
  • 网络Sustainable management;Sustainability Management;REDD-PLUS
  1. 应用遥感监测ET技术实现北京市农业用水的可持续管理

    Realization of sustainable management of agricultural water supply in Beijing with ET technique of remote sensing monitoring

  2. 中国自然保护区可持续管理政策研究

    A policy study on sustainable management for China 's nature reserves

  3. 在其位于缅因州伯纳姆(Burnham)的工厂中,硬木(主要为购自该州可持续管理森林的白桦木)被剥除树皮,然后切割成木板等待干燥。

    At its factory in Burnham , Maine , hardwoods ( primarily white birch purchased from managed forests in the state ) are stripped of their bark and cut into boards for drying .

  4. 建立中国的牧草病害可持续管理体系

    Establishing sustainable management system for diseases of pasture crops in China

  5. 黄土高原生态恢复与可持续管理对策

    The Strategies of Ecological Restoration and Sustainable Administration on Loess Plateau

  6. 农业生态系统可持续管理中的水经济国际课程

    International Course on Water Economy in the Sustainable Management of Agro-ecosystems

  7. 中国河口环境问题及其可持续管理对策

    Environmental Problems and Countermeasures for Sustainable Management of the Estuaries in China

  8. 祁连山森林牧场生态系统特征与可持续管理

    Forest Grazing Ecosystem and the Sustainable Management in Qilian Mountains

  9. 论城市表层土壤中重金属的可持续管理与发展

    E City On Sustainable Management and Development of Heavy Metals in Urban Topsoil

  10. 资本理论在跨界河流流域可持续管理中的应用及实例分析

    Application of Capital Theory to Sustainable Management of Transboundary River Drainage and Example Analysis

  11. 企业资源可持续管理系统的资源循环功能与指标构成研究

    Research on Circulation Function and Index Constitution of Enterprise Resources Sustainable Developing Management System

  12. 生态系统可持续管理的原理和方法

    Principles and methods of sustainable management of ecosystem

  13. 从土壤种子库角度探讨草坪杂草的可持续管理

    A preliminary discussion on the turf-weed sustainable management from the soil weed seed bank

  14. 水资源可持续管理的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Sustainable Management of Water Resources

  15. 土壤质量与土壤可持续管理

    Soil Quality and Sustainable of Soil Management

  16. 城市雨水的可持续管理&波特兰绿色街道的设计及其启示

    Sustainable management of urban stormwater & the design and inspiration of Green Street , Portland

  17. 区域土地资源可持续管理评估研究&以广西梧州市为例

    The comprehensive evaluation on sustainable land management : a case study of Wuzhou city , guangxi

  18. 重庆市贫困山区农户旱灾脆弱性与土地可持续管理

    Vulnerability of Rural Household to Drought and Sustainable Land Management in Poor Mountainous Areas of Chongqing

  19. 实现森林可燃物可持续管理是减少和控制森林火灾的基础。

    Sustainable management of forest fuel is the basic of reducing and control over forest fire .

  20. 建设项目的可持续管理

    Sustainability management of construction project

  21. 发达地区城市土地可持续管理评估实践研究

    Practice on Sustainable Land Management Evaluation in Developed Urban Areas : A Case Study on Nanjing City

  22. 嫩江中下游湿地生态环境敏感性分析及可持续管理对策

    Susceptible Analysis on Ecological Environments and Management Measures of Wetlands in Middle and Low Reaches of Nenjiang River

  23. 区域土地可持续管理评估及实践研究

    The comprehensive evaluation and practices on Sustainable Land Management in regional scale : a case of Wuxi City

  24. 要实现自然资源的可持续管理,政府就必须付出努力并开展规划,而自然资源可持续管理可以带来另一个增长机遇。

    Sustainable management of natural resources requires government effort and planning , but also provides another growth opportunity .

  25. 本文运用生态学、管理学等原理,从生态系统结构、功能和过程等特征出发,详细论述了生态系统可持续管理的原理、手段和方法。

    This paper discussed the principles , means and methods of sustainable ecosystem management according to ecological and management principles .

  26. 2010年奥得低地战略设想&洪水可持续管理对策之圩地多功能利用(论文摘编)(英文)

    Concept oderbruch 2010 towards multifunctional use of polders as part of strategies for sustainable flood management ( in brief )

  27. 去年,我提出了建立亚太森林恢复与可持续管理网络的倡议。

    Last year , I initiated the proposal to establish the Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation [ APFnet ] .

  28. 我个人最喜欢的是云杉,一个轻量级的,快速增长的是廉价的木材来自可持续管理的森林提供。

    My personal favourite is spruce , a lightweight , fast growing wood that is cheap and available from sustainably managed forests .

  29. 在包括地热能源和其他无油页岩等常规能源资源的采矿和矿产行业中的可持续管理。

    Sustainable engineering in the mining and minerals industry including geothermal energy and other none conventional energy resources such as oil shale .

  30. 三是举办亚欧森林可持续管理应对气候变化高级研讨会,推动亚欧林业务实合作。

    Third , hold the ASEM High-level Forum on Sustainable Forestry Management to Address Climate Change and push forward practical cooperation in forestry .