
  • 网络Contestable Market Theory;theory of contestable markets;contestable market
  1. 规制放松理论包括新自然垄断理论,可竞争市场理论、规制失灵理论、X&非效率理论;

    The deregulation theory includes new natural monopoly theory , contestable market theory , regulation failure theory and X-efficiency theory .

  2. 在规制理论中分析了规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论和规制经济论;还分析了马克思的微观规制理论和可竞争市场理论。

    As to the regulation theories , the analysis is about the public interest regulation theory , the regulation capture theory and the theory on regulatory economy , as well as the micro regulation theory and contestable market theory of Karl Marx .

  3. 可竞争市场理论述评

    On Theory of Contestable Markets

  4. 但随后的研究发现,完全竞争理论和可竞争市场理论与放松管制后航空公司的竞争行为表现的并不一致。

    But the later researches found that the theory of competitive market is not consistent with the behaviors of airlines ' competition after deregulation .

  5. 可竞争市场理论的产生与传统微观经济学的内在缺陷和理论应用中存在的问题有着直接的关系。

    The rise of the theory of contestable markets is in direct response to the internal defects of traditional microeconomics and problems resulting in application of its theories .

  6. 按照公共利益理论、部门利益理论、可竞争市场理论、新管制经济学的发展脉络,对管制理论进行梳理总结。

    The theory of regulation has been organized and reviewed according to the development trend of the public interest theory , sectional interest theory and new regulation economics .

  7. 从有效竞争理论和可竞争市场理论分析,在我国铁路运输业引入竞争,需要政府、企业、社会多方面的努力。

    From the valid competition theories and the competing market theories , it needs the effort from government , business enterprise and society to lead into the competition in Chinese railway industry .

  8. 在位航空公司利用航空频率经济性构建轮辐型网络结构和歧视定价,导致经典的可竞争市场理论在放松管制后的航空市场中失灵。

    The incumbent airline built Hub-Spoke network based on the economy of frequency and made the discriminate pricing , this led the failure of classic theory of contestable market in the airline business after the slack control .

  9. 西方规制理论的演进经历了五个阶段,它们分别是规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论、规制经济理论、可竞争市场理论以及激励规制理论。

    The evolution of western regulation theory contains five stages , which are the public interest theory of regulation , the capture theory of regulation , the economic theory of regulation , the theory of contestable markets and the incentive theory of regulation .