
  1. 首先概述DPAL的基本原理和结构,并对其作为能源用于同步地球卫星发射任务的方式和优势做了简要讨论。

    The basic principle and structure of DPAL are introduced , and the advantages of using DPAL for power beaming in launching geo-synchronous satellites are also discussed .

  2. 短基线相位干涉技术具有测角精度高,基线短,布网灵活,实时性好等特点,非常适用于对同步轨道及其以内地球卫星的现有测控手段进行增强和补充。

    Short baseline connected-element interferometry ( CEI ) has the advantages of high angular precision , baselines of short length , flexible network distribution , nearly real-time processing , which can be adopted to complement and enhance the measurement and control system of geostationary satellites and other satellites at present .