
  • 网络STAPLES;SPLS;Staples Inc
  1. 另外到今年六月底,在史泰博的门店里也将能够买到数量有限的3D打印机。

    The device will be available in a limited number of Staples stores by the end of June .

  2. 对大型零售公司的攻击才刚开始,比如塔吉特(Target)、家得宝(HomeDepot)和史泰博(Staples)。

    Breaches at major retailers like Target , Home Depot and Staples were only the beginning .

  3. 随后兴起了整合潮,但在1997年,监管机构拒不批准史泰博收购欧迪办公(OfficeDepot)。

    Consolidation followed , but in 1997 , regulators blocked Staples " bid for Office Depot .

  4. 美国办公用品公司史泰博(Staples)的市值很可能将出现显著下降。

    Staples may be heading for a steep decline in value .

  5. 史泰博应该立即转变业务模式,向IBM那样朝着增值产品和服务转型。

    Instead , staples should immediately leverage its corporate business and transition to services and value-added products in the way that IBM ( IBM ) did .

  6. 1986年,汤姆•施滕贝格(TomStemberg)在美国马萨诸塞州开了第一家史泰博(Staples)大型超市。

    In 1986 , Tom Stemberg opened the first Staples superstore in Massachusetts .

  7. 米特•罗姆尼喜欢谈论他在贝恩资本(BainCapital)做风险投资家时的那段时光,他的独具慧眼帮助史泰博(Staples)、TheSportsAuthority等新兴企业成长为今天的大公司。

    Mitt Romney likes to talk about his time as a venture capitalist with Bain Capital , helping to launch corporate giants like staples and the sports authority .

  8. 他们希望aeg中国设计并运营一个中国版的史泰博体育中心(staplescenter),该中心是我们在洛杉矶的场馆。

    They want AEG China to design and operate a version of the Staples Center , our arena in Los Angeles .

  9. 这让史泰博公司(Staples)和加拿大贝尔公司(BellCanada)这样的企业只用几周就推出了最新的应用商店。

    This lets companies like staples ( SPLs ) and Bell Canada ( BCE ) launch state-of-the-art app stores in just a matter of weeks .

  10. 上周五,办公用品提供商史泰博(Stapes)宣布,它将成为美国第一家销售3D打印机的零售企业。

    On Friday , office supply giant Staples ( SPLS ) announced that it is the first major American retailer to sell 3D printers .

  11. 挑战对手:史泰博(Staples,《财富》500强)、欧迪办公(OfficeDepot,《财富》500强)和一大批规模更小的办公用品商店。

    The challenge : taking on staples ( SPLs , Fortune 500 ) , Office Depot ( ODP , Fortune 500 ) , and an army of smaller office-products stores .

  12. 据报道,欧迪办公(OfficeDepot)与马克斯办公用品公司(OfficeMax)正在商谈并购,希望联手挑战史泰博(Staples)在办公用品行业的霸主地位。

    Office Depot ( ODP ) reportedly is in talks to merge with Office Max ( OMX ) , in a consolidation play aimed at challenging staples ( SPLs ) for office supply supremacy .

  13. 相比之下,沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)的同店销售额增长率达到了2.6%,况且沃尔玛的规模还要比史泰博大出10倍多。

    Compare that with same-store sales growth of 2.6 % for Wal-Mart ( WMT ) stores on a base that is more than ten times the size of staples .

  14. 家得宝(HomeDepot)、史泰博(Staples)和Lowe's等大型零售商,正将越来越多的店面空间划拨给此类产品,尽管人们还不清楚现在它们的市场到底有多大。

    Large retailers such as Home Depot , Staples and Lowe 's are devoting more and more floor space to such products , even though it is unclear how large the market for them is today .

  15. 史泰博正在关闭一些门店,并将继续这么做。

    Staples is closing stores and will go on doing so .

  16. 史泰博则下调了其全年销售及利润预期。

    Staples has cut its full-year sales and earnings guidance .

  17. 从长期角度来看,我认为史泰博被低估了。

    On a longer term basis , I think Staples is undervalued .

  18. 同时史泰博的商业客户正在寻找一切办法减少办公开支。

    Staples commercial customers are looking for savings wherever they can find them .

  19. 链接中是史泰博自己的证言。

    Here is a testimonial from Staples itself .

  20. 当时,史泰博正确地指出,互联网将提高价格透明度。

    At the time , Staples rightly argued the internet would increase price transparency .

  21. 有充分证据显示,史泰博的市值在中期可能也会出现重大损失。

    There is ample evidence that staples could also lose substantial value in the mid-term .

  22. 亚马逊可能短期内不会在这个领域做出挤压史泰博的举动。

    Amazon will probably not make any immediate move on this front to squeeze staples .

  23. 史泰博的目标是成为全球最好的办公用品公司。

    The mission of staples is to be the best office supply company in the world .

  24. 同时,我们也接受史泰博中国方面的善意批评和指正。

    Meanwhile , we accept and appreciate the criticism and correction of good-will from STAPLES China .

  25. (我们请史泰博的发言人对本话题发表评论,但该发言人并未回应。)

    ( a staples spokesperson did not respond to request for comment for this piece . )

  26. 今年2月初,欧迪办公再次同意以63亿美元出售给史泰博。

    Last week , Office Depot again agreed to be bought by Staples , for $ 6.3bn .

  27. 在史泰博等公司创立之时,办公设备的价格开始下降。

    Staples and others launched at a point when the cost of office machines was starting to fall .

  28. 但正如史泰博的创始人所说,很多伟大的公司诞生于那个年代。

    But , as Staples ' founder says , a lot of great companies came out of that era .

  29. 早在1996年,欧迪办公便同意以33.6亿美元,接受史泰博收购。

    Back in September 1996 , Office Depot agreed to be acquired by staples in a $ 3.36 billion deal .

  30. 史泰博必须迅速行动,避免自己遭到商品化和竞争的双重打击。

    Staples will have to move very quickly to save itself from this double barrel shotgun of commoditization and competition .