function as a trial function , nonlinear bending of circular sandwich plates and shallow spherical sandwich shells was discussed by means of point collocation .

  29. 本文简要介绍3种中式菜肴即青椒肉丝、粉蒸肉和干扁四季豆的冷冻调理技术方面的研究。

    The researches on preparing techniques for 3 kinds of frozen dishes with Chinese style i.e. pork with green bean with pork are briefly introduced in this paper .

  30. 对计算结果进行比较分析,建议在设计有粘结预应力结构时,尤其是超长结构和宽扁结构,要考虑预应力筋重心偏移的影响。

    Through comparison and analysis , it is suggested that influence of prestressed strands ' deviation should be considered for bonded prestressed structure , especially for bonded prestressed external-long structure and bonded prestressed wide flat structure .