
  • 网络reversible phase transition;reversible phase change;reversible phase transformation
  1. 由于影响反应磁控溅射的因素很多,以及钒氧化物的种类繁多,而且具有68℃可逆相变的VO2薄膜的制备窗口范围很窄,制备单一物相的VO2薄膜非常困难。

    Many factors affect the reactive magnetron sputtering processes and there are many types of vanadium oxide , still the window range for preparing VO2 with a reversible phase transition at 68 ℃ are narrow , consequently , it is very hard to get phase-singled VO2 thin film .

  2. 行列初等变换求可逆矩阵的逆差热分析求可逆相变焓的模拟研究

    Simulation Study for Measuring Sample 's Latent Heat of Reversible Phase Transition in Differential Thermal Analysis

  3. Ti-Ni形状记忆合金多阶段可逆相变的类型及其演化过程

    Multi-stage reversible transformation types and their evolving processes of Ti-Ni shape memory alloys

  4. 卸压后样品为单斜结构,说明Y2O3第一个压致结构相变为不可逆相变。

    The decompressed sample is monoclinic structure , indicating that the first pressure - induced phase transition is irreversible .

  5. 根据成分及时效工艺不同,Ti-Ni合金可发生7种可逆相变。

    According to composition and aging process , 7 kinds of reversible phase transformation can take place in Ti-Ni alloys .

  6. 一个不可逆相变问题的整体古典解

    Global classical solution of an irreversible phase change problem

  7. 此相变为不可逆相变。贝氏体相变的过渡性玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的相变特征

    Phase transition characteristics of Bose-Einstein condensation

  8. 此相变为不可逆相变。

    The phase transition is irreversible .

  9. 最后就上述两种机理对静止与扩展裂纹的增韧效应进行了分析,提出了可逆相变条件下的增韧计算公式。

    Finally the toughening effects of these two mechanisms were analysed and a formula for pseudoelastic toughening calculation was proposed .

  10. 给出了一个不可逆相变问题,证明了给定s(t)时其解的先验估计。

    An irreversible phase change problem is given and the priori estimates for the solution with a given s ( t ) .

  11. 巧用设计途径法求算不可逆相变过程的状态函数增量

    Using skillfully " the design path " to solve the increment of the state function in the course of irreversible phase transition

  12. 采用一种简单混合物相变本构模型,对不可逆相变材料有限杆中的宏观相边界传播规律进行了研究。

    The rules regarding the propagation of irreversible phase boundaries along a finite rod are investigated with a phase transition constitutive model based on the simple mixture theory .

  13. 实验结果表明,在40&50℃之间,合金开始发生两类可逆的相变:马氏体相变和R相变。

    It was shown that two kinds of phase transformation , namely , of the martensite and the R-phase in the alloy are done between 40-50 ℃ .

  14. 本文从非平衡态热力学的原理出发探讨了化学剂的输运,多相流体的流动,不可逆热力学相变,几何相变等问题。

    The transport of chemical agents , the flow of multiphase fluids , the phase transition and the sealing theorem of geometric phase transition may be investigated in accordance with the principle of non-equilibrium thermodynamics .

  15. 相变存储器是利用脉冲电流的热效应使其记录层发生具有巨大阻值差异的可逆结构相变来记录和擦除数据。

    Phase-change random access memory ( PCM ) records and erases data by utilizing the thermal effect of the pulse current to make SET or RESET operation in its recording layer with a reversible phase-change structure of giant differential resistance between two phases .

  16. 据报道Ti-Nb基合金中的可逆马氏体相变会对合金的超弹性性能以及弹性各向异性产生显著的影响。

    It is reported that the reversible martensite transformation has significant influence on both the superelasticity and the elastic anisotropy in Ti-Nb based alloy .

  17. 因此使相变过程变得完全可逆,正反相变均按阻力最小的惯习面进行,试样即具有双程形状记忆效应。

    The specimen then possesses the two way shape memory effect .

  18. 温度超过100℃时,样品吸收的不可逆变化反映相变发生。

    When the sample was heated at temperature over 100 ℃ the thermal invertibility of absorption broke down indicating a phase change .

  19. 论述了微胶囊化的主要目的与优势,着重介绍了变色微胶囊可逆变色机理,相变微胶囊的控温及冷却作用机制。

    This paper summarized the main function and advantages of technology of microcapsules , emphasized on microcapsules mechanism of color change and temperature control .

  20. 二氧化钒是一种热致变色材料,能够在70℃附近发生可逆半导体&金属相变,基于此特性,二氧化钒有广泛的用途。

    Vanadium dioxide is a kind of thermochromic materials and can undergo reversible thermal-induced semiconductor-metal transition , so it can be used in many fields .