
  1. 周明请到那边。

    Zhou Ming , go there , please .

  2. 周明指出,当前,机器翻译面临着各种挑战,这使得其无法达到专业翻译的标准。

    Machine translation currently faces challenges that prevent it from reaching the standards of professional translation , Zhou noted .

  3. 来自上海的周明律师表示,可以说,视频直播已经对学生的隐私构成了侵犯。

    Zhou Ming , a Shanghai-based attorney , says a case could be made that the live-streaming constitutes a violation of student privacy .

  4. 周明:感觉自由自在的,没有任何约束,畅所欲言。

    Zhou Ming : I have a sense of free , and limitlessness , and I can say what I want to say .

  5. 5月22日,微软亚洲研究院常务副院长周明在于北京举行的2017全球人工智能技术大会上发表的主旨演讲中这样说道。

    Zhou Ming , standing deputy dean of Microsoft Research Asia , made the statement in his keynote speech at the 2017 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference , held in Beijing on May 22 .

  6. 周明预测,除了翻译,语言处理技术和其它人工智能,在未来还可应用于包括教育、药物和无人驾驶在内的很多领域。

    Apart from translation , Zhou speculated that language-processing technology , integrated with other artificial intelligence , could be applied in many fields including education , medicine and driverless cars in the near future .