- 名homograph;homonym

The appearance of the homograph just reflect the confliction and the competition between these two motivations .
On Homograph between Suzhou Dialect and Putonghua
There are many homonyms , so you have to distinguish .
The fourth chapter is the homographs comparative analysis .
The motivation analysis of the homonym in English
Different word with the same spelling be distinguished in this dictionary by superscript numbers
This part discusses in homographs meaning explaining method , homographs teaching method and homographs practice .
Due to the development of Chinese characters , more homonyms were coined after Guang Yun .
Two words are homographs if they are spelled the same way but differ in meaning .
In fact , a pun takes several forms in advertisements and there is no unified standard for the classification .
One of two or more words that have the same spelling but differ in origin , meaning , and sometimes pronunciation .
This paper contains three parts . The first part is the homographs comparing in Chinese and Korean and the cause reason analysis of homographs .
There are a lot of Chinese-character-words in Korean language , especially homographs , which often cause mistakes and errors when South Korean students learn and use Chinese .
A function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word .
But many traditional researches are confined to the inner elements of polysemous word , for instance , the difference between polysemy and homonymy . They missed the whole picture of polysemy for ignoring the external elements of polysemy .
Scholastic Dictionary of Synonyms , Antonyms , and Homonyms .
This chapter gives a systematic account of the formal school , but the viewpoint can not explain the difference between polysemy and homonymy .
As a part of homonymy , Homonym Chinese characters were affected by both objective and subjective factors ( historical , social and other objective factors , and the internal language system ) during their formation , development , and the evolution processes .
Traditional controlled vocabulary , which has a wide application in the information management field , has adopt a top-down organizational method and pre-determined terms , can solve the homonymy , synonyms polysemous and so on .
According to the characteristics of the Chinese characters words , Chinese characters word altogether can be divided into three categories as same type synonyms , homonyms , heterosexual synonyms .
The same shape synonyms primarily through the pronunciation , homographs mainly through word meaning contrast , heterosexual synonyms by labeling approach to lexical education .
In the third chapter , identical words have been divided into synonymy and homograph from semanteme .
As is known to us , there are numbers of homographs in Chinese and Japanese languages , and these words can be , based on their meanings , classified into isomorphic synonyms , homonyms and isomorphic near synonyms .
They can be divided into two categories : synonymy and homograph .
Chinese , word of the errors with form appeared to small scale by big is in the shape near synonyms , with shape with synonyms , homonymy word .
In the three types of Chinese-Japanese homographs , the error of the isomorph synonyms takes the largest proportion in the total errors , the second part is the error of synonyms with same form , and the least one is the homographs .