
  1. 根据此方程组,用VC编制温度场模拟计算程序,实现计算机模拟,描绘了长厚壁钢管径向各节点冷却过程中的冷却曲线。

    According to the equations , the simulation program of the temperature field was developed with VC , which realized the computer simulation and described each radial node 's cooling curve of long-thick wall tube during the cooling process .

  2. 基于三剪统一强度准则分析了长厚壁圆筒的极限承压问题,得到了一个新的统一解形式,以往基于Mohr-Coulomb强度准则、Tresca屈服准则和VONMISES屈服准则的解均为其特例。

    New unified limit pressure solutions for thick wall cylinders are obtained with the triple shear unified failure criterion . Solutions based on the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion , the Tresca yield criterion and the Von Mises yield criterion are all its special cases .

  3. 窄长厚壁冲槽模设计

    Design of the Die for Punching Narrow Slots in Thick Walls

  4. 所有鹿身上的毛长厚,颜色变深。

    Hair on all the deer becomes darker and thicker .

  5. 有限长厚壁管在过冷沸腾状态下的热应力响应

    Thermal stress response of a finite length thick wall tube under subcooling boiling boundary condition

  6. “宽仁长厚”是刘备人物性格的最大特征之一,也是历代读者喜爱这一人物的原因所在。

    The generosity and straightwardness is one of the greatest essential features in the character of Liubei .

  7. 文中还讨论了不同长厚比以及高阶共振频率下的剪切变形及转动惯量的影响。

    The effects of shear deformation and rotatory inertia under various length-thickness ratios and higher vibration modes are also discussed .

  8. 试验结果表明:将石墨先氧化后还原法制备出的石墨烯具有无序的晶型、长厚比大。

    Results showed that the graphene with characteristics of disorder crystal and large length to thickness was prepared by oxidation reduction .

  9. 有限长厚壁圆筒康托洛维奇应力变分解端部偏差的修正

    The correction of the stresses near the bottom of thick-walled cylinder of finite length solved by the Kantorovich stress variation method

  10. 本文指出文献[4]、[5]在用康托洛维奇应力变分法解有限长厚壁圆筒轴对称问题时存在的端部应力偏差;

    In this paper , the bottom stress deviations are highlighted about the axisymmetric solution of the thick-walled cylinder of finite length by the Kantorovich stress variation method .

  11. 结果表明:四边铰支的正交异性层合板,当其长厚比小于30时,横向剪切变形对其位移和应力的影响是不容忽略的。

    The results showed that the effects of traverse shear on displacement and strees are not ignorable , as the length thick ratio of laminate is less than 30 .

  12. 对于通以恒定电流的有限长厚壁螺线管,用柱函数展开法推导出矢势的表达式,再根据磁感应强度与矢势的关系式得出磁场的积分形式表达式。

    For a steady current-carrying tightly wound thick-wall solenoid with a finite length , the expression of vector potential is derived by using the method of cylindrical function expansion .

  13. 牦牛的长厚指数最大(14.49%),黄牛的最小(12.56%)。

    The index of thickness / length was the largest in yak ( 14.49 % ), the smallest in cattle ( 12.56 % ) . The mean maximal length of the Mc .

  14. 通过对非稳态热传导过程的分析,依据传热学原理,建立了长厚壁钢管热轧后非稳态冷却温度场的数学模型,应用有限差分法得到长厚壁钢管节点温度的数值方程组。

    A mathematics model of the transient cooling temperature field was built for long-thick wall tubes by analyzing the transient heat transfer process and the principle of thermo-dynamics in this paper , and the numerical equations of nods are obtained with finite difference method .

  15. 钢板在线测宽测长测厚系统的开发及应用

    Development and Application of Online Width , Length and Thickness Measurement System for Steel Plate

  16. 伊万裹在那件又长又厚的大衣里浑身直发抖,不由得一瘸一拐地跑了起来。

    Ivan shivered under the long , thick coat and broke into a limping run .

