- 网络Posterior funiculus;funiculus posterior;posterior funiculi

For case 3 , long T1 low signal and long T2 high signal scattered in C2,4-5 posterior funiculus .
The structure of posterior funiculus was observed by silver-gilt aminoacetic acid staining .
The majority of cortical efferents which terminated to the dorsal funicular nuclei derived controlaterally from the pyramidal cells in layer V posterior sigmoid gyrus .
It could indirectly reflect the injury of the posterior column of spinal cord .
RESULTS : ① MRI features of SCD patients : For case 1 , there was symmetrical long T2 high signal in the posterior funiculus of middle and lower chest marrow ;
After injection of HRP into the anterior vermis and the fastigial nucleus the labeled neurons were present in the external cuneate nucleus and in the dorsal column nuclei especially in their rostral part .
The cortico-dorsal funicular nuclei ( DFN ) and dorsal funicular nuclei-spinal cord projections were studied with the HRP and modified Nauta methods in 35 cats .
Horseradish peroxidase was injected into C_ ( 6,7 ) or L_ ( 5,6 ) spinal cord in 21 adult cats and the morphology and distribution of the labeled cells in the dorsal columu nuclei ( DCN ) were studied .
Chiefly , neurons and astrocytes in the gray matter and neuroglia cell in the white matter showed strong HIF-1 α expression .
In order to identify the synaptic relationship between the primary afferent terminals and the thalamic projecting neurons in the dorsal column nucleus , the combined retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase ( HRP ) and experimental degeneration method were applied in the adult cats .
Results : Current of 1 mA , 210 s could cause necrosis and cavitation in the dorsal funiculus , resulting in bilateral corticospinal tract injury ;
Significance and functions of the cable force adjustment are discussed .
The origins of afferent fibers in the dorsal column nuclei of the rat
The degenerated fibers are the densest in the intermediate ventral part in DFN .
The pathologic changes is mainly the degeneration in the corticospinal tract and the posterior funiculus .
The Synaptic Relationships Between the Primary Afferent Terminals and Thalamic Projecting Neurons in the Cat Dorsal Column Nuclei
The ultrastructure and synaptic connections of the projecting fibrous terminals of cats'cortical dorsal column nuclei is studied by the degenerating method .
Then trial method based on the forward analysis is used to determine the initial cable force of Xinyan cable-stayed bridge in the paper .
Significance and functions of the cable force adjustment are introduced . Advantages of the influence matrix method for cable force adjustment are discussed .
The projections of the DFN to the spinal cord originate mainly from large and medium sized cells in the intermediate ventral part in DFN .
Degenerating fibers were found in the ventral part of the contralateral dorsal funiculus and the medial part of the ipsilateral ven - tral funiculus .
The projections from the external cuneate and the dorsal column nuclei to cerebellum in the rabbit & a study of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase
The fibers descend in the white matter around the tip of posterior horn and terminate in the Rexed 's laminae ⅳ and ⅴ of ipsilateral cord .
Role of combined transplantation of neuron-like cells and controlled-release neurotrophic factor in the structural repair and functional restoration of macaca mulatta posterior funiculus following spinal cord injury
Medio-Iaterally , the cervical projecting cells were located chiefly at the junctional area between the gracile and medial cuneate nuclei and at the ventromedial part of the latter .
The afferent neurons from cuneate nucleus , gracile nucleus , nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve , nucleus of solitary tract mainly located below the level of obex .
The branching projections from the dorsal funicular nuclei and the sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve to the cerebellum and the thalamus in the rat & a study with the fluorescence double labeling method
With the typical case study of the Jinhu interconnection partial cable-stayed bridge , this paper introduces the application of the impact matrix method and trial method in the cable force adjustment calculation after construction .
Results : In controlling withdrawal symptoms there was no significant difference ( P < 0.05 ) between the two groups . However , Group A experienced fewer and slighter adverse drug effects . The cost in Group A was reduced .
The synthetical method for form finding of cable reinforced membrane structures are proposed .