
tónɡ yuán wù
  • Homologue;congener
  1. 人凝血因子C同源物基因全长cDNA克隆

    Full Length cDNA Cloning of Human Coagulation Factor C Homology

  2. 利什曼原虫的LACK抗原是利什曼原虫活性蛋白激酶C受体同源物,是一种新发现的抗原蛋白。

    The LACK gene from Leishmania , an analogue of the receptor of activated protein kinase C , was discovered recently .

  3. 目的:探讨乳癌组织中第10号染色体缺失的磷酸酶和张力蛋白同源物基因(PTEN)的表达及其意义。

    Aim : To investigate the expression of PTEN and its clinical significance in breast carcinoma tissue .

  4. 用电喷雾质谱仪测定PLA2同源物分子量。

    The relative molecular mass of the homologue was measured by electrospray ionization mass spectrum .

  5. 染色体10上缺失的磷酸酶与张力蛋白同源物基因(phosphataseandtensinhomologdeletedonchromosome10,PTEN)是新近发现的一个肿瘤抑制基因。

    Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 ( PTEN ) is a newly found tumor suppressor gene .

  6. 线虫的PDCD5同源物、泛素及IAP(Inhibitorofapoptosisproteins)分子等在表达谱拓扑图上属于同一基因簇成员,该基因簇与生物合成和蛋白质合成相关。

    Elegans ortholog , ubiquitin and IAP ( inhibitor of apoptosis proteins ) belonged to the same expression profile cluster . This cluster was related to biosynthesis and protein synthesis .

  7. 神经营养素3(NT-3)和脑源性神经生长因子(BDNF)是神经生长因子(NGF)的同源物。

    Neurotrophines - 3 ( NT - 3 ) and brain derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) are members of nerve growth factor family .

  8. Caspase-9同源物结构保守性较高,暗示了其功能的保守性及重要性。

    The higher structure conservatism of Caspase-9 homolog suggests the function conservatism and importance of Caspase-9 .

  9. RT-PCR结果显示获得的细胞表达缪勒管抑制物,不表达促黄体素受体和小鼠VASA同源物。

    Results of RT-PCR showed M ü llerian inhibitor substance were transcribed in isolated cells , while luteinizing hormone-receptor and mouse vasa homolog were not .

  10. 人血管紧张素转换酶2(ACE2)是目前已知的惟一的人血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)的同源物,是一种新型的金属羧肽酶,很多特性与ACE截然不同。

    Human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 ( ACE2 ), an only known homologue of human ACE , is a novel metallocarboxypeptidase with characteristics distinct from those of ACE .

  11. 方法用C18反相高效液相层析从蛇毒粗毒中分离纯化出PLA2同源物,并检测其纯度。

    Methods The PLA2 homologue was isolated and purified by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) and its purity was determined also by HPLC .

  12. 结论该酸性成纤维生长因子基因同源物是酸性成纤维生长因子mRNA的不同拼接产物,可能参与胶质瘤的形成。

    RESULTS A homolog of acid fibroblast growth factor ( aFGF ) mRNA was found in tumor tissue but not in normal brain tissue . CONCLUSION The new gene is the different splicing product of aFGF and might be involved in glioma genesis .

  13. lgl的同源物已证实存在于许多物种中:包括人、鼠、昆虫、蠕虫、黏液菌和酵母等。

    Homologues of lgl have been identified in many species including man , mouse , insect , worm , slime mold and yeast .

  14. 目的:探讨外源性酸性成纤维生长因子(aFGF)对新生大鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤血管新生及神经行为的作用及可能机制。结果获得一胶质瘤相关的酸性成纤维生长因子基因同源物。

    Objective : To investigate the angiogenic effect and protective effect on cognitive dysfunction of exogenous acid fibroblast growth factor ( aFGF ) following hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in neonatal rats .

  15. c-abl是Abelson鼠白血病病毒原癌基因v-abl在细胞内的同源物,广泛表达于哺乳动物细胞中[1]。

    C-abl is the cellular homolog of the v-abl oncogene of the Abelson murine leukemia virus and is ubiquitously expressed in mammal cells .

