
  • 网络Cuban music;Music of Cuba
  1. 它基于古巴音乐的旋律演化而来伦巴、波利和曼波在19世纪30年代到达非洲,或者说是回归故里,根植于非洲中部和西部的奴隶的歌声之中。

    This was based on the rhythms of Cuban music rumbas , boleros , mambos which reached Africa in the1930s , or rather returned there , having their roots in the songs of west and central African slaves .

  2. 今后一个时期,他似乎可以大桥能够团聚,古巴人的音乐。

    For a time it seemed he could be the bridge that could reunite the Cubans in music .

  3. SiáKaráCafé(Industria街502号,www.siakaracafe.com)位于哈瓦那旧城,提供价格合理的古巴美食。现场音乐演奏也很不错。

    Si á Kar á Caf é ( Calle Industria No. 502 , www.siakaracafe . com ) offers reasonably priced Cuban cuisine in the heart of Old Havana . It is also known for live music .

  4. 古巴吉他手,世界闻名的古巴音乐俱乐部林荫道俱乐部成员曼努埃尔·加尔班(ManuelGalban)在哈瓦那去世,享年80岁。

    The Cuban guitarist Manuel Galban , a member of the world-famous Cuban music collective , the Buena Vista Social Club , has died in Havana .