  17. 卢克走进房间,手里牵着一只白色的大公羊,它一对琥珀色的眼睛,身上长着厚而卷的羊毛。

    Luke walked into the room leading a great white ram with amber eyes and a thick curly fleece on its back .

  18. 本文介绍了钢板在线测宽测长测厚系统的测量原理、测量设备及测量特点,分析了该系统的测量精度。

    The article describes the measuring principle , measuring equipment and measuring features of online width , length and thickness measurement system , analyzes the measuring accuracy of the system .

  19. 当然,这可能是由于成千上万的人患了梅毒,致使他们的头发脱落而呈令人尴尬的斑片状6。但无论如何,又长又厚的头发已经成为了地位的象征。

    Sure , it could have been because tons of people had syphilis , causing their hair to fall out in embarrassing patches , but long , thick hair became a status symbol anyway .

  20. 在夜间我们睡在海岛之上,但是都被奇长奇厚的大蛇的声音所惊醒了,它的鳞发着一种沙沙之声当它独自动着的时候。

    At night we went to sleep on the seashore , but were awakened by the noise of a serpent of surprising length and thickness , whose scales made a rustling noise as he moved himself along .

  21. 模型的尺寸是以现场冰情为准,其中河宽为长,冰厚为高。河流的轴向长度远远大于河宽,属于平面应变问题,计算宽度取为1m。

    It is a kind of plane strain problem because the river length is far more than its width so that the width of the model is set to be 1m .

  22. 对肢长与肢厚比在4~5的钢筋混凝土异形截面柱及Z形柱的受力特点进行初步探讨,提出初步的设计方法;

    Make a preliminary study on the stress feature of reinforced concrete special-shaped column and Z-shaped column of which the ratio of limb length to limb thickness is between 4 ~ 5 , and the preliminary design method is suggested ;

  23. 局部经工程验证已发现长220m,厚4.57m的含银铅锌矿体。

    A Ag-Pb-Zn orebody with a length of 220 m and a thickness of 4 . 57 m has been discovered .

  24. 作为PIA理论的一个应用实例,本文对切削一长700mm,厚10mm,直径300mm的圆柱壳体时的噪声进行了研究。

    As an application of PIA , cutting noise generated in turning the inner wall of a cylindrical shell with 300 mm in diameter , 700 mm in length and 10 mm in thichness is studied .

  25. 该棒电极由一根直径3mm的不锈钢螺丝制作而成,螺丝外面套了一连串长2.5mm、厚0.5mm的绝缘圆环。

    The rod electrode was made of a stainless steel screw of 3 mm diameter , the screw was covered by a series of insulator rings of 2.5 mm in length and 0.5 mm in wall thickness .

  26. 粒宽、粒长、粒厚主要受加性基因效应的控制。

    The results indicated that kernel weight depended chiefly upon its width , and secondly , upon kernel length and depth .

  27. 对于所有给定壳长、壳厚、半径及封头厚的组合结构,均找到了完全解。

    The exact solutions have been found for all configurations with different parameters of shell length , shell thickness , radius and plate thickness .

  28. 这座高225厘米的铜像将孔子塑造为一位神态和善、四方脸、长胡须、厚嘴唇、浓眉毛的老者。

    The225-cm ( 88-inch ) bronze statue depicts Confucius as a kind , old man with a square face , long beard , broad mouth and thick brows .

  29. 乔拉爵士算不上俊美,生着公牛般的脖子和肩膀,手臂和胸膛上长满粗厚的黑毛,头上反而寸草不生。

    Ser Jorah was not a handsome man . He had a neck and shoulders like a bull , and coarse black hair covered his arms and chest so thickly that there was none left for his head .

  30. 结果:经单因素分析与散光显著正相关的有近视程度,角膜散光值,角膜垂直及水平屈折力,角膜中心厚度,水平厚度,眼轴长和晶体厚。

    Results : Analysis of simple correlation indicated a significant positive correlation between astigmatism and the dioptres of myopia , horizontal and vertical corneal refractive powers , corneal thickness in centre and horizontal , axle length and lens thickness .