  16. LEC1编码CCAAT结合因子HAP3亚基的同源物,是植物胚胎发育过程当中重要的转录调节因子。

    LEC1 which encodes HAP3 subunit of the CCAAT binding factor is an important transcriptional regulator required for plant embryo development .

  17. 这些STK同源物在染色体上分布既有单基因的形式,也有基因簇的形式;

    These homologues distribute as either single gene or gene cluster in the genomes , similar to LRR-TM and STK homologues , contain 10 conserved motifs with 20 to 51 amino acids in each genome respectively .

  18. 这些数据表明叶绿体的发育状况与PPF1或拟南芥同源物ALB3的表达水平呈正相关。

    These results suggested that the developmental status of chloroplasts was positively correlated with the level of PPF1 or its Arabidopsis homologue , ALB3 .

  19. CopRS/CopABCD是细菌用以维持铜内环境稳定的一个系统,虽然已在荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonasfluorescens)中发现了CopRS/CopABCD系统的同源物,但其潜在的功能还未知。

    CopRS / CopABCD is one of the known systems that control copper homeostasis in bacteria . Though CopRS / CopABCD homologues are found to exist in Pseudomonas fluorescens , the potential role of this system in P. fluorescens has not been investigated .

  20. Rhomboid蛋白家族是近些年来才发现的,已经在古生菌、细菌、酵母菌、蜾蝇、哺乳动物,包括人,甚至植物等生物中都发现了Rhomboid蛋白同源物。

    Rhomboid protein family is found in the recent years . We have found the homologue of rhomboid protein in archaea , bacteria , yeast , fruit flies and mammals , including humans , even plants and other organisms .

  21. 马立克氏病病毒Ⅰ型疫苗毒克隆株pp38基因同源物的扩增和克隆

    Phosphorylated protein 38 kD ( pp38 ) gene homolog amplification and cloning of marek ′ s disease virus ( mdv ) attenuated strains cvi988 / c

  22. 同时,v-Yes诱导细胞转化的能力激发了对其正常细胞同源物c-Yes的研究兴趣,因为可以推测c-Yes很可能与人类癌症的发生发展有关。

    The ability of v-Yes to induce cell transformation piqued interest in the study of the normal cellular homologue , as it was inferred that c-Yes might be involved in the onset or progression of human cancers .

  23. 10号染色体上缺失的磷酸酶与张力蛋白同源物基因与神经发育

    Phosphatase and Tensin Homology Deleted on Chromosome 10 and Neural Development

  24. 磷酸酶&张力蛋白同源物-PTEN与心肌细胞钙/心肌肥厚关系的研究

    The Study on Relationship between PTEN and Cardiomyocyte Intracellular Calcium / Cardiac Hypertrophy

  25. 这些非同源物产生了基因转换的障碍。

    The non-homologies create barriers to gene conversion .

  26. 水稻三类抗病基因同源物的结构和进化分析欧氏鹅膏与其它几种剧毒鹅膏的亲缘关系较远;

    Structure and Phylogenetic Analysis of Three Classes of Rice Disease Resistance Homologues Phylogenetic relationship of A.

  27. 从这些序列的功能注释中,一共筛选到了34个与其他植物中花发育相关基因的同源物,这些基因包括开花决定基因、花分生组织基因和花器官发育基因。

    These genes were included flowering determination genes , floral meristem identity genes and floral organ development genes .

  28. 找出其最适一阶分子连接性指数~1X~v的范围,预示了该类化合物中其余同源物的活性。

    The most suitable range of one order molecular connectivity index has been found and the activities of other similar compounds are predicted .

  29. 方法:利用数据库相似性搜索、同源物结构比较、表达谱分析和查询基因邻居等技术进行数据发掘和数据综合分析。

    Data mining and comprehensive analysis by sequence against database similarity searching , ortholog structure comparison , expression profile analysis and gene neighbor listing were performed .

  30. 开发能够代表所有动物基因家族精确进化历史的资源库并提供可靠的直系同源物分类。

    It aims to develop a curated resource that presents the accurate evolutionary history of all animal gene families , as well as reliable ortholog and paralog assignments .