
  • 网络Gillet;Jean-Francois Gillet;CAT LAI;Guillaume Gillet;Gilley
  1. 第二章介绍了啁啾镜和吉莱-图努瓦干涉反射镜等负色散镜的原理。

    In Chapter 2 , the principle of negative dispersion mirrors including chirped mirrors and Gires-Tournois interferometer mirrors was described .

  2. 第四章中,设计和制作了优化吉莱-图努瓦反射镜,并在钛宝石激光器中获得了最短15fs的锁模脉冲。

    In Chapter 4 , the optimized Gires-Tournois mirrors for a Ti : sapphire laser are devised , with which as short as 15 fs pulses are obtained .

  3. 几个女儿也住在吉莱,但在市区的另一端:照料家庭,忙于生计。她一个月只能去看她们一两回。

    Her daughters were in Chennai but they lived at the other end of the city & busy with their families , involved in their own lives . She was able to visit them lust once or twice a month .