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  1. 然而,随后发生的一系列起火事件使得美国运营商召回新的Note7,本周该公司又从市场全面召回Note7,投资者的信心遭到破坏。

    Yet that confidence was shattered when a spate of further fires caused US networks to withdraw the replacement model , with Samsung following suit this week with a total withdrawal of the Note 7 from the market .

  2. 本周该公司又宣布,谷歌公司和投资银行富达投资公司已对该项目投资10亿美元,使SpaceX公司估值达到100亿美元。

    This week the company announced that Google GOOG - 3.10 % and investment bank Fidelity FNF - 0.80 % have invested $ 1 billion in the project , valuing SpaceX at $ 10 billion .

  3. 本周该国股市触及有史以来最高位。

    The stock market hit an all-time high this week .

  4. 一个人到美国夏威夷州去度假两周该花多少钱?

    How much is a two-week vacation in Hawaii worth to you ?

  5. 但是,本周该计划却使美国证券市场以及国际证券市场的价格上扬。

    However this week , news of the plan sent prices higher on the American and international stock markets .

  6. 这同样引发诸多问题:时装周该何去何从、抑或甚至说我们是否还需要它。

    It also presents many questions of what the fashion show should be - or whether we even need one .

  7. 今年八月,将会有更多ISHU产品面世,接下来几周该系列的手机壳就要推向市场。

    More ISHU products are set to launch in August , with mobile phone cases set to launch in the next few weeks .

  8. 自从建造了世界最长的高速网络,本周该国自豪的推出了其展示项目,全场820英里的北京上海线。

    And having built the world 's longest high-speed network from scratch , this week the country proudly launched its showcase project , the1,318km ( 820-mile ) Beijing-Shanghai line .

  9. 要求匿名的消息人士称,有关融资规模和公司估值的准确目标,接下来几周该公司与投资者开始谈判后,才能确定下来。

    More precise targets on the size and the valuations will be determined after the company begins talks with investors in coming weeks , said the people , who spoke on the condition of anonymity .

  10. 中行起先将贷款手续费设定在888英镑,体现中国人认为数字8具有吉祥意义的观念,但本周该行已将手续费上调至更易于辨识的995英镑。

    In a nod to Chinese belief in the auspicious nature of the number eight , the bank has had a mortgage arrangement fee of £ 888 , though it this week switched it to the more recognisable figure of £ 995 .

  11. 本周,该公司还在门洛帕克设立了一个“策略和创新中心”(StrategyandInnovationCenter),由孙英权负责。

    This week it also unveiled a " strategy and innovation center " in Menlo Park , which Sohn oversees .

  12. 尼尔森音乐(NielsenMusic)的数据显示,在最近一周,该唱片的销售量为4.5万张,表现一般。

    In its latest week the soundtrack sold a modest 45000 copies , according to Nielsen Music .

  13. 汉诺威医学院(HanoverMedicalSchool)是德国中北部的一个学术医院。本周,该医学院发出警告说,约有30名难民在食用一种俗称死亡帽(deathcap)的蘑菇后中毒,其中一些情况严重。

    Hanover Medical School , an academic hospital in north-central Germany , warned this week that about 30 migrants had been sickened - some of them severely - after eating mushrooms commonly called death caps .

  14. 最近几周,该区域的城市被浓密的雾霾笼罩,最严重的地方能见度小于100m。

    Cities in the region have been enveloped in thick smog in recent weeks , with visibility of less than 100m in the worst-hit areas .

  15. 大众旗下品牌西雅特(Seat)在西班牙面对的是一个业已崩溃的汽车市场。本周,该公司派遣全部董事访华,走访中国多个城市,参加经销商开业仪式并推出车型。

    Seat , the VW-owned brand which faces a collapsed car market in Spain , dispatched its entire board to China this week , where they fanned out across several cities to attend dealership openings and launch the marque .

  16. 这家著名的医院就是首尔的三星医疗中心(SamsungMedicalCenter)。早前一周,该院的医生最先在另一位MERS患者身上确诊了这种疾病,但他们未能发现两起病例之间的联系。

    Doctors of the renowned hospital , the Samsung Medical Center in Seoul , were the first to confirm the disease , known as MERS , in another patient a week earlier but failed to detect the connection between the two cases .

  17. 爱尔兰房地产无论还剩下多少泡沫,现在都已被粗暴地刺破本周,该国财长布赖恩勒尼汉(brianlenihan)透露了位于爱尔兰银行业核心的“黑洞”。

    Any air left in the Irish property bubble was unceremoniously ejected this week , as Brian Lenihan , Irish finance minister , revealed the " black hole " at the heart of Irish banking .

  18. 虽然在苹果的季度盈利报告中,iPhone销量是投资者最关注的数据之一,但分析师还预期手机平均销售价格将增加,这归功于iPhone7Plus的畅销,几周来该手机在苹果网站上一直脱销。

    Although iPhone unit sales areamong the most closely watched figures among investors when Apple reports itsquarterly earnings , analysts are also anticipating an increase to the averageselling price of a handset owing to the popularity of the iPhone 7 Plus , whichis sold out for weeks on Apple 's website .

  19. 这些一周前该在我的办公桌上。

    These should have been on my desk a week ago .

  20. 本周,该公司的股价累计飙升250%。

    The company 's shares have soared 250 % this week .

  21. 预期从明天开始,三周之后该法律将生效。

    It 's supposed to kick in three weeks from tomorrow .

  22. 两周前该大使宣布他将竞选总统一职

    Two weeks ago , The ambassador announced his candidacy for president .

  23. 本周,该行业有史以来最大的一次离岸收购突显出了这一趋势。

    This trend was highlighted this week by the industry 's largest ever offshore acquisition .

  24. 本周,该个机构刚庆祝完十位单亲母亲完成了职业课程培训。

    This week , it celebrated the end of an employment course for ten single mothers .

  25. 这意味着在过去两周,该公司的股价增至三倍以上。

    This means the company 's price has more than tripled in the last two weeks .

  26. 结论米非司酮用于中期妊娠可造成胎儿肝、肾、脑组织的损伤,孕16~22周应用该药对胎儿造成的损伤最为严重;

    Conclusion Mifepristone can lead to the damage to lover , kidney and brain in mid-pregnancy .

  27. 据西蒙尼·奥兰丹从马尼拉带来的报道,美国大使今天提出的警告是基于几周前该地区发生的爆炸案。

    As Simone Orendain reports from Manila today 's warning follows bombings in the region several weeks ago .

  28. 过去一周,该州遭遇1.2万次雷击,导致了585起火灾。

    There were approximately 12000 lightning strikes that started 585 fires in the state over the past week .

  29. 我们极欲预订从5月1日开始为期一周在该饭店下榻的客房,没想到该饭店已经订满。

    We tried to make a booking for the week beginning may1st , but the hotel was full .

  30. 本周,该公司又在内曼•马库斯和诺德斯特龙推出了一系列新款男士内衣。

    And this week , the company launched a new underwear line for men at Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom .