- 名Zhou Yu; a leading adherent of the Wu-kingdom faction

[Zhou Yu(Chou Yü)] (175-210) 中国三国时吴国名将。庐江舒(今安徽舒城)人。字公瑾。208年曹操占荆州后,统水陆两军数十万,试图南下,一举击灭东吴。瑜与鲁肃审时度势,指出曹操冒险用兵四患,并亲率吴军与刘备联军,大破曹操于赤壁
Chang alightweightas the wimpish Sun , and Taiwanese super-model Lin Chi-ling mostly decorative as Zhou 's wife .
The Reevaluation of Zhou Yu : Narrowness or Generosity
Zhou Yu had been wounded by a poisonous arrow when he was attacking Nanjun .
On the Image of Zhou Yu
Learning of Zhou Yu 's demise , Zhuge Liang decided to go to pay respects .
Xiao Qiao : Let 's call it Mengmeng ! Yu Chou : Oops ?! Mengmeng !
In 208 , Zhou Yu and Liu Bei led their forces to fight Cao Cao .
Zhou Yu was a brave general of the Wu Kingdom in the period of the three Kingdoms .
When Zhou Yu arrived at Jingzhou and learned this , he let out a wail and fainted .
" I 'm not watching you , I just appreciating you !" Liang Chu-keh said to Yu Chou .
Zhou Yu took Jiang Gan 's hands and marshaled him into his tent and treated him to a banquet .
At last , Zhou Yu gave Huang Gai one hundred strokes on the back with a whip as punishment .
Zhou Yu led the Wu forces ( 30 000 ) with Liu Bei 's forces ( 20 000 ) .
Xiao Qiao : Let 's give it a name ? Shall we ? Yu Chou : It was born in JIngzhou
The Relations between Zhuge Liang , Zhou Yu , Sima Yi and Their Respective Kingly Masters , also the Display of Their Talents
When Liu Bei asked where Zhuge Liang was , Zhou Yu said he 'd Better meet him when Cao Cao was defeated .
Zhou Yu , chief commander of Wu , Was talented and proficient in strategies and tactics but was narrow-minded and intolerant of others .
Chang is a tad lightweight in such company as the wimpish Sun , and Taiwanese super-model Lin Chi-ling mostly decorative as Zhou 's wife .
Cao Cao 's first attack was driven back and then the wind changed against him and Zhou Yu sent in an attack with fire-ships .
Unless you want to sign up for either of those scenarios , focus filling your time with your own friendships , interests , and goals .
Now we want the present-day " Chou Yus " to sit on the League Central Committee , and yet people won 't hear of it !
Zhou Yu let Kan Ze , Huang Gai 's friend , to deliver the letter of surrender to Cao Cao , which Huang Gai had prepared .
Zhou Yu is a successful artistic character created by Luo Guanzhong in The Stories of Three Kingdoms and also a real important assistant minister during that period .
When Zhuge 's fleet got close to the Cao camp before dawn , Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to shout and beat drums to fake an attack .
The struggle between Shu and Wu fought for Jingzhou also turned out to be Shu 's successions of victories while Wu just helplessly waited for its end .
When Lu Su saw Zhuge Liang was in such grievance , he said to himself ," zhou Liang was narrow-minded and he brought on his own death . "
Zhou Yu 's classmate , Jiang Gan , was working for Cao Cao as an adviser , Jiang offered to travel to Wu to persuade Zhou Yu to surrender .
the next day Zhou Yu convened a general assembly of his commanders outside his tent . He ordered the commanders to take three months 's rations and prepare to defend their line .
Zhou Yu had been wounded by a poisonous arrow when he was attacking nanjun . zhou 's wound burst when he learned that Zhuge Liang had already taken over nanjun , Jingzhou and xiangyang .
Zhou Yu was very glad when he saw Liu Bei 's coming . He had arranged an armed man to kill Liu Bei at the banquet when he threw a cup to the ground as the signal .