
tónɡ yì mì mǎ zi
  • synonym codon;synonymous codon
  1. 人类基因同义密码子偏好的特征以及与基因GC含量的关系

    The Features of Synonymous Codon Bias and GC-content Relationship in Human Genes

  2. 利用籼稻品种9311的全基因组序列及相应的EST数据,对影响同义密码子用法的若干因子进行了详细分析。

    By using the whole genome sequences and EST data from the indica rice cultivar 93 11 , a detailed relative analysis is made of the effect of some impact factors on synonymous codon usage .

  3. 而且,对于同一个发育阶段,特异性表达的基因与富集表达的基因相比,往往使用更多的以GC结尾的同义密码子。

    Moreover , at the same developmental stage , DSGs generally used more GC-ending codons compared with DPGs .

  4. 这同时亦表明,E.coli基因中同义密码子的选用与蛋白质的二级结构有一些关联。

    This result also shows that there are some correlations between the choice of synonymous codons and the secondary structures of protein in E. coli genes .

  5. 水稻和拟南芥NBS-LRR基因家族同义密码子使用偏好的比较

    Synonymous Codon Bias of NBS-LRR Gene Family in Rice and Arabidopsis

  6. 我们还发现,很多与发育阶段密切相关的基因在染色体上呈现成簇分布的状态,并且,簇内基因与簇外基因相比,偏好于使用更多以GC结尾的同义密码子。

    We also observed that many developmental stage - related genes were organized as clusters in chromosomes . Moreover , genes within clusters generally used more GC-ending codons than genes out of the clusters .

  7. 密码子偏性是指生物体中编码同一种氨基酸的同义密码子的非均衡使用现象,由于这一现象与遗传信息的载体分子DNA和生物功能分子蛋白质相关联,所以具有重要的生物学意义;

    Codon bias refers to the nonrandom usage of synonymous codons for encoding amino acids in organisms . As it is related to the carrier molecular of genetic information ( DNA ) and functional molecular ( protein ) of life , this phenomenon implicates important biological sense .

  8. 利用635个包含完整转座因子插入的粳稻CDS序列,对转座因子如何影响基因编码区的碱基组成及基因的表达水平,进而对基因同义密码子的使用偏性产生影响进行了详细分析。

    By using 635 CDSs containing integral transposable element sequence ( TEs ), a detailed analysis on how the insertion of TEs affects gene nucleotide composition in coding region and gene expression level , and furthermore affects the synonymous codon usage bias in every genes was made .

  9. 密码子偏爱性分析表明DPVgI基因中同义密码子第三位A、T碱基的使用频率更高,且密码子偏性较低,推测为低表达基因。

    The analysis on codon usage bias showed that DPV gI gene was strong bias towards the synonymous codons with A and T at the third codon position , and was low codon usage bias gene , presumed lower expression .

  10. 利用自编的RFCS程序计算同义密码子相对使用频率(RFSC),并根据RFSC值筛选出高频密码子。

    The high-frequency codons were selected by high-frequency codon analysis according to relative frequency of synonymous codon ( RFSC ) which is calculated by RFCS program written by ourselves .

  11. 以大肠杆菌基因组为样本,研究同义密码子重复序列与ORF全序列中各密码子相对使用频率的差异,分析同义密码子重复序列中密码子重复的偏好。

    With the genome of E. coli taken as a specimen , the difference of relative synonymous codon usage between synonymous codon repeat sequences and the whole ORF sequences is studied , and the bias of codon repeat in the synonymous codon repeat segments is analyzed .

  12. 不同基因组中同义密码子重复序列的分析与比较

    Comparison and Analysis of Synonymous Codon Repeat Sequences in Different Genomes

  13. 转座因子对水稻同义密码子使用偏性的影响

    Effects of transposable elements on synonymous codon usage bias in rice

  14. 基因表达水平与同义密码子使用关系的初步研究

    The relations of gene expression level and synonymous codon usage

  15. 同义密码子的频率分布地震加速度相位差谱分布的数字特征

    Digital characteristics of phase difference spectrum distribution of earthquake accelerogram

  16. 20个物种同义密码子偏性的比较分析

    Comparative studies on synonymous codon usage bias in twenty species

  17. 同义密码子的反常蛋白质二级结构偏好性

    Abnormal Preference of Synonymous Codons for Protein Secondary Structural Types

  18. 核苷酸序列变化主要表现在同义密码子的置换。

    The variations of nucleotide mainly occurred the replace of synonymous codons .

  19. 大肠杆菌同义密码子重复序列中密码子的使用

    Codon usage in the synonymous Condon repeat segments of E.coli

  20. 蛋白质二级结构中同义密码子与氨基酸上下文关联的偏好型

    Preference Context of Synonymous Codon and Amino Acid in the Protein Secondary Structure

  21. 同义密码子用语与氨基酸序列上下文的关联

    Correlation between Synonymous Codon Usage and the Amino Acid Sequence Contexts Interrelating Entropy

  22. 密码子使用偏性是指同义密码子在基因或基因组中不均衡使用的现象。

    The phenomenon of unequal usage of synonymous codons is called codon usage bias .

  23. 同义密码子非随机使用的理论模型

    A Model on Non-random Usage of Synonymous Codons

  24. 同义密码子用语与蛋白质二级结构信息

    Relations between synonymous codon usage and protein structure

  25. 同义密码子的频率分布云南省马铃薯晚疫病菌交配型分布及发生频率

    Distribution and occurrence frequency of mating type of Phytophthora infestans from potato in Yunnan

  26. 同义密码子非均匀使用频率的研究

    Study on Non-equal Usage of Synonymous Codons

  27. 在同义密码子重复序列中相同的密码子重复片段有非常明显的位置偏好。

    There is distinct position bias for the same codon repeat segments in synonymous codon repeat sequences .

  28. 基于拟氨基酸编码方法的同义密码子的偏好性与结合强度的相关性研究

    Correlation between the usage degree of the synonymous codon and the strength of combination based on the quasi-amino acid coding

  29. 由此结果可推广到研究两家族同义密码子的偏好性问题。

    The results of this can be extended to the issues of the synonymous codon in the two families . 2 .

  30. 结果表明一部分密码子在同义密码子重复序列中的使用与其在全编码序列中明显不同。

    The results show that some codons ' usage in synonymous codon repeat sequences is different from the codon usage in all coding sequences ;