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  • 网络raymond zhou
  1. 周黎明:国内知名影评人。现居北京,供职于《中国日报》。

    Raymond Zhou is a well-known film critic in China . He lives in Beijing and works for China Daily .

  2. 著名评论家周黎明在一次访谈中说:我看过6000到7000部电影,但很少有几部能让我如此震惊。

    I have seen 6,000 or 7,000 movies , and this is one of the few that I hate . I was aghast at it , Raymond Zhou , a well-known critic said in an interview .

  3. 周黎明说:电影宣扬拜金主义,教唆一代年轻人沉沦于纸醉金迷中。

    The movie is instigating the kind of money-worship that will bring up a generation of gold diggers , Zhou said .

  4. 不过,在中国影评人周黎明看来,意外选中《夜莺》或许反映出中国负责选送的官员,观念发生了转变。

    But in the eyes of the Chinese film critic Raymond Zhou , the surprise selection of " The Nightingale " may be a reflection of a shift in the mindset of the Chinese nominating officials .

  5. 影评人周黎明表示,漫威拍摄首部华裔超级英雄电影的主要原因之一应该是《摘金奇缘》,它是近年来商业上最成功的好莱坞亚裔主题电影之一。

    Film critic Raymond Zhou said one of the main reasons Marvel 's first Chinese superhero film will be shot is because of Crazy Rich Asians , one of the most commercially successful Asian-themed Hollywood films in recent years .

  6. 至于为什么选择连漫威粉丝也不熟悉的演员来出演上气,周黎明指出,漫威过去也曾选择过同样没什么名气的演员,但最后票房却还不错,《银河护卫队》就是个例子。

    As for the choice of Shang-Chi , a little-known character even to Marvel fans , Zhou said Marvel had made similar decisions on films about lesser known characters that paid off at the box office , such as the Guardians of the Galaxy films .