
kǒu qiānɡ wèi shēnɡ
  • oral hygiene
  1. C组仅在初诊时进行口腔卫生指导,其余不作处理。

    Group C accepted no special treatment except the initial oral hygiene instruction .

  2. Eg的感染率与职业无关,与口腔卫生有关。

    The infections rate of Entamoeba gingivalis has no relation to occupation , but to oral hygiene .

  3. 比如你正在口腔卫生商品区,系统得知后,也许会给漱口水的定价减去几分钱。

    If you 're in the oral hygene aisle3 , for example , the system knows that , and may give you cents off on mouthwash .

  4. 南京市居民口腔卫生服务利用影响因素的Logistic回归分析

    Logistic regression analysis of influencing factors on the oral health services utilization in Nanjing city

  5. 研究检查了57个RA患者和52个健康人的口腔卫生问题。

    The study examined the oral health of57 RA patients and52 healthy controls .

  6. 结论UF100用于检测唾液RBC,精确可信,性能良好,在牙周疾病诊断和口腔卫生保健中有实用意义。

    It has functional significance on diagnosing periodontal diseases and oral health care .

  7. 影响家庭成员口腔卫生服务利用的多因素分析采用Logistic回归,建立口腔卫生服务利用的就诊概率模型。

    A study of multi-factors on the utilization of dental services in Chinese residents was analyzed by Logistic regression model .

  8. 目的以Logistic回归方法分析部队人员口腔卫生服务利用与否的某些影响因素的关系,为建立我军合理有效的口腔卫生服务体系提供依据。

    Objective To assess the multi-factors on the utilization of dental services for military personnels with Logistic regression model in China .

  9. 结论在口腔卫生保健方面,进食后漱口是ECC的保护因素。

    Conclusion Mouth-rinsing after meal is a protective factor against early childhood caries .

  10. 目的观察肝炎患者中不同口腔卫生指标对唾液HBVdna状况的影响,探讨牙周健康状况在乙型肝炎传播流行中的意义。

    Objective To quantify the HBV DNA in saliva of chronic hepatitis B patients and to study its relation to the periodontal status of the patients .

  11. 目的:为探讨幽门螺杆菌(HelicobacterPylori,Hp)的感染方式和感染途径,对口腔卫生和胃病关系进行了调查,并对不同使用时间和不同保管方法的牙刷上Hp的分布进行了研究。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship of oral hygiene and distribution of Helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) to stomach diseases .

  12. 深圳市罗湖区小学生口腔卫生KAP调查

    Knowledge , Attitude and Practice of Pupils ' Oral Health in Shenzhen

  13. 结果多因素Logistic分析提示化疗、粘膜反应早期未应用抗生素、口腔卫生差、患病前有吸烟史为发生严重口腔粘膜炎的高危因素;

    RESULTS : Multifactorial Logistic regression showed that chemotherapy , bad oral hygiene status , not using antibiotic at early stage mucositis , smoking history were high risk factors of serious mucositis .

  14. 目的探讨口腔卫生教育对牙周参数和幽门螺杆菌(Hp)在牙菌斑中分布的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of oral health education ( mouth rinses , tooth brushing , oral prophylaxis ) on periodontal indices and distribution of helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) in dental plaque .

  15. 学生组口腔卫生保健行为掌握率78.47%,成人组75.80%,两组间无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    The percentage of oral hygiene behavior of the student groups was 78.47 % , while that of the adult group was 75 . 80 % . The difference was not significant ( P 0.05 ) .

  16. 尽管如此,研究发现,不良的口腔卫生并不能将RA和牙周疾病联系起来,这提示了,可能还存在另外一些致病因素。

    However , these research findings indicate that poor oral hygiene alone did not account for the association between RA and gum disease , suggesting that other factors may play a role as well .

  17. 方法分层、整群、随机抽取城乡居民3395人进行调查,利用单变量Logistic回归、方差分析和三部模型方法进行口腔卫生服务利用和费用的因素分析。

    Methods 3395 subjects were selected by stratified , clustering , random sampling . Univariant Logistic regression method , ANOVA analysis and three-part model method were used to analyze the affecting factors on the dental care utilization and expenditure .

  18. 结果:3个月后,教育组学生的口腔卫生指数(OHI)与对照组相比有明显改善(P<0.05),牙龈指数(GI)也有明显下降(P<0.05)。

    RESULTS : After a 3-month programme , the OHI and GI of test group were significantly improved than those of the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 口腔卫生与卫生习惯和胃病关系的研究方法:对198例牙菌斑标本Hp-PCR检测阳性患者进行分组治疗:胃镜检查无胃病的ROU患者(A组)仅接受针对ROU的治疗;

    Study of relationship between oral hygiene , oral health habit and stomach diseases METHODS : 198 dental plaque Hp positive ROU patients were collected and treated in different groups .

  20. 方法通过100例正畸儿童使用菌斑染色剂染色并给予全面的口腔卫生指导,分别对矫治前、矫治初期、矫治末期、保持期进行菌斑指数(PLI)测试及比较。

    Methods Investigate the plaque index ( PLI ) of 100 cases of orthodontic children in pre-treatment , initial-treatment , post-treatment and maintainer by using plaque disclosing agent .

  21. 目的对比患者不同的口腔卫生习惯、不同的义齿设计、不同的义齿材料等,以分析可摘局部义齿(removablepartialdentures,RPDs)对口腔微生态的影响。

    Objective To compare the effect of different factors (① oral hygiene habits ,② designs of dentures ,③ material of dentures ) on abutment teeth of removable partial dentures ( RPDs ) .

  22. 口腔卫生措施:每天刷牙两次的占744%,刷牙时间达到3min以上的仅77%,坚持使用含氟牙膏的166%,使用过牙线的人仅6%;

    74.4 % brush teeth twice per day , only 7.7 % brush teeth over 3 minutes , 16.6 % insist in fluoridated toothpaste , and only 6 % had applied dental floss .

  23. 方法对175名12~14岁儿童2年中新增龋与基线DMFS、口腔卫生行为、菌斑指数和牙菌斑中无机成分等指标进行纵向观察;

    Methods Subjects were 175 of 12 ~ 14 years old schoolchildren . DMFS , plaque scores and oral health behavior were recorded in baseline , year 1 and year 2 examinations .

  24. 结果口腔卫生状况较差者,既往看牙或拔牙经历痛苦者,拔牙当天精神状态较差者或母亲文化程度较低者的患儿CFSSDS的评分值和Venham评定级别明显较高,且有统计学意义。

    Results CFSS DS scores and clinical ratings of behavior of the children were significantly higher in the children whose oral hygiene condition , dental experience , tooth extraction experience , spirit status on that day and whose mother 's educational background were bad or low .

  25. 高龄人群口腔卫生保健情况调查

    Investigation of the knowledge about oral health care of the elderly

  26. 骨科卧床患者口腔卫生情况调查

    A Study on Oral Hygiene of Unmobilizable Patients in Orthopedic Department

  27. 家长态度与儿童口腔卫生习惯形成的关系

    Relationship between parents ' attitude and children 's oral health behavior

  28. 结果:老年人口腔卫生习惯不良,口腔卫生保健知识贫乏;

    The aged people have poor dental health knowledge and habits .

  29. 方法对某干休所53名军队离退休干部进行口腔卫生行为问卷调查。

    Methods To investigation 53 retired veterans oral hygiene by questionnaire .

  30. 医务人员口腔卫生知识调查分析

    The survey of dental health knowledge of medical workers in Guangzhou