
  • 网络MAMBO
  1. 别忘去报名上曼波舞训练班。

    Don 't forget to sign up for Mambo lessons .

  2. 这档节目于2005年首播,出发点就是吃准了美国人喜欢看二线明星学跳曼波舞,随着摇摆爵士乐舞动的猎奇心理。

    The show debuted in 2005 and played on the idea that , apparently , Americans love watching C-list stars learning to mambo and showing off their jazz hands .

  3. 曼波舞一种源于拉丁美洲的舞蹈,类似于伦巴舞。

    A dance of Latin American origin , resembling the rumba .

  4. 那个被你称作曼波舞王的家伙。

    That guy you call the Mambo king .

  5. 不论何时我打电话你在家或者你在和你的女房东跳曼波舞。

    Whenever I call , you 're at home or you 're doing Mambo with your landlady .