
  1. 论周作人早期散文的艺术特色

    On the Art Style of Zhou Zuo ren 's Early Proses

  2. 周作人的日本文化论

    Zhou Zuo-ren 's Study of the Japanese Culture Impression on Japan

  3. 周作人的纯文学观与中国文化传统

    Zhou Zuo Ren 's Pure Literature View and Chinese Cultural Tradition

  4. 从男女平权到女性本位&周作人、张竞生妇女观之文化研究

    From the equal rights for men and women to the female-based

  5. 论周作人的日本诗歌翻译

    A Study of Zhou Zuo-ren 's translation of Japanese Poems

  6. 论外来文化对周作人生活观建构的影响

    The Influence of Foreign Culture on Philosophy of ZHOU Zuo-ren

  7. 周作人译述古希腊戏剧的文化策略

    Zhou Zuo-ren 's Cultural Strategy In Translating Ancient Greek Dramas

  8. 周作人早期文化心态及其散文创作

    Zhou Zuo ren ′ s Cultural State of Mind and His Prose

  9. 周作人正是在这里显示出他的洞察力和认识的深刻。

    Zhou was here showing his deep insight and understanding .

  10. 周作人散文理论的生成与转换

    Generation and Transformation of Zhou Zuo Ren 's Essay Theory

  11. 摘要《晨报副刊》与周作人之间有着紧密的联系。

    Morning supplement and Zhou Zuo-ren are closely related to each other .

  12. 并总结周作人忧患意识的个体特征。

    And summarize the individual character of Zhou Zuoren 's suffering consciousness .

  13. 周作人散文中的英国情味

    The Cultural Sentiment of Chinese Character British Images in ZHOU Zuo-ren 's Essays

  14. 目前,鲁迅周作人研究已经成为一门显学。

    Currently studies of them are becoming increasingly popular .

  15. 周作人的日本文化研究理论探索

    A Probe on the Research Theories of the Japanese Culture by Zhou Zuo-ren

  16. 论周作人后期散文风格

    On the Style of Zhou Zuo-ren 's Later Essays

  17. 论周作人对中国现代诗歌的独特贡献

    On ZHOU Zuo-ren 's Contributions to Modern Chinese Poetry

  18. 文化人类学与周作人的女性观

    Cultural Anthropology and Zhou Zuo-ren 's Female Concept

  19. 传统话语下的林语堂和周作人

    Lin Yu-tang and Zhou Zuo-ren Under Traditional Utterance

  20. 周作人是中国新文学史上一位重要的理论家。

    Zhou Zuo-ren is an important theo (?) in the history of Chinese literature .

  21. 周作人与佛教文化之关系初探

    On Relation Between Zhou Zuo-ren and Buddhist Culture

  22. 论周作人的文学宽容观

    Zhou Zuoren : His Literary Concepts of Tolerance

  23. 鲁迅周作人人道主义思想比较论

    On the Comparison of Lu Xun 's and Zhou Zuo-ren 's Ideologies of Humanitarianism

  24. 周作人:人的文学与中国现代人口文化理论之滥觞

    Zhou Zuo Ren 's Views on Human Literature and Modern Theory of Population Culture

  25. 《晨报副刊》与周作人

    " Morning Supplement " and Zhou Zuo-ren

  26. 周作人对现实人生是给予了较多的人道主义关怀的,其对妇女及儿童问题尤为关注。

    Zhou Zuo-ren had offered more humanitarianism to show loving care for the reality life .

  27. 二元对立的矛盾纠缠&论周作人20世纪二三十年代的散文艺术

    On Contradiction Tangles from Binary Opposition & On Zhou Zuo-ren 's Prose Works during 1920s-30s

  28. 论周作人生活观的建构

    Formation of ZHOU Zuo-ren 's Life Outlook

  29. 论五四前后周作人的人道主义思想

    A Humanistic Thought of Zhou Zuo-ren Before and After the " May 4th Movement "

  30. 摘要周作人是我国日本文学研究的开拓者、奠基人。

    Zhou Zuo-ren is a pioneer and founder of studies on Japanese literature in china .