
  • 网络Lydia;lydian
  1. 短暂的青春年华(吕底亚m.蔡尔德)

    The transient beauty of youth ( Lydia M. Child )

  2. 撒狄是古代吕底亚帝国的首都。

    Sardis was the capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia .

  3. 我们已经说过吕底亚在黄金舞台。

    We 've already talked about Lydian in the gold arena .

  4. 我看你可能指的是像吕底亚国际公司?

    I reckon you are probably referring to companies like Lydian International ?

  5. 他征服了米提亚,粉碎了吕底亚人并且攻克了巴比伦。

    He vanquished the Medes , crushed the Lydians and conquered Babylon .

  6. 是的,阿君和吕底亚已在亚美尼亚重大发现。

    Right , Arjun and Lydian has made a major discovery in Armenia .

  7. 他统治着古老的吕底亚王国,即现在的土耳其西部。

    He ruled ancient Lydia , now western Turkey .

  8. 因此,投资者正在慢慢地了解吕底亚。

    So investors are slowly learning about Lydian .

  9. 吕底亚是努力让他们在亚美尼亚发现了这个词?

    Is Lydian making efforts to get the word out about their discovery in Armenia ?

  10. 埃及的一个同盟是吕底亚,一个小亚细亚上的强国。

    An ally of Egypt was Lydia , the most powerful Nation of Asia Minor .

  11. 非拉铁非是另一个在吕底亚地区的城市,在先今的土耳其境内。

    Philadelphia is another city in the area of Lydia , which is part of Modern Turkey .

  12. 已知的最早的硬币是在吕底亚制造的,吕底亚是一个位于现在的土尔其的一个小国家。

    The earliest known coins were made in Lydia , a little country in what is now Turkey .

  13. 按照这种逻辑,如果退休年龄降到25岁,我们都和克罗伊斯(注:吕底亚最后一代国王,以财富甚多闻名)一样富裕了。

    On that reasoning , if the retirement age came down to 25 we would all be as rich as Croesus .

  14. 吕底亚出席会议的一些投资,我肯定他们会在探矿和开发人员的加拿大协会在多伦多表演。

    Lydian attends some of the investment conferences , I 'm certain they will be at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada show in Toronto .

  15. 二人出了监,往吕底亚家里去。见了弟兄们,劝慰他们一番,就走了。

    And they went out of the prison , and entered into the house of Lydia : and when they had seen the brethren , they comforted them , and departed .

  16. 但是我希望今天的女性能够找到吕底亚所找到的:除非她们能够在永恒的主耶稣基督里找到她们的答案,否则他们的生涯将会真正缺乏“永恒”!

    But I hope women today will find what Lydia found : that their careers will lack the word " eternal " until they find their answer in the eternal Christ , our Lord Jesus !

  17. 有一个卖紫色布匹的妇人,名叫吕底亚,是推雅推喇城的人,素来敬拜神。她听见了,主就开导她的心,叫她留心听保罗所讲的话。

    And a certain woman named Lydia , a seller of purple , of the city of Thyatira , which worshipped God , heard us : whose heart the Lord opened , that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